Tina and Rosa xxx adventures

Two months ago, my life changed in an amazing
way. My best friend Ron and I were exploring an iso-
lated island off the Florida coast, an island rumored
to once have been inhabited by an Aztec tribe ruled by
the tribe’s women. After being driven from their native
Mexico, this legendary tribe found its way to the is-
land and worshipped a Sun Goddess in almost complete
isolation for hundreds of years. According to legend,
they were wiped out by a massive hurricane a few years
before Columbus discovered the New World.

While on the island, after being guided by a
dream of a beautiful woman, I discovered a cave full
of ancient carvings depicting the life of the tribe.
Inside the cave, I found a silver box with an ornate
pair of earrings. When I left the cave, there was a
rockslide that covered the entrance with tons of rock.
But the real surprise came that night, when for some
reason I tried on the earrings after Ron went to sleep.

I underwent an amazing transformation into a
beautiful, dark-haired woman. This new body of mine was
fabulous: About 5’2, lithe but very curvy with large,
full, firm breasts, a beautiful face with big, brown
eyes, deeply tanned skin and long, luscious dark hair.

Although I am 44, this body looked and felt
about 20. When I removed the earrings, I instantly
changed back to my male middle aged body.

This woman’s body also had a very high sex
drive. While in that state, I was in a tremendous
state of desire. Although I’ve never had any sexual
thoughts toward men, when in that womanly state I
desired men and women, dreamed of all manner of wild,
sexual experiences.

When I removed the earrings and reverted to my
male self, my desires returned to normal. It seemed
that when transformed into this young woman, the
body’s desires took me over completely.

When we left the island and arrived in the small
Florida town before catching our plane, I seduced Ron
while in my woman’s body – I told him my name was

I found myself having orgasms of a kind I never
thought possible, and with Ron of all people.

But the next morning, the worst thing happened
– Ron accidentally knocked an earring off, and I trans-
formed back into my male self right in front of him.
Ron was shocked, to say the least. But I explained the
magical find, and convinced him to try them on. Against
his better judgment, he did – and immediately trans-
formed into a beautiful woman, different than the one
I had become, but equally beautiful and sexy.

This woman Ron became – which he later called
“Tina” – was about an inch taller than Rosa, but still
petite, about 5’3″. She also was very large busted as
well, and like Rosa had luscious dark long hair, but a
bit shorter – to her shoulders instead of halfway down
her back. Tina was also equally as horny as the young
girl I had transformed into. We soon were having sex,
and Tina and I had amazing orgasms.

I fucked her in all conceivable positions for
hours. Neither of us wanted to give up the amazing
experience of transforming into a fabulously beautiful
and sexy girl, so we moved in together when we returned
to the city where we lived.

We alternated using the earrings. It was as if
we were two couples – half the time it was Ron and
Rosa, half the time Mike and Tina. Fortunately, both
of us had received large inheritances in recent years
and didn’t have to worry too much about work – We just
cut working hours in half.

We spent so much time together, exploring these
new bodies, that we almost never saw family or friends.
Fortunately neither of us had a wife or girlfriend at
the time – Ron was divorced, and I had broken up with
my steady about a six months previous.

But within a few months, despite the amazing
sex, our curiosity consumed us and we wanted – no,
almost felt compelled – to return to the island.


The chartered boat dropped us off on the shore
of the lush, but deserted island. We had five days to
try to get back into the cave, before the boat would
return. We were loaded down with excavation equipment.

Both of us were in our male selves. It was
strange – for the last two months, one of us had been
female at all times. We didn’t even bring the earrings
– Ron figured there was no reason to risk losing them.

After establishing camp, we hiked up to the cave
site, carrying shovels, small explosives, and other
tools we hoped would get us back into the cave. We
weren’t sure what we would find, but we hoped we would
find some insight into the amazing powers of this
artifact we had discovered.

I also, perhaps unrealistically, wondered if
there were other magical items left behind by this
mysterious tribe of beautiful Aztec women.

But after a full day of work, we were no closer
to the cave than when we started. Each explosion we
set off, hoping to clear the mouth, only brought more
rocks sliding down. The digging equipment was useless
– the rocks covering the cave weighed tons. Each day
was equally frustrating.

