The Ladies Club

Vicky Holmes cast a final glance in the dresser mirror before she left
the room. She saw a tall attractive woman of 5ft 8in with strikingly
attractive features. Blonde shoulder length hair framed an intelligent
mature face, one that seemed to suggest a vast store of worldly experience,
while her deep blue eyes hinted at great sensuality. The lilac blouse and
black skirt hugged her sleek body and emphasised her shapely breasts,
narrow waist and flaring hips.

No one just looked at her once; men and women were captivated by her
sexuality, an impression she made without effort. Despite her forty-two
years she was still a stunning woman. Her face betrayed a small smile as
she glanced at her refection in the mirror and turned out the light.

Chapter 1

Vicky was the highflying Vice President of a well-known financial
institution. She had a busy life style that left her very little time for
the niceties of dating, especially the kind of dating she preferred. She
was a lesbian; it was something she didn’t talk about except to one or two
of her closest friends who shared her inclinations. She also liked girls,
especially if they were young.

She listened with interest when one of her friends, a professional woman
like Vicky, spoke of a very discreet circle of women. They were sitting in
a plush bar surrounded by other City executives who were taking the
opportunity to relax after a hard day of business. The two women loosened
up as the drinks kept coming and naturally as these things go, the
conversation soon turned to sex. As both women were lesbians the subject
of their conversation was other women.

Her friend was in her mid thirties; an attractive blonde with a trim
shapely figure. She was also an admirer of the younger female and as the
evening progressed it soon became clear that they shared almost exactly the
same interests. Except Jill was a voyeur who fantasised about watching
older women and girls, while Vicky preferred to be involved.

It became apparent – as Jill drained her fifth Bacardi – that she had
taken things further than mere fantasy and had been as fortunate – to
Vicky’s open-mouthed envy – to make her carnal desires real. Seeing the
empty glass and eager for her friend to continue, Vicky clicked her fingers
impatiently; the waiter knew her and hurried over with another round of
drinks before setting them down and withdrawing.

“Well let’s just say I met her in a chat room.” She gestured
dismissively with her empty hand. “Anyhow there was a room called ‘Younger
Girls and Older women’, naturally I was intrigued so I entered. I didn’t
really meet anyone interesting the first night, but after a couple more
fruitless efforts, I got chatting to a woman called Carol. Carol was

She paused to take a good swish of the soothing drink, then noted her
friend’s impatience and giggled slightly, amused by her friends sudden
interest and the affects of the Bacardi.

“Ooops sorry. Where was I?”

“Carol was interesting.” Said Vicky calmly.

“Yes, yes she was very interesting. She was having sex with her

The hubbub of the now crowded bar seemed to melt away into the distance
as Vicky stared into her glass; seemingly examining its contents with
narrow eyed interest.

“Are you certain she wasn’t just saying this?”

Jill gave a throaty chuckle followed by a fleeting wink.

“Yeah I’m sure. Once we’d sussed each other out and chatted a few times
we exchanged phone numbers. She was genuine all right. I explained I just
wanted to watch and she said that was ok, it was cool. But if I wanted to
join in that would have been cool as well. In fact if I’d wanted to, I
could have had the girl to myself and the Mother would have gone out and
left us to it.”

“How old was the girl and what did she look like?” asked Vicky in a
softer tone.

“I don’t know if I aught to say this now.” She slurred hesitantly.

“But you will won’t you dear?”

Another large Bacardi materialised in front of her to the summons of
Vicky’s snapping fingers. Jill took a good swig and continued.

“She was thirteen. So cute. Such an angel and so, so pretty. In fact
the prettiest girl you could ever dream of.” She sighed.

Vicky looked at her friend intently for a moment, searching her eyes for
the hint of a lie. Then seemingly satisfied she took a long draw on her
own drink and placed the empty glass on the table.

“You know Jill; you’re firm and mine aught to get together sometime.
I’m sure C.R.U. Corp. could do business with Sanford Pharmaceuticals.
Why don’t you send me some proposals? I’m sure my organisation will be
very receptive. Make sure your name’s on them dear, once you’ve done that
I’ll arrange the formality of a board meeting to approve them.” She said
with the lightest of smiles.

The clouds of alcohol lifted and dispersed as Jill felt the warm wind of
opportunity blowing her way. Suddenly sober she recognised the offer and
the payment expected in return. Her firm had never managed to win an order
from the mighty C.R.U. Corporation; it would mean a boost to her company’s
profits never seen before, and with her name on the orders. She could
practically name her price with her bosses if she could swing it. It would
go through she decided. She was going to make it big.

“Would you like me to put you in touch with the lady I’ve just
mentioned? I’m sure she would be interested in meeting a fellow…
enthusiast?” She asked measuring her words.

Vicky’s smiled widened to one of (apparently) surprised delight.

“Oh Jill.” She gushed. “How kind of you. Well yes, that would be
marvellous. Thank you dear. I’d be delighted to meet her” She paused for
a moment, the smile still there but her eyes full of meaning as she added.
“Both of them.”

“No problem.” Said Jill efficiently. I’ll take care of the details.
Can you email a photo for me to forward to Carol, her Mother?”

“No problem.”

“Oh and your phone number of course, she’ll want to ring you.”

“Sure, I’ll give you my home number. Ask her to ring after eight if you
will. I’ll be back from the office by then.”

Jill reached forward and lifted her glass in the air in what could have
been a salute of triumph.

“It’s as good as done.”

The two glasses clinked in the crowded restaurant as the deal was
struck, a promise of greet things to come for both of them.

The call came two days later after Vicky got home from the office. She
nearly sprinted for the phone just as she had been doing every time it had
rang for the last two days. This time she wasn’t disappointed it was the
call she’d been waiting for.

“Hello. Vicky Holmes speaking”

“Hello Miss Holmes. This is Carol; I’m a friend of Jill. She gave me
your phone number I hope you don’t mind… I believe we share a mutual

The voice sounded clear and confidant, a woman who sounded as though she
wouldn’t be out of place in the kind of circles Vicky moved in. She felt
her skin begin to moisten and her lips go dry. She ran her tongue over
them briefly before she began the conversation, aware of how important her
words would be.

“We do indeed. Thank you so much for getting in touch with me Carol, I
do appreciate it.”

“Oh my pleasure. I loved your photo Vicky.”

“Oh thank you, it’s one I had taken on holiday last year.”

“Hmm, love the bikini, you’re very attractive… a marvellous body too.
You must work out to get it so well toned.”

“Thank you. Yes when I can, well at least twice a week. I live a busy
life, a bit hectic I suppose… but yes I look after myself.”

The woman’s tone suddenly became more business like now that she judged
the opening pleasantries were over.

“So you’d like to join our little circle Vicky?”

“Yes I would. I believe I share your interests in all respects.”

“And what might our interests be?”

Time to be bold she decided. She hadn’t risen to the top of her company
without trusting her judgement.

“Being attended to by young girls. Personally, I can’t think of
anything more adorable. Every woman should have the opportunity to let her
self loosen up that way. At least in an ideal world.” Then adding softly.
“My kind of world.”

Carols laugh tinkled down the line.

“Oh you’re going to do fine, just fine. Are there any particular
services you would like? There’s about fifteen of us in all. The adults
that is, we have about half as many girls. Some of us like Tina and I, are
Mother and Daughter but we also allow single women to have the use of our
girls if they fit in okay. Oh, and if we think they can be discreet of
course, I almost forgot that aspect; its very important as you will
appreciate, some of our people have extremely responsible positions in

“Of course I wouldn’t do or say anything to place anyone in jeopardy. I
have as well; I wouldn’t want to endanger that. I’m also more than willing
to make a substantial contribution in regard to any finance. I’d be more
than willing to contribute in any way.”

“Not necessary. We’re hedonists, money isn’t important, only pleasure.”
She shot back. “So tell me. Is there anything in particular you might
enjoy, anything goes except pain.”

“Well… I love receiving oral… you know trying it in different ways
and positions, I can be very demanding.”

“Hmm yes. Look, do you enjoy anything really nasty? For instance, we
all have our little kinks and preferences don’t we? How about toilet sex
for one? That’s my particular penchant.”

Vicky’s gripped the receiver and closed her eyes. Never in her dreams
could she have imagined such an offer, for if this was Carol’s ‘penchant’
it was hers as well.