I began to fear that, while we had unearthed
one amazing, wonderful Aztec secret, the rest were lost
to us. The final night we wearily went to sleep under
the starts, not saying much. The next afternoon, the
boat would come and we would have to leave.

But after dozing off … I looked in front of
me, and a beautiful girl was standing over me. It was
the same one I had dreamed of when we were last at the
island! She was clad only in scanty animal skins, which
showed off her buxom figure, and her strong, lithe

“I’m glad you joined us,” she said, smiling. “By
becoming one of us, you are learning the power of our
tribe’s women.”

I was unable to speak, overcome by her beauty.

“There is more for you to learn,” she said.
“Much more.” She beckoned me to follow her. She led me
through the woods, but away from the site of the cave.

This time we arrived in a different area, on the
other side of the island’s small mountain. She pointed.
Deep in the underbrush, I saw it – the entrance to
another cave! She smiled and said nothing … Then I
awoke with a start!


The next morning I excitedly told Ron of the

“Well let’s get up there,” he said. “We only
have a few hours before the boat arrives.” He had the
same thoughts as I did – what could be there?

After the short hike, we arrived at the site the
Aztec woman had shown me. Sure enough, as we pushed
through the brush, we found it.

Ron looked at me. “You first, or me?” he asked.

“I had the dream, I think that means I get the
honors,” I said.

“Go for it, buddy.”

A flashlight in front of me, I pushed my way
into the small entrance. When Ilooked around, I gasped.
This cave was much larger, and more ornate than the
previous one. The walls were covered with carvings,
depicting the life of the island’s tribe. It showed
scantily clad, beautifully buxom women running the
island’s affairs, their men lovingly and happily taking
a subordinate role. Many of the carvings showed elabor-
ate sex – some traditional man/woman sex, lesbian sex,
and all combinations of threesomes, foursomes and even
large orgies.

Obviously sex was a large part of the daily
lifestyle of these people, and no inhibitions seemed
to exist! But what was really breathtaking was a large,
golden altar at the end of the cave.

It was apparently to the Sun Goddess these
people worshiped. It was a large gold woman, seated on
a throne, nude, her hair flowing like the fires of the
sun. She had a wise, knowing yet sexy smile.

“Holy shit!” Ron said. He had climbed into the
cave behind me.

We spent almost an hour looking in awe at the
cave paintings and the ornate alter. It was only then
that I saw the silver box. It was at the foot of the
alter, covered in carvings similar to those on the
wall. “Check this out,” I said, picking it up.

Ron shined his light onto the box. I slowly
opened it … Inside were 10 silver rings, each lined
up in two rows of five. All of the rings were ornately
carved with different symbols. “Let’s get back to
camp,” I said. Ron readily agreed.


Back at the camp, we realized we didn’t have
time to examine the rings in great detail. We were also
not prepared to put one on, until we had plenty of time
and were in no danger of being caught by a boat

The trip back to Florida’s coast seemed to take
forever. But many hours later, we were on shore and had
checked into a hotel in the small coastal town. We took
turns showering and changing out of our grimy clothes.
Finally, we sat down and opened the silver box.

The rings glistened. We looked at them closely,
not quite ready to touch them. “Look Ron, they seem to
be pairs of two, they all have different symbols …
ten rings with five different symbols,” I said.

“It’s almost as if they are meant to be for two
people,” he said, looking at me.

“Wow,” I said. “The woman in the dream must
really have been speaking to me… and she knew you
were with me.” After closer inspection, we saw that
the two rings on the left both had the same symbols
as the earrings that first pulled us into this adven-
ture – a brilliant sun.

“Do you think … ?” he said.

“I think we should try these first,” I said.
“They seem the most familiar.”

We each took one of the Sun rings from the box.
They seemed warm to the touch. My hand tingled as I
held it.

“You ready, buddy?” Ron asked.

I nodded.

“On three,” I said. “One .. two … three!”

A warm feeling rushed through me, and I swooned
with dizziness … the world around me went bright …
Then everything steadied .. and I realized I had trans-
formed into Rosa. I blinked, and looked forward … and
there was beautiful, sexy Tina, sitting somewhat dazed
in front of me.