“It’s mine also. I can hardly believe you’re offering me this. Yes
please! I’d love to do that with a little girl, it’s my dearest fantasy.”

” Good. That’s excellent! How about Friday evening?”

“Try to stop me!”

…Friday Evening

Vicky pressed the doorbell on the oaken door, sending chimes ringing
around the mansion like building. One of the most stunning women Vicky had
ever seen opened the door. She was a living Goddess, taller than Vicky at
nearly six feet with a voluptuous figure and legs that went on forever.
Shiny black hair hung long and straight down her narrow back and framed an
exquisite and beautiful face. Her skimpy black halter-top barely contained
a pair of generous pointed breasts, which jutted and strained against the
tight material. Below that, her bare narrow waist and dimpled belly button
stood out in contrast to the dark material above and the clinging jeans
that gripped her hips.

“Hello Vicky.” She beamed. “Do come in, you’re very welcome.”

“Thank you.” Vicky smiled back.

A cheeky looking girl stepped out from behind her Mother and smiled up
at Vicky…

“Hi. You must be Tina. Vicky smiled. Nice to meet you”

Tina giggled like a stream behind the protective shield of her Mother.

“No you don’t.” cried Carol. “Out you come from there. Come on!”
Strong hands reached down and pulled her away from cover and out into view
of the older woman. An involuntary gasp escaped Vicky’s lips as she looked
down at the shiny eyes, which all of a sudden were searching hers. She was
small for her age but lovely and slim. Vicky thought she had the prettiest
face she had ever seen.

Her gaze swept straight up into hers with an expression of wonder and
expectation making Vicky’s heart melt on the spot. Bright blue eyes framed
by long sweeping lashes, delicately sculptured cheeks and a small upturned
nose helped to form a daintily proportioned face. A swathe of tawny hair
swept past her shoulders to end at her tiny waist. She looked gorgeous in
a purple tea shirt and jeans, and stole the older woman’s breath away with
unconscious ease. Carol stood next to her daughter, caressing her long
hair in an intimate manner making Tina sigh and snuggle up against her.

“I can see you’re smitten. I don’t blame you, as you can see we’re both
very happy together.” She said looking down, returning her daughters love
with smiling eyes.

“Yes I can see. You’re both very fortunate to be together. Do you live
here together…? I mean just the two of you?” She asked.

“There’s no man in the house if that’s what you mean. Tina is the
result of a brief affair, which never lasted and was never meant to. No.
My little girl and I are totally independent of anyone else, we’re free to
live our lives just as we like behind the privacy of these doors.”

She took hold of her daughter’s hand as she spoke, lifted it up and
placed it between her legs, then pressed it against her crotch.

“I’m sure you know what I mean.” She said tellingly as she squeezed the
girl’s hand between her thighs. Vicky couldn’t bring her eyes up to meet
Carols face, her gaze was riveted to the sight of the Tina’s hand being
rubbed up and down and then pressed into the swell of the woman’s mound.
She managed to nod and speak in a throaty voice, which she barely
recognised as her own.

“Yes, I… I er… catch your drift.”

A smile of amusement flitted across the woman’s lips for a moment before
she released her daughter’s hand and patted her on the bum.

“Come on then, into the living room young Lady. It’s time we made our
guest comfortable so I can go out and leave you two to get to know each

With that, she turned around and headed for the living room, her
daughter turning with her and walking beside her down the wide hallway.
Vicky noted the contrasting rear views of the woman and child. Carols
swaying buttocks rolled sensuously inside her tight jeans. The bulging
domes and the ominous split in-between sending out a dominant challenge,
while next to her the small cheeks of her daughter were round and pert.

“Now sit down here,” She told Tina pointing to the sofa “and let Vicky
sit next to you.”

Vicky grinned at Carol and nodded her thanks as Tina plonked herself
onto the cushions.

“You’ve anticipated my tastes. I have to commend you; your daughter
looks a treat.”

Carol laughed. “Take a seat next to Missy here. I won’t stay Vicky.
I’ll leave her in your capable hands and return in a few hours time. That
should give you long enough to… Well become acquainted,” She said with a
raised eyebrow. “Oh one thing more. Silly me I nearly forgot. Jill’s
upstairs waiting for you naked by now I dare say, and ready to do her
voyeur bit. Is that ok? You are friends.”

Vicky quickly overcame her surprise and gave a nonchalant shrug hoping
she hadn’t shown any hint of hesitation, Carols unwavering gaze made it
clear she was being tested.

“Why not, it’s fine by me. You did say anything goes and to be honest I
wouldn’t have it any other way. There are all kinds of things I want to
try out here. Things I haven’t done before and could only dream of before,
so there’s no way I have any objection to someone else getting their kicks
by watching us.”

The tension if you could call it that suddenly evaporated as Carol gave
a smile of satisfaction.

“Good. She isn’t by herself though. There’s a Chinese girl sat with
her; she’s called Bo, she’s the same age as Tina here.” She said nodding at
her daughter. “She needs to watch because I’m going to be bringing Lei,
her Mother over soon and she’s going to be practising what she’s learnt
when they go back home. Lei’s married but her husband works away for long
periods at a time leaving her alone with no one to satisfy her appetites.
She’s decided to groom her daughter for that role and she wants our group
to help her become her sex slave.”

At that, Tina screwed her up face.


Carol’s hand shot out to give her nose a punitive twist, an action that
resulted in an indignant “Agh” from the girl. An admonitory raised finger
from her Mother promised more of the same if she continued.

“Naturally I said we would be delighted, so I’m going to start off by
letting her see the kind of things she can do for her Mother. She can
watch you with Tina and learn. Then when Lei comes, I’m going to let the
girl have a session with me, you can all watch and we’ll see how she copes.
I’ll also be bringing a friend back with us, she wants to watch and then
join in later with Tina. Is that Okay?”

“Perfect. It sounds just marvellous. Whew!” She said running the back
of her hand over her forehead. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt as excited.”

Carol chuckled and pointed to the sofa.

“Please do take a seat and make yourself comfortable.”

With that, she bent down and kissed Tina on the cheek.

“There honey. You just let out guest sit next to you, and then you can
get to know each other. Remember what I said darling, be a good girl and
do everything Vicky tells you”.

“Yes Mom” she said smiling back feeling a little better after the kiss
“I’ll be good.”

With a final kiss, her Mother turned and walked out into the hallway
shouting a final “Enjoy!” over her shoulders.

Then she left leaving Vicky alone with the girl. She turned to face her
with a warm smile.

“You really are a lovely girl Tina.” She said in her most seductive
voice. “You’re very pretty. I think so… and I know your Mother does.
She’s lovely isn’t she, your Mother? You’ve a very special Mother haven’t

She looked bashful; shy even and not as sure now that she was by herself
with the older woman, but she managed a nod of agreement in answer. Vicky
needed to feel sure that Tina would accept the situation between them and
would be a willing participant once they went upstairs. Her concerns were
proved unnecessary as Tina suddenly announced her true feelings.

“My Mom’s nice. I love her, and I like the things we do. She says she
wants me to do them to you as well. That’s okay cause sometimes I do it
with Mom’s other friends too.” Suddenly she gave a quick laugh.

“What’s funny?” Vicky smiled.

“Well… they’re really nasty things.” She said in a hushed voice as
though divulging a huge secret. “Dirty.” She added. “Can I do them with
you? I think you’re nice.” Then shy again, she blushed and looked down as
though embarrassed by her words.

Vicky was delighted by the girl’s declaration; it sounded as though
things were going to go well between them and she decided it was time to
begin the proceedings.

“That’s nice because I’d like us to do the grown up things that ladies
do when they like each other.”

Without another word, she bent down and gently brushed her lips against
Tina’s in a gentle kiss. She broke away after a few seconds to stick her
tongue out and run it slowly across the little girl’s lips in a delicate
caress before inserting it in-between to explore her mouth before pulling
back again.

“Oh, God, Tina, Baby, that’s heaven,” she whispered before heading back
to her mouth. The girl’s lips were moist and yielding, they billowed
ethereally against the woman’s. She grazed against them with her tongue
tip and they parted. Vicky cradled Tina’s head in both hands, her palms
cradling her cheeks like two soft pillows. She pressed her lips and tongue
into the sweet succulence of her smaller mouth, and ran her tongue over her
teeth. They parted and the woman’s lips went in-between, pressing against
her as her tongue wended its way into her moist mouth.

She offered all of it to her, and she welcomed all of it, her lips
sliding over her tongue toward its root. Vicky engulfed her, her lips
wandering clear to her nose and cheeks. After long moments, Vicky slowly
began pulling back her tongue, she withdrew it leisurely, exploring and
licking underneath her lips, and finally lifted her mouth from hers.
Tina’s beautiful blue eyes were wide open. They were so deep; Vicky
thought she could swim in them.

“I’ve had so many fantasies about this.” She breathed running a finger
over Tina’s lips.”

Tina blushed, her heart a flutter. “You have?”

“Mmmm. Hmmmmm. We can make them real. Would you like that?”

“Mmmm. Hmmmmm.” She replied in imitation, to the amusement of the

“You’re a funny little thing.” She said kissing the top of her nose
before lowering her voice. “Kneel down on the floor darling.”

Tina scrambled down off the soft cushions and knelt before her, looking
up expectantly. The woman uncrossed her legs with a swish of nylons and
drew up her skirt to reveal a pair of black skimpy knickers that contrasted
starkly against her pale thighs. Her legs moved further apart as she
pointed the way to her shiny mound and continued her softly spoken

“Kiss me here”

Tina’s head begin to move forward and then stopped an inch or so away,
as though this was her first time such was the awe she felt for her latest
lover. Vicky who saw the youngster’s uncertainty reached down and placed
her hands behind Tina’s head to draw her face between her thighs. She
began kissing as she had done to her Mother and the other women who came to
the house, mashing her lips against the thin fabric and inhaling the murky
smell of her vagina. After a few minutes of silence, she heard the woman’s
breathing becoming louder, and then suddenly felt her ears gripped by her
bare thighs. Vicky draped her long legs over her shoulders and crossed
them around the girl’s back in a tight grip.

She soon realised she would reach an orgasm if she let the girl continue
any longer, and she didn’t want that yet. The girl was taking her over the
edge far too soon. As she looked down, she could see her pretty features
flattened against the soaking material of her pouting mound. Her face was
already glistening with seeping cum juice… it was just so close to the
images in her fantasies and to actually have it really happening was just
too much. She reached down and gently pushed her bobbing head from between
her thighs moaning with anguish as the contact ceased.

“I think it’s time for us to go the bedroom dear. If you carry on any
longer you’re going to make me come, and I want that to happen upstairs.”
Tina pushed her self up off the floor, scurried over to a set of mahogany
drawers, and pulled one of them open.

“What are you doing young Lady?” Called the horny woman. “Come back at
once please.”

She continued pulling open the drawers one by one until she gave a cry
of glee and pulled a magazine out.

“It’s alright really. I promise. I want to show you some of the dirty
things Mommy and me do.”

She ran back and placed it in the woman’s lap with the page open at a
scene between two women. One a dominant type of middle years was standing
over a young girl who by all appearances seemed about the same age as Tina.
The woman had her hands between her legs pulling her self-wide open while
the girl knelt before her, her lips open and an expectant expression on her
face. The next picture showed a stream of yellow piss spurting into the
kneeling girl’s mouth. She turned the page over to be greeted by more
photos of the girl drinking the woman’s pee. She was swallowing as fast as
she could but some of it still foamed over her lips and down her cheeks.

Vicky was already turned on to fever pitch but she nearly came in her
pants when she turned the page and looked at the next picture. The woman
was squatting over the girl, who was now lying on her back with her mouth
open beneath her buttocks. A large brown clod of faeces was half way out
of her anus and about to drop into the girl’s mouth. She turned the page
quickly to feast on a scene of explicit shit eating, as the girl’s jaws
appeared to be munching down on the slimy log. It must have been at least
six inches long and as she turned page after page each one showed the mass
lessening in her mouth as she ate the whole piece. Finally, she closed the
magazine and gave it back to Tina who took it back and placed it in the
drawer. She walked back slowly with a look of hesitation on her face.

“I wondered if you… I mean would you want to… to me.” She
stuttered looking down at the carpet, up to the woman’s face and then back
down again. Vicky smiled softly and held out her arms to her.

“Come here.” She said kindly.

She walked into Vicky’s embrace; she swung her up and seated her in her
lap. Her eyes were tender as she pushed a stray lock of Tina’s hair away
from her cheek and fixed it around her ear. The she leant forward teasing
her lips with small nibbles as she whispered into her mouth.

“I’d love to do that with you.”

Tina smiled at the words and pulled back with a sigh of contentment.

“To me?”

“Yes. To you.”

= = = =

Vicky climbed the stairs with Tina following behind. As she climbed,
she was aware of the young girl’s eyes on her swaying behind. She was
thrilled by the kid’s attention and gave a lustful grin as she reached the
top stair. There she stopped and looked behind her, and then pulled up her
skirt. With her eyes on Tina’s face, she slowly pulled her knickers down,
enough for the youngster to be confronted with her large naked buttocks.
She smiled as she noted her eager reaction to the lewd sight.

“Do you like it Tina? Do you like my naked ass”? She asked.

“Oh Yes. It’s nice” she exclaimed.

“Is it nice enough to kiss? Have a good look and tell me what you
think.” She said seductively.

The young girl gazed longingly at the shapely moons of the woman’s arse
and the inviting dark canyon in-between. She longed to press her face
forward and feel the soft creamy domes against her cheeks, to experience
the warm flesh yielding softly to her lips as she surged down in-between
and tasted the bitter wrinkled bud at its core.

“Oh yes Vicky. Yes please. Can I? Can I please?” She replied in a
quite voice.

“Yes you may” ” she replied “Very soon.”

She pulled the material back up and resumed her journey to the bedroom.
She entered the room and saw the two watchers Carol had told her of. Two
naked females. One of them the blonde haired Jill, and the other a pretty
oriental girl around the same age as Tina. Jill’s face was handsome rather
than pretty, she had a gorgeous copper tan and a petite figure with small
perky breasts, and a trim waist. Her thighs were sleek and lay open at a
lazy angle displaying a trim patch of mousy hair in-between.

Next to her sat Bo, who had the exquisite looks of an oriental Princess
with skin the colour of light honey. Her face was heart-stoppingly
gorgeous with large brown eyes, proud high cheekbones and a perfectly
shaped small mouth. Her hair hung down to the pit of her back in a
jet-black swathe, ending just above a cheeky pair of girlie buttocks. A
pair of thin colt like legs swung back and forth from the chair with her
feet just skimming the floor.

“Hi Vicky. I hope you don’t mind.” She said with a catch in her voice.
“Carol had the idea for me to come along as well. She told me Bo was on a
look and learn visit and thought it might be a good idea to have me sitting
with her while she watched.”

“Relax. It’s cool darling. I’ve never had an audience before. Who
knows?” she laughed. “It could spice the proceedings up a bit, although I
think they’re going to be pretty dam hot anyway. No don’t worry Jill, it’s
fine. If you still feel a little guilty you can more than redeem yourself
by introducing me to the charming little lady sat next to you.”

Jill opened her mouth to speak but Bo beat her to it by springing off
the chair and bowing gracefully to Vicky.

“Please, my name is Bo and my gracious Mother has brought me to this
house so I may watch and learn in order to repay her for bringing me into
this world and showing me her kindness. It is a great honour if you allow
me to learn from your kind self so that I may serve my Mother in our home.”

With that, she bowed again and sat down. Vicky was taken aback by the
grown up speech, she hadn’t expected that from a young girl and was quietly
moved, and not to say impressed by the way Bo had conducted her’s-self.

“Thank you for your polite words. You’re a lovely looking girl my sweet
Bo. Please watch by all means. I hope me and Tina can be of some help to
you and your Mother.”

With that, she turned round and asked Tina to undress and sit on the
bed. Vicky’s breathing grew more erratic as she watched her throw off her
clothes and sit on the edge of the mattress, her eyes resting on the
infant’s pale body. She unfastened the buttons of her own blouse with
shaky fingers, and once released let it fall to the floor. A pair of large
woman sized breasts strained against her brassiere presenting a luscious
site to the watching girl.

Next she unzipped her skirt, letting it fall off her hips as she kicked
it across the room in her hurry. Moving closer to the bed, she put one
stockinged leg onto the mattress just next to Tina, and stared into the
girl’s eyes. Her stocking swished as she slowly slid it down her thigh and
off her leg. She did the same with the other, and then reached behind her
back to unhook her bra. Fumbling with the catches for a second and clumsy
in her excitement, she finally managed pull it away sending her breasts
tumbling out, their pale flesh quivering before Tina’s eyes.

Tina gazed at the naked breasts, her eyes fixed on the dark areolas and
the spiky nipples that rose up and began swelling to twice their size
before her eyes. She was intimidated by the sight but curious enough to
want to touch them.

Finally, Vicky hooked her thumbs into the tops of her knickers and drew
them off her body, still staring intently into the girl’s eyes. Thick
pubic hair curled round on either side of her labia, which glistened in hot
anticipation. She placed her leg on the bed again so that her thigh was
touching Tina’s face and with studied audacity she pulled her gaping
womanhood apart for her to stare at before placing her foot back on the
floor again

She reached forward with her arms, placed her hands behind the
youngster’s head, and drew her face forward. Tina felt her cheeks being
pushed against the wet vaginal lips and she started to lick and suck in the
way she’s been taught by her Mother. A stream of white syrup began to ooze
from her vagina and she went after it like a hungry kitten, licking and
sucking it into her thirsty mouth. Nothing else existed to her except the
woman’s beautiful cunt which she slurped and sucked at for all her worth.

Vicky pressed the girls head tightly into her crotch and then began
squirming her cunt around her lips. She was panting heavily as she told
her to suck and lick her clitoris with the tip of her tongue. The white
syrupy cream began streaming into her mouth, and she had to swallow quickly
to avoid being overwhelmed. Vicky moaned noisily as she worked her hips
backwards and forwards, her buttocks flexing and clenching in a forceful
workout as she jostled her sex into Tina’s face. Suddenly it was there
without warning, a climax that burst upon her so suddenly she wouldn’t have
believed it was possible.

“Stay with me Tina… Don’t stop now! She wailed. “Don’t stop
darling! Ugh! Ugh!… Ugh! Ugh… God… God… God.” She screamed
with each thrust, her hands tightening their grip on the girl’s head, as
with a final thrust she shot her jizm into her mouth, making the girl cough
and splutter as she struggled to take it all down. When she’d spent every
drop, she left Tina wiping her mouth with the sheets and collapsed onto the
bed gasping.

Jill viewed the performance with hooded eyes. Her hands roving over her
breasts and nipples while the occasional low moan slid past her lips.
Beside her Bo watched the two females with studied concentration, trying to
remember every detail, especially Tina’s part. She knew her Mother had
desires, and it looked as though they were same kind as the older Lady had.
It was going to be her job to satisfy these from now on. It was too much
to expect her desirable Mother to cope without sex when Father was away for
so long.

She remembered the long conversation she’d had with her and how she’d
explained how important it was for her not to be denied her bodily needs.
She’d gone on to talk about how attractive she found her beautiful
daughter, how she wanted her more than her husband and how she yearned for
her caresses and couldn’t sleep for thinking of her. All the time Bo had
listened, accepting her Mother’s right to her pleasure, but blushing
furiously when told how she desired her more than she desired Father.

She’d agreed with her request to come to the house and learn the art of
giving pleasure to another woman and being the recipient in a series of
acts her Mother had described to her only in whispers. Now she sat and
waited to see what would happen next on the large double bed. Beside her,
the woman’s restless hands began to find their way onto her thighs as her
agitation increased.

Meanwhile Vicky had sat up again and taken Tina in her arms to begin
planting a series of smacking wet kisses across her cheeks to the delight
of the giggling girl who tried pulling away from the firm grip as Vicky
joined in the laughter.

“Whew darling, that was incredible! You’re a natural sweetie,” she
laughed. She kissed Tina again, but this time on the lips. It was
sensuous and open-mouthed, becoming steadily noisier as they swallowed each
other saliva and Vicky’s tongue lapped at her mouth. Her hand came up to
stroke the young girl’s hair as she pulled her lips away for a moment.

“God, you’re beautiful,” she whispered as she leaned towards her again.
“I want you for breakfast!”

Unable to resist going back for more she gently sandwiched her face
between her hands and kissed her sweetly on the lips. Her full mouth
lingered on Tina’s as she stroked her shoulders with a restless caress.
She kissed down over Tina’s chin and then she pressed her lips to her
throat. Time passed into oblivion as the two females became lost in each
other’s lips tasting, nibbling and licking until they finally broke apart
with Vicky’s soulful gaze lingering on Tina’s open lips. Now wanting more,
she placed a hand behind Tina’s head and guided it her breast.

“Take it in your mouth and suck on the nipple… That’s it sweetie can
you feel it getting bigger? Flick it with your tongue.”

Tina could feel the enormous nipple swelling even further as she sucked
and licked. With growing arousal she opened her mouth wider to allow more
of the woman’s breast to invade her mouth until it was packed full of
creamy flesh. Vicky sighed as she pulled it out with a wet plop and guided
her to the other one for similar attention. She looked down at the young
girl; her cheeks bulging with her creamy flesh, and hit by a wave of lust
she gripped her head and thrust herself forward into her mouth until her
nipple pushed against the back of her throat and Tina began to gag. She
held her in place for a few seconds, thrills coursing through her body as
she watched her struggling to escape. Then just as suddenly she pulled it
out, and moaning loudly she bent down and devoured the girl’s mouth with
her own. The kiss continued as the older woman grabbed Tina’s hand and
rubbed it against her clitoris. Then, gasping and whimpering like a whore,
she pulled away and pushed the girl back onto the mattress to suddenly
straddle her face. She rode her mouth with such force that the headboard
clattered against the wall matching the tempo of her wild ride. She wailed
loudly as her orgasm broke, sending more of the thick white syrup spurting
to the back of Tina’s throat, leaving her no alternative but to swallow.

Some time later as they both lay on the bed recovering from the spate of
frantic activity Vicky leaned over to kiss and nibble on her young lovers
face and ears as she whispered erotic compliments. She had never
experienced such a powerful orgasm with any of her other lovers and was
beside herself with joy.

Vicky knew Carol and Lei would be coming back before too long and she
wanted to begin the next stage of the session in the bathroom. It was a
tasteful and spacious room, with a deep sunken bath in the middle
surrounded by gleaming mirrored walls. A black rubber sheet lay on the
floor near the bath, which the woman guided Tina towards telling her to lie
down. Then standing above her with hands on hips, her breasts rising and
falling, she spoke of what was to come next.

“It’s time for us to take a trip into the realm of the truly bizarre
Tina. All the things you showed me in the magazine are about to happen to
you. You’re gonna get the lot my sweet, the whole works, the full
treatment, I’m gonna give you everything I’ve got. Are you happy about
that my little girlfriend? You’d better because you’re getting it anyway.”
She enjoyed speaking in this slutty manner to the kid, it gave her a sense
of power, a feeling of invincibility, she could do whatever she liked to
her as long as she didn’t cause her any pain. That still left plenty of
scope for the kind of fun they were going to have next.

A sudden whimper made Vicky turn to the two spectators who’d followed
them into the bathroom. The words she’d just spoken had raised the level
of Jill’s anticipation to such a level that she cried when the thrill of
their meaning became clear. Her naked body writhed as she slouched against
the tiled wall masturbating furiously. The young princess next to her
watched the scene with wide eyes, listening to a voice in her head which
said, ‘Watch and learn, for it is your turn next!’

Delighting in her reckless mood, a state helped considerably by the
eager attention of her audience, she made great play of running her tongue
over her lips in the parody of a whore.

“Open your mouth little girlie. Let’s see how you cope with my pretty
golden shower.”

So saying she stepped forward until she was standing directly over
Tina’s head. With a swift movement, she squatted down and positioned her
pink cunt lips inches away from her open mouth. Moments later a fierce
spurt of piss jetted out and hit Tina on the side of the face, splashing
her cheeks and running down her neck until she checked her aim and guided
it into her mouth. Tina suddenly found her self-swallowing mouthful after
mouthful of warm salty pee.

The sudden deluge had her drinking one mouthful after another, her mouth
full again before the previous load had gone down properly, so that surging
liquid foamed back up through her lips and gushed down her cheeks. She
began chocking and spluttering as the scalding piss forced itself past the
back of her throat and swept its way into her windpipe. Vicky immediately
clenched her bladder to cease the flow, which threatened to drown her.

“That’s it darling cough it up… that’s better… Cough again”
Finally her coughing ceased and Tina settled down again as she began to
feel better. “Are you alright now dear”? She asked, her eyebrows rising
with concern.

“Oh yes Vicky much better. Have you got any more”? She chirped. Vicky
was delighted.

“Yes of course darling. This time I’ll be more careful. I’ll piss in
your mouth slower so you have a chance to drink it properly.”

So saying she resumed her position over the girls face and let out a
steady stream, and then paused to give her time to drink. As soon as she
had, she began again, filling her mouth over and over until the only sounds
in the room were the hissing of the woman’s pee and the gulping of the
young girl as she consumed her bitter brew.

“You’re doing so well Tina keep it up, keep drinking Aunties Vicky’s
special lemonade.” She urged in a singsong voice. “Drink all of it, take
it all down, swallow every drop of my hot fucking piss you beautiful little
girl”. She demanded excitedly.

Eventually the stream slowed to a trickle and finally ceased altogether
as the woman looked down dreamily at her pee-drinking lover.

“Darling you were wonderful. Now I want us to show Bo what else she can
do for her Mommy. Is that okay honey?”

Tina looked over at the two spectators as though seeing them for the
first time. She smiled at the girl who grinned back shyly until Tina gave
a cheeky wink. Bo looked surprised for a moment but then winked back
followed by a small giggle.

“Yes that’s alright; I want Bo to see the naughty bits.” She smiled.

“Very well. I want you to suck my bottom until I tell you to stop.
Then I want you to open your mouth again and eat the special food that
comes out of its hole.”

With that, she turned and knelt down with her pale domes pointing into
Tina’s face.

“Place your hands on my thighs Tina, then press your face into the crack
between my bottom and breathe in.”

Tina stared for a second at the pale white dunes of the naked woman; her
eyes were riveted to the dark chasm in-between, a portal of entry into a
world of perversity. She knew what was going to come out of there and the
thought made her giddy with excitement.

Placing her hands on the woman’s thighs, she moved her head forward and
pressed her face between the two large pillows, and felt them part to admit
her, shutting the world out completely. She breathed in and smelt a
cloying anal musk, a smell of… shit. ‘This is why I am here’, she
thought, ‘to eat her poo’. She shuddered as the reality of the situation
became further apparent.

“That’s it, breath it in… there that’s enough. Now stick your tongue
out and start licking my asshole. Lap at it as though it’s the best ice
cream you’ve ever tasted. Lap it all up my dear girl, taste my smelly

Tina brushed her tongue against the puckered opening and felt it relax
and open up as she did so.

“Do it’, Vicky hissed.”Stick your face in as far as you can and suck!”

Vicky pushed back and was rewarded by the sensation of the girls face
sliding further in. She looked at the reflection in the mirrored tiles and
saw the erotic site of the young girl kneeling down with her face hidden in
her arse. She began masturbating at the horny image until her hand was
dripping with juice. Tina heard her mewling and grunting as her sweaty
cheeks rode her face. A bitter tasting brown liquid began to ooze out into
her mouth and she screwed up her face forcing herself to continue with her
lapping. The woman eventually came down from her orgasm, and as she did,
blew a wet fart in her mouth. She knew she couldn’t hold back any longer
and felt her bowels begin to expel her excrement. She reached back and
gently pushed the kid’s lips from the opening and said in a calm voice.

“Open your mouth, here it comes sweetie. It’s time for you to eat
Auntie Vicky’s special meal… my gorgeous brown dinner.”

With that, her anus suddenly dilated and a huge turd expanded the
opening as its brown head emerged. It slid out until it was hanging an
inch or so from the girl’s lips.

“Take it in your mouth dear,” she calmly instructed… and then “That’s
it sweetie, now start chewing it… yes keep going don’t stop. When it’s
nice and soft swallow it down and I’ll give you some more.”

A large rigid turd protruded out of Tina’s mouth as she screwed up her
face and with a determined expression began the long task ahead of her.
She swallowed and gagged noisily as it slid down her throat and into her

“Stay with it darling, don’t stop chewing… now swallow some more”.
Then as she did “Good girl now open wide. That’s it dear I’m going to shit
in your mouth again, so here it comes.”

A coil of soft runny shit suddenly slivered out of her arse and
immediately filled Tina’s mouth to the full so she had to start munching
straight away. Luckily, it was so soft it hardly required any chewing.
She was able to swallow it down into her belly without difficulty. Even
so, she was very hard pressed to consume the huge amount of runny shit that
piled into her small mouth.

Vicky sweet-talked and praised her as she managed to keep up with the
load, gulping down mouth full after mouthful of the woman’s hot stinking
crap. Finally, the last coil of light brown waste slid into Tina’s mouth
and that was it.

Low musical voices drifted upstairs followed by the tread of footsteps
on the stairway as Carol and Bo’s Mother plus a guest made their way
towards them. The party was about to start.

Chapter 2

The three women stepped into the bathroom with Carol leading the way.
She stopped and whistled as she took in the scene on the rubber mat where
Tina had just finished eating the last morsel of Vicky’s “special” meal.
Her lips were stained brown, as was her cheeks, evidence of exactly what
she’d been eating.

“I can see you two have been busy.” She said with her eyes resting on
her daughter lips. Her lust rose as it always did when it came to anything
so wonderfully perverted as the scene before her.

“We enjoyed ourselves as you can see.” Vicky grinned back.

Tina jumped up with a cry of delight and ran to her Mother.

“Mom, Vicky’s my friend she gave me her poo.”

Carol gave an earthy chuckle and hugged her daughter up in her arms.

“So I can see. Go and get a quick shower and them come back. I’ve
brought Charlie and Bo’s Mother for you to see. Charlie’s dying to have
some more fun with you after the last time you and her got acquainted.” She
said giving Tina an apologetic but amused grin.

The woman she referred to was a longhaired sylvan brunette, with a cat
like figure and the predatory air of a hungry lynx.

“Hi Tina honey, I’ve missed you.” She purred “Have you missed me too
babe? I hope you haven’t forgotten how good we were together.”

The woman was making it clear to the others, especially the newcomers,
that she and the girl were already intimate, and as such not to be tampered
with by anyone but her for the rest of the session. Tina cast a shy nod
accompanied by a hesitant smile at the arching brow of the cat-woman. How
could she forget? The woman had been nothing if not demanding on their
last encounter as her aching jaw and sore tongue could readily testify!

“Can I take her next door now?” She swooned, her eyes pleading with
Tina’s Mother while her head nodded to the spare bedroom.

“Patience honey.” Carol said in mocking reproval. “I’d like her to get
cleaned up first. Then I want her to watch while I introduce little Bo to
our special kind of loving. I promised Lei I’d give her a practical lesson
before she takes her home.”

Tina, quick as ever to obey her Mother’s wishes, headed for the shower
for an appointment with soap and hot water, leaving everyone’s attention
focused on the beautiful oriental woman next to Charlie. Aware of the
others sudden scrutiny, she offered a graceful smile, accompanied by the
smallest of bows in the others direction. Everything about her held a
delicate beauty and loveliness envied by the other women: She was slender
but curvaceous with trim perky breasts and a small flat stomach. Her hips
sloped serenely down to a curving waistline encased in a short tight pencil
skirt. Black lacy stockings covered a pair of elegant thighs and calves
that many women would envy.

But it was her face that the other women were drawn to. Her eyes were
warm and smiling while high sloping cheeks, characteristic of her race, led
to a generous mouth and a cleanly chiselled chin. Hair the colour of
midnight hung to the top of her shoulders like dark flowing water. Exotic
was the word that came to Vicky’s head. Elusive was the next. There was
something about the woman that she just couldn’t pin down, an indefinable
quality; she seemed to Vicky like a rare but wonderful animal.

“Come next door and take a seat everyone.” Carol said, “We’ll have a
little chat and then begin.”

The gentle hiss of the shower seeped into the room as the five women
took to their seats that were grouped together around the large bedroom.
All the women were naked except for Carol and of course Lei who seated
herself next to her nude daughter. Jill patted Vicky affectionately and
ran her hand up and down her arm until Vicky leant over and kissed her on
the lips for their first brief kiss.

“You were so good with Tina.” She smiled. “I’ve never seen anything as
beautiful as you two together. It was so thrilling to see the way she
pleased you with her tiny mouth.”

Carol heard the whispered exchange from the centre of the room. “Do you
approve of my daughter’s talents?”

“Oh yes I do. You’ve taught her very well…she’s a very willing toilet
girl!” said Jill.

Carol closed her eyelids for a moment and nodded at the woman’s last

“Yes.” She sighed. “I know.”

She blinked and became suddenly business like as she took a seat and
faced the others.

“Ok. Let’s talk. Vicky, I’ve explained what we’re about and you’ve
appreciated the greatest asset of our small circle… our girls. We have
seven Mothers and daughters who visit us on a regular basis. Sometimes
this takes the form of a swapping party. I have nine bedrooms here so
we’re not short of rooms for our couples to pare off into. It’s nice for
women who are fortunate enough to be sharing intimacies with their
daughters to be able to come here and try another young partner for a few
hours once a week.

We also have one Mother and daughter who don’t have the opportunity to
be together sexually at home because the Mother is still married with the
husband sharing the home. We also have a schoolteacher and her pupil who
visits us two or three times a week. Julie, the teacher tells the parents
she’s giving the girl communication therapy as she’s such a poor mixer with
the other children. As you might have guessed she isn’t getting the kind
of therapy her folks think she’s getting.”

Laughter broke out from the other women as they imagined the form of the
real therapy she’d be having.

“I’ve had the pleasure of her services myself, as have others in the
club. That’s the only condition we place on anyone wishing to come here
with their girls, that they make them available to the other women in the
group. We also have seven single women such as you Vicky. These are women
who desire beyond anything else to be serviced by girls. We use them for
our pleasure and train them to be competent body servants, and although the
theme is Mistress and Slave, we’ve come to see that the young one’s enjoy
being subservient to our needs just as much as we thrill to their caresses.
I feel that single females of our persuasion have the right to experience
what we’re enjoying, and as such you and others like you are more than
welcome to come anytime and share the resources i.e. the girls with the
other members of our little group.”

Tina walked in, squeaky clean and smelling of soap, and looked for a
seat to join the others. The only vacant chair was next to Charlie, who’d
especially arranged this to be the case. The young girl cast a rueful look
at Bo who she yearned to be friends with, but alas, there were no empty
seats near her. With a resigned shrug, she climbed onto the cushion,
trying in vain to avoid being molested by the wandering hands of the
oversexed Charlie. Carol watched the woman’s wandering hands and her
wriggling daughter for a moment and then continued.

“Occasionally Mother’s bring their daughters to us for initiation into
the world of female servitude. We are very fortunate when this happens and
I count myself extremely fortunate to be the one with the role of
introducing them into female love. This is my primary role here, not least
for the fact that I enjoy being the first woman to bare my body to a first
timer and teach her how to give pleasure. But I also regard it as an
honour to initiate one into our private little circle and send her home
ready and able to satisfy the needs of her older lover be it her Mother or
whoever. This is why it gives me great pleasure to introduce Bo and Lei
into our welcoming fold and for me to play my part in making it happen.”

She noted the lustful gazes of the other women as their eyes fastened on
Bo, their expressions changing to envy as they wished they had her role.
Well hard luck she thought smugly, this is my show. If it wasn’t for me
bringing all of this together from that first contact on the internet with
another woman of the same inclination, and then another until it built into
the circle we now have, none of you would be here enjoying the benefits of
my labours. It’s only fair that I have first shot at any first timers. I
should demand no less as the price for my endeavours. She turned back to
look at the oriental woman and her daughter.

“Lei. Would you be so kind as to give us a brief description of your
own desires?”

Lei gave a brief smile to the others accompanied by a small inclination
of her head and began. “First may I say I adore my beautiful daughter?
She is the light of my eyes; she gives me pleasure whenever my gaze rests
upon her. This has always been so, but more than ever these last few
months. My thoughts recently have not just been of Motherly reverence,
more and more they have become thoughts more fitting a hopeful suitor.

She lowered her eyes; half ashamed of what she had to say and gave a shy
smile as she resumed in a hushed voice. “I have to say they have become
almost exclusively sexual. I have always thought I would only ever desire
my husband and I would be available for his pleasure alone. This is the
way of any woman who does her wifely duty and it is the way I have been
taught. Yet in spite of this, I have always harboured desire in my heart
for another kind of love. I have never thought of myself as one who
desires another woman’s touch, and yet over the years I have began to look
at the young ones of our gender with fire in my eyes. In my mind, I have
sought their caresses and have desired their touch upon my body. I… a
woman have yearned for this as at night when my husband takes me in our
bed. I have closed my eyes and imagined the touch of a girls tongue on my
flesh. My daughter will fulfil this need of mine. I adore her, and think
of her all the time as my husband is pleasuring himself with me at night. I
wish you to initiate her Carol, and allow her to stay with you for a week,
in which time you will teach her how to give love so that she may know how
to make me happy and fulfil all my wishes when my husband is away with his

Carol nodded. “Of course I shall Lei; that’s my pleasure. You wish Bo
to provide you with a complete outlet for your desires don’t you? All of
us here enjoy this particular aspect of slave Mistress behaviour; indeed
your daughter has just witnessed such an act. I understand that you have
discussed this issue with your daughter.”

The other woman nodded and turned to face Bo who met her eyes. For a
moment Bo stared solemnly back at her Mother and then smiled her love and
acceptance. Lei answered the smile, her eyes suddenly swimming with joy as
she answered Carol.

“Yes. Yes, I have discussed this with my daughter and she has agreed to
this form of communion. She is willing to be my toilet whenever I should
wish her to be.”

A collective sigh of a pleasure ran through the group of women. Charlie
nodded her approval and with a sly smile at Tina, she traced her finger
around her mouth before sending it to explore within, in a gesture full of

Carol stood up and walked towards the large bed in the middle of the

“Please arrange your chairs in a semicircle five feet away from the
bed.” Everyone did as she said and retook their seats, giving the room the
air of a theatre with Carol centre stage.

“Bo dear. Come here, we are to begin now.”

Bo’s flesh felt hot and prickly as she looked to her Mother for support.
Lei made a reassuring face and then gave a small nod towards Carol. The
girl climbed off her seat and timidly went to stand before her. The
difference in their size was shown clearly as they stood close to each
other, the top of Tina’s head barely reached the older woman’s breasts.

Vicky reached over to Jill, cupped one of her breasts in her hand, and
then reached over to kiss her as she mumbled into her mouth. “Thanks for
getting me into this. I’m so grateful; I don’t think I’ve ever felt so
excited or fulfilled. Are you going to join in the fun, or are you happy
just watching darling.”

“Oh I’m happy watching for now. I adored watching Tina doing you back
then, and I can’t wait to see this little darling begin her lessons. But
yes, I’m going to need a small mouth myself before the afternoons over.
Sarah and her daughter Susan plus her daughter’s playmate, a cute little
thing called Wendy are coming over later. Me and Wendy usually slide off
together and have some fun, so don’t worry, I’m getting mine later.”

Meanwhile Carol had sat on the edge of the bed where she’d lifted Bo up
and sat her in her lap. Bringing her mouth down onto Bo’s, she covered her
lips with in a soulful French kiss that lasted over two minutes. As she
did, she took hold of the girls hand and ran it up and down her body
getting her acclimatized to the feel of a woman for the first time. Carol
opened her mouth wider to slide it over the girl’s lips, chin and cheeks as
her lust increased.

Bo closed her eyes and went with the flow, trying her hardest to do what
was right, she tried to kiss the woman back but couldn’t keep up with the
large demanding lips working against her as she felt the woman’s hot salvia
wetting her cheeks and chin. The other women watched with growing interest
as Carol, while still practically eating her alive, reached down with her
hand and began drawing her halter top up from her waist. She broke away,
tugged the tight material over her bulging breasts, and then up over her
head and shoulders.

Carol was one of those women who manage to have what is termed a
‘voluptuous’ figure, yet can still be regarded as slim. Maybe her svelte
like limbs helped. Her neck was long and graceful; ‘swan necked’, while
her shoulders remained slim and gave no hint of the burgeoning breasts
below. Her waist was similarly narrow yet her hips and buttocks curved out
dramatically. They were good enough to tempt an aged sculptor out of
retirement to make him reach for his marble and chisel. Her thighs were
perhaps a shade on the full side, but not too much, they complimented her
lengthy legs and 6 ft figure.

“Not bad for a first kiss.” She decided. “You’ll improve as you get
more practice. I’m sure your Mommy will give plenty of that.” She looked
over at Lei who was nodding her head vigorously, a look of delight
splitting her face.

“Place your hands on my boobies now.” Carol ordered.

Bo reached forward and hesitantly rested a hand on each one, then looked
up shyly into her eyes.

“Run your hands around them. Go on…. Yes that’s it, feel the lacy
material of my brassiere against your palms. Do you like that? I know you
do sweetie, but wouldn’t it feel even nicer if I took it off and you could
feel them properly?”

Without waiting for an answer, Carol swivelled her upper body round,
baring her back and the clasps of her bra to Bo.

“Undo the catches.”

She obeyed, unhooking the eyes until they were free. The woman turned
around again, letting the fasteners dangle down but trapping them in her

“Pull it off completely.”

Bo reached forward again and tugged gently at the cups, which fell off
as Carol released the fasteners from under her arms. Her eyes were as
large as saucers; she stared in wonder to find herself so close to the bare
orbs that Carol proudly hefted before her face.

“Feel them first.” She urged. “See how they feel before I put them in
your mouth.”

She did as she was told and marvelled at the soft flesh as it brushed
against her palms, running both hands over the warm globes.

“Cup them now and feel their weight.”

She placed a hand underneath each one and lifted them up feeling a real
weight in each one. Without waiting for permission, she flexed her palms
to squeeze each one. She was surprised at their bulk and solidity and
wandered how they would be like in her mouth. Like sentient beings, the
nipples responded to the thought and began standing up tall and erect.

“Ooh look what you’re doing to me you saucy little girl. Aren’t you
just dying to see what they taste like?”

One of the chairs giggled and Carol heard a movement from over there. A
scuffle and the sound of rustling, then an urgent whisper followed, but she
didn’t want to break the spell between her and Bo so she paid it no
attention. Instead she placed her hand over Bo’s and used it to push her
breast closer to her face, while with the other hand she pushed the back of
her head forwards. Words weren’t needed, Bo knew what Carol wanted, her
lips parted allowing the swollen finger of flesh to glide past and rest

“Tickle it with your tongue; let it flicker like a snake right on the
tip. Ooh yeah you’ve got it…Ohh.” She sighed. “That’s right Bo, just
like that.”

Her tongue flicked against the pink node, like tip-to-tip dancing and
Carol’s eyes rolled in ecstasy as her whole body gave a wicked shiver. She
couldn’t believe how fast the girl was learning; not content with just
using her tongue tip; she varied the degree of stimulation by swiping the
flat of it up and down the pink knob. It felt strange to Bo, but nice as
well, she liked the rubbery feeling of the hard bud prodding and rubbing
against the tender underside of her tongue.

“Take more,” hissed Carol as she pushed forward, shoving more pale flesh
into her mouth and not stopping until her cheeks bulged out like balloons.
Her hands gripped the girl’s head as she continued pushing more in until Bo
started gagging and trying to push her-self away, pleading with her eyes
for her to stop. Carol was far too excited to pay any heed as she began
shoving her large orb in and out. Slowly at first and then faster until
her flesh was slick with Bo’s saliva, popping and plopping in tandem with
each thrust. She grunted twice and gave a huge shove until half of the tit
disappeared into her face leaving the exposed half bulging and shivering
like a jelly.

Bo’s struggles increased and her sounds of distress became louder.
Perversely this only served to increase the woman’s excitement; her crotch
was getting wetter by the moment and her breathing ragged with lust. She
pulled out suddenly and ignoring the girl’s gasps, began battering her
bouncing jugs into her face, squashing them into her cheeks, her nose and
even her eyes, before shaking them against her face and thrusting the
second one into her mouth before Bo was able to pull away. She jostled the
breast past the girl’s lips and once more the girl struggled and gagged as
Carol fucked her face with her bulging mammary.

Lei’s eyes were nearly on stilts. Was this a test she wondered? If so,
would Bo fail by struggling against Carol instead of staying placid and
letting herself be used? She caught her breath as an image of her
self-doing the same to Bo came into her mind and she had to cross her legs
to cease the itching in her groin. When did she first begin to think of
her daughter in an erotic way?

She supposed it must be over a year now since she first closed her eyes
when her husband made love to her and imagined it was tiny Bo instead. She
fantasised about the things they’d do in bed. Her secret whims had become
more bizarre over time until their very nature had involved a move from the
bedroom to the bathroom. She blinked, and let out a long sigh as a picture
of her cravings formed behind her eyes. How quickly could thought turn to
reality she mused? Soon. Very soon came the urgent answer.

Her thoughts were distracting her from the scene before her. With
effort she shifted her attention back again and watched as Carol drew her
shiny breast out of Bo’s mouth. She then leant down to kiss her forehead
and whisper soothing words, letting her know how good she was to stay still
and accept her wishes. Of course, nothing could have been further from the
truth. Bo had struggled and wept as the woman’s breasts were thrust in and
out of her mouth, but her words persuaded her she’d done well and the grown
up was pleased with her.

Bo tore her face away from Carol’s smiling eyes for a moment to sneak a
glance at her Mother who in turn gave her a beam of reassurance. Her
Mother, the person she adored and trusted with her very soul, she would do
anything for and needed to prove it. She knew how much this meant to her,
and how she was quietly urging her to succeed. But above all came the
knowledge that everything learnt here would be used when she and her Mother
were alone at last. She would be her devoted servant, and would please

“Bo, Bo come round darling.”

The girl came out of her reverie with a start. She’d been miles away
just then, but managed to return the amused smile of the woman looking down
at her.

“That’s a nice smile. Now. I’d like you to take all your clothes off.
I want to see what I’m getting. I need to gaze on your lovely little body
as you pleasure me. Okay?”

“Yes Maam.” She replied in her tiny voice.

“Good girl. Get off my lap and stand in front of me and give me strip,
not a striptease though, I’ve no need to be teased, I think I’ve waited
just about long enough.”

She stood and stripped off her clothes to the appreciate eyes of Carol
and the other watchful females as she threw her panties to the floor. She
stood there naked, long dark hair framed her pretty shining eyes and
splashed onto her slim shoulders, giving her an air of innocent beauty so
sharply in contrast to the women who watched and lusted after her.

Carol took a quick intake of breath as her gaze caressed the oriental
nymphet. Sexual desire for girls had been the enduring theme of her
womanhood, and would continue to be so. It was finally realised with the
birth of her daughter. She began training Tina to please her when she was
still quite young; giving vent to her passions and training her to perform
acts so obscene that to speak of them would be unimaginable.

Then she discovered the Internet and chat rooms, and it soon became
apparent there were many women who felt the same way as Carol and it had
only been one-step further to bring the women and girls together under one
roof. There the women could share their girls and experience multiple
lovers, paring off with different partners for unlimited delights in the
many bedrooms of the house. This was the part she enjoyed the most though,
initiating girls into lesbian love.

“You’re just beautiful darling. My oh my you’re Mommy’s so so lucky”
she murmured running her hands up and down Bo’s silky skin, then down her
back before cupping her chubby buttocks.

“Now undo the button at the top of my pants and pull down the zip, then
pull them off my legs… Let me kick these off first” she said kicking her
shoes off her feet and standing there barefoot. Surprisingly they were
flat soled and not raised in the slightest, yet even without them she stood
nearly six foot. Bo had to stretch and reach up to unbutton the brass stud
above her zip. The pants clung to her hips like clams and the girls had a
job prizing the stud out of its catch so that Carol had to reach down and
help her.

“A bit tight darling? The zip should be better. Just give it a pull
there. That’s it… down it comes. Well done. Now pull them down my
legs.” The black slacks slid down her legs with a faint swish leaving her
standing in nothing but a pair of skimpy lace knickers. These Bo pulled
down in response to Carol urgings until the woman stood naked before her.
Bo’s hot face stood only a couple of inches away from the dense forest of
hair around the woman’s vagina as she looked down at her with an amused

“Like what you see honey?”

Poor Bo was speechless standing so close to the naked Goddess. She felt
her mouth dry up like an old well and could merely gawp at her.

“Cat got your tongue has it? I can see it has.” she chucked. “Well
don’t worry I’m going to have it soon. Lie on the bed face up and look at
the ceiling.”

Bo obeyed and climbed onto the bed and lay supine, waiting to be told
what to do next. As it was, she didn’t have to do anything. The tall
woman climbed on the bed after her and with her breast swaying from side to
side she knee walked up the youngster’s body, coming to rest with her bushy
crotch inches above her face.

“Your Mommy tells me how she dreams of having you beneath her like this.
That’s nice because it’s my favourite way of feeling little girl’s tongues.
It’s what all girls’ faces are made for. To be sat on by their Mommy’s and
their friends. Now I’m going to teach you how to give pleasure to a lady.
Stick your tongue out and run it along my lips as I lower my self down a

Bo opened her mouth and pointed her tongue out as the woman’s labia
descended. Instinct told her to shape it like a spear and wiggle it over
the pink drooping flesh. It felt soft and wet and had a distinct tang to
it, which she didn’t find displeasing. Above her, she heard the woman
making sounds of approval, which spurred her on to greater efforts,
flicking her pink spear as fast as she could over both of the wet lips.

She heard a loud moan, but it wasn’t coming from above and she thought
one of the women must have made it. The same sound distracted Carol and
for the first time since she had began; she swung her head round to look at
the circle of watchers. Her eyes widened in surprise, and then
understanding entered them as she recognised the reason for the scuffling
sounds she had heard earlier. That incorrigible Charlie. She aught to
have guessed it would have been too much for her to control herself with a
naked girl sat next to her. She had Tina down on her knees with her face
wedged between her thighs.

One leg was slung over her shoulder hooked around her neck and she was
flexing it backwards and forwards, pushing and pulling Tina’s face into her
sex as though she was peddling a bicycle. Her open-mouthed rapture made
her oblivious to Carol’s furrowed stare and she continued with a series of
sighs and moans as Tina continued sucking. Carols first emotion was one of
anger at Charlie’s behaviour. It was unbelievable that she could interrupt
Bo’s induction in this way and break the spell of eroticism. A cutting
rebuke formed on her lips but she managed to still it and think of a better
way to deal with the woman.

“Charlie!” Her voice sounded loud and clear making her snap out of her
blissful ignorance, her eyes popping open to be met by Carols steady stare
as she unwrapped herself from around Tina.

“Oh, um sorry Carol…I er…I got a little…”

She didn’t finish.

“Perhaps you and Tina would like to take yourself off to one of the
other rooms and carry on disporting yourselves in there. Tina would you
mind?” Tina caught the silent petition in her Mother’s eyes and nodded back
to her.

“Okay Mom, but come and rescue me if Charlie gets carried away. Don’t
forget me.”

Then she gave a long-suffering sigh accompanied by a theatrical roll of
her eyes, causing the sound of light-hearted laughter to fill the room as
the rest of the women chuckled with relief at Carol’s forbearance. Carol
joined in too, her gaze twinkling at her marvellous daughters
understanding. Their bond of love could never have been stronger, even
though they were both about to make love to other partners; they both knew
where there hearts really lay.

“Thank you love.” She smiled before turning to Charlie

“Of you go then and hear what she says. Go steady with her. If she
needs to rest you’d better let her.”

Charlie gave her a sheepish grin, then stood up and took Tina by the

“Thank you Carol, I’ll be a good girl. Promise.”

That would be the day thought Carol as she watched the cat-woman
speeding out of the room with her prize firmly clasped in her hands before
Carol could change her mind. She sighed and looked down at Bo’s face,
their eyes met and she lowered herself down onto her mouth. This time
fully so that her fleshy vagina sealed themselves to her lips as she began

“Lick all around… Everywhere Bo… Wherever you lick will make me
feel good.”

She carried on pushing her sex onto her mouth in a screwing motion,
sighing with pleasure at the feel of the girl’s busy tongue. She enjoyed
the sucking noises coming from Bo as she sucked at her cunt flesh and drew
her juices between her lips. She moaned noisily and gasped her name,
urging her on in fierce whispers, telling her to nibble her clit, then lick
it and suck it. God she was nearly there, she couldn’t keep this up much
longer, any moment now she was going to spray her juice into the young
girl’s mouth. She got up from her face, gasping from the effort of tearing
herself away, then turned herself around and presented her fleshy domes to
Bo’s gaze.

“If you carry on any longer you’re going to make me have an orgasm. I
don’t want that to happen just yet. Instead, I’d like you to start sucking
my bottom. Run your tongue up and down and give me plenty of nice wet
kisses. Ok?”


“Good girl. Go ahead then.”

Bo stuck her tongue out and began licking the smooth surface of the
woman’s voluptuous cheeks. The flesh felt smooth against her tongue and
she alternated her licks with open-mouthed kisses like the ones the woman
had given her. She liked the way her cheeks hung just above her, waiting
for her kisses. She touched her lips to them with a loud sucking sound as
they began to come down on top of her. Now they were bearing and churning
around on her with even more weight.

A pattern was emerging from the woman’s movements each time the cheeks
circled across her face. They seemed to be spiralling, guiding her into a
vortex; their progress had the affect of guiding her closer to the dark
crack in-between. From above her their drifted a faraway voice, patient
and authoritative in tone. “I’m going to lower myself onto you darling.
As soon as I do, I need you to start sweeping your tongue up and down the
dark crease. Don’t pierce it, just swipe the flat of it along its length
and get used to my bitter taste.”

With that, there sounded a muffled ‘mphh’ as the air was driven from
between them and replaced by the little girls face. She felt her world
disappear to be replaced by one of hot musky odours and darkness. She
arced her tongue upwards, wriggled it backwards, and forwards licking with
the flat of it against the puckered opening. Carol hadn’t cleaned herself
as well as she could have after her last visit to the toilet, there was a
sticky film of bitter mucus around her anus that the flat of Bo’s tongue
wiped away with the first swipe.

Her face creased up immediately as she swallowed the nauseating
substance and she heaved, gagging and retching, but then somehow managed to
control her stomach and carry on licking. Carol sighed gently, and then
settled her self down onto her face. This was her favourite kind of toilet
paper, a warm soft tongue, preferably one belonging to a sweet girl lapping
and licking away her dirt, every woman should have one she chuckled to
herself. She reached down and caressed Bo’s small mound, running her
fingers up and down her bald puffy lips before dipping it in-between to
gently frig her tiny cunt. Her brows creased up as she let out a gentle

“Yes that’s nice darling. Now make a point and spear it up my ass-hole,
drive it in as deep as you can and keep doing it. Let me feel you fucking
my dirty ass-hole with your gorgeous tongue.”

She did as the woman ordered and drove it up past the ring of muscle and
immediately felt it tighten around her, trapping her inside and holding her
prisoner before relaxing and letting her go. Again she pushed it inside
and again it gripped her before it released her. Eventually the grip
ceased as Carol allowed the girls tongue to fuck her freely as she bore
down on her with her arse. A steady slopping filled the room which sped up
to a fast squelching as the girls face slid in and out of the slimy valley
made slippery by her wet tongue. It never failed to remind Carol of
someone with terribly bad table manners or a hungry diner who slopped and
slobbered on his food.

The rest of the women looked on with growing excitement with as Vicky
and Jill fingered each others cunts. Their moans were intermingling as
they rushed towards a climax, while Lei remained frozen as she watched her
daughter’s efforts with a rapt expression across her exotic face. Sounds
of lovemaking drifted through the walls from the room that Charlie and Tina
had chosen. Protesting bedsprings and cries of abandonment began competing
with Carols heated cries, as she swung off Bo and turned herself around to
straddle her face with her cunt.

“Suck me! I’m nearly coming. Oh God! Yes! Yes keep going. Keep
sucking meeee…”

This time Carol’s bedspring began to sing and cry out as she set up a
wild rhythm on the girls face. Her cries and moans drowning out those of
the other women as she rushed into her climax like a runaway train crying
and babbling out as she urged her tiny lover on to super human efforts.
Finally, she stopped thrusting down and her body froze, as still as a
statue as she let out a piercing scream. Her cunt began spraying Bo’s
tongue with a torrent of hot cum and she started swallowing it down, her
throat bobbing as she struggled with the flow.

“Drink it! Drink it! Yeah Yeah… Oh fuck… Yes drink my cum you
little slut! You love it don’t you….Yeah you fucking love every
drop…That’s it, keep