“R-Rosa?” Tina stammered in her soft, girlish

“Yes, it’s me all right,” I said, still adjust-
ing to hearing the soft voice – my voice – several
octaves higher than my male voice.

I stared at her .. it was the first time I had
seen Tina through a woman’s eyes. Tina was doing the
same. “Well I guess we know what the rings do .. At
least the Sun Rings,” Tina said.

We gazed at one another for what seemed like an
eternity. Suddenly we both laughed. There we were, two
beautiful young women, sitting there clothed in over-
sized men’s clothes. Our big, firm breasts were both
practically popping out of the T-shirts we had been

“Let’s get out of these clothes,” Tina said,
smiling sexily and giggling.

I felt a rush of excitement, realizing that I
was soon going to make love to Tina … in my beautiful
Rosa body. Since we found the earrings, we had only
explored heterosexual sex with one another, as we were
not ready to attempt to bring others into our interest-
ing but strange situation.

Tina walked over to me and pulled my shirt off
over my head. I shivered as she exposed my breasts,
the cool air causing my skin to tingle. She moaned
softly and gently ran her small hands over them …

I sighed heavily with pleasure at the amazing
feeling of a woman’s soft hands on my own woman’s body.
I found myself tugging at her shirt just as she was
unzipping my jeans.

Within minutes, we had stripped each other nude,
and I pulled her close, embracing her. The feeling of
our soft yet firm bodies touching was incredible. We
were both quite large-breasted (judging from the cave
paintings, very large, perfect breasts seemed to be the
norm for the Aztec Island women … must have been in
the genes) and when we embraced, our womanly curves
crushed against one another.

The feelings we caused in each other were
wonderful, my nipples swelled in excitement. We kissed
.. another beautiful new feeling.

I had kissed Tina many times, but always as
Mike, never as Rosa (obviously, since only one of us
could wear the earrings at one time). It was incredible
feeling Tina’s soft face against my own smooth female
face, instead of the hard male face I was used to when
kissing Tina.

I tingled with desire, feeling her full lips
pressing against my own. She opened her mouth slightly
and I slipped my tongue between her lips, feeling her
hands rub down my back and begin to caress my firm ass.

This feeling was very different than holding
and caressing a woman while being a man – or a man
while being a woman, for that matter. It was much
softer, gentler, but with a special knowledge of the
other lover’s body one gains only by having such a

As Tina and I ran our hands over one another,
still passionately french-kissing, I knew exactly
which buttons to push – as did she. I turned and
glanced at the mirror, and was overcome with lust at
the sight. Two luscious, sexy dark-haired young women,
rubbing their bodies together, pushing their large,
well-formed chests together – well my pussy was almost
instantly sopping at the sight.

Tina had also looked in the mirror. “I had
always loved watching steamy lesbian sex scenes in
adult videos,” she purred. “I had never dreamed I
would be in one myself.”

She began kissing her way down my body, stopping
at my breasts, spending a long time kissing and sucking
on my nipples. I shivered and panted with pleasure,
rubbing her thick beautiful hair. “Ohhh Tina,” I
moaned, beginning to breathe heavily.

She continued her odyssey of kissing, moving
finally from my bosom down to my stomach, and began to
gently push me down onto the bed. I began moaning with
pleasure and anticipation as Tina expertly played my
body with her hands, mouth and tongue.

She kissed her way down, covering my stomach and
then my hips with her lips. I closed my eyes when she
slowly spread my legs. She kissed all over my inner
thigh, moving closer toward the warm wetness between my

I sighed with yearning, still trying to compre-
hend the waves of excitement rolling through me. The
Tina planted along, wet kiss on my nicely trimmed
pussy. I moaned as her soft, full lips met my wet
folds. An intense feeling of pleasure began building
between my legs and she continued kissing me – and then
ran her supple tongue up and down the wet lips of my

“Ohhhhh Tinnnnna,” I gasped, and began to caress
her hair with both of my hands as she started gently
but excitedly lapping at my pussy. The feeling was
amazing. As Rosa, I had experienced having my pussy
eaten before, but it was always from Ron’s male self.
Now, feeling Tina’s smooth face between my legs, the
wonderful feeling was even more delightful.

“Oh god, the saying is true,” I cooed. “Girls
are the best when it comes to eating pussy.”

She stopped for a moment and smiled up at me.
“You like that baby?” she asked, smiling sexily.

“Ooh god yes!”

She grinned and continued lapping enthusias-
tically at my sopping pussy for what seemed like
forever. The pleasure was building to a boiling point.
I was not squirming with delight, caressing my breasts
and squeezing my nipples as my beautiful female lover
expertly devoured my pussy.

When she wrapped her lips around my swollen clit
and began to suck on it, my body boiled over. I began
to cry out with ecstasy as a powerful orgasm hit my
body. I jerked and screamed Tina’s name over and over
as she continued greedily sucking my clit, forcing the
orgasm to pound me over and over. I writhed in pleasure
during the seemingly endless cum, finally coming back
to earth, collapsing under Tina, gasping for breath.

“How was that, lover?” she said, smiling sexily
I could only moan my appreciation as I recovered.

“Oh god Tina … that was incredible … I think
it was even better than the orgasms you give me as
Ron,” I moaned.

She pulled me close and we kissed deeply,
mingling our tongues together. I slipped my hand down
between her legs and ran my hand over Tina’s pussy –
and felt it dripped with her sweet juices.

“I think its your turn,” I said, smiling sexily,
and pushing her back down on the bed. She didn’t resist,
only breathing heavily in anticipation as I began to
kiss toward her beautiful pussy, just as she had done
to me. When I began eating Tina’s sweet pussy, I was
overcome at how different the experience was as a woman.
My smooth face and full lips seemed to fit perfectly
between another woman’s legs.

My woman’s tongue and mouth seemed to instinc-
tively know how to pleasure a pussy. I heard Tina’s
lustful animal gasps as I attacked her pussy, lapping
and sucking with abandon, desperate to make her feel
as incredible as she had me. I reached up and caresses
her firm, perfect breasts while I lapped at her pussy,
tweaking and squeezing her erect nipples. She moaned
with pleasure, lost in the sexy waves rushing through

She exploded suddenly, gasping and then scream-
ing as she came. “OOOOHHhhhhHHH FUCK!” she shouted,
bucking her hips into my face as she came.

I felt my face drenched with her sweet juices as
she came over and over. When her orgasms finally reced-
ed, she was gasping for breath. “That was … that was
unlike anything I have ever felt,” she said.

This time I was the one smiling with pride at
the orgasm I had given to my lover. We held each other
for a while, whispering quietly, giggling softly, and
slowly exploring every inch of our bodies with our

That inevitably led to another awakening of
desire … and we decided to pleasure one another. I
crawled atop Tina’s luscious body, and buried my head
between her legs, just as I spread my own legs and
lowered my pussy onto her face.

Despite the incredible sexual pleasures I had
already experienced that evening, I quickly discovered
that being in a 69 with another girl was truly incre-
dible. The feeling of greedily devouring a woman’s
pussy while she is doing exactly the same to yours …
it’s amazing.

As we lapped at one another, Tina squeezed and
caressed my ass. Our large, firm breasts pressed
against one another’s stomachs, still another area
where pleasure coursed through us.

At one point, after devouring one another and
riding waves of pleasure for what seemed like an un-
ending time, I glances for a moment back at the mirror.

The scene was incredibly hot. Two extremely sexy
young women, their bodies glistening with perspiration,
long dark hair tousled, legs wrapped around one another
in a hot, sexy 69 position, gobbling each other’s
pussies as if nothing else existed. The sight set me
off into still another orgasm – this one the biggest
of the night. As my body began to spasm, I felt Tina
also beginning to cum beneath me.

We both writhed in intense ecstasy hanging on
to one another for dear life. After the orgasms sub-
sided, Tina looked at me and smiled contentedly.

“I have a feeling we’re going to enjoy these
new Aztec secrets,” she said with a sexy grin.

“I think that was the idea when we were guided
to them,” I said. “I have a feeling we’re in for some
wild adventures.” Then we quickly fell asleep, wrapped
in each other’s arms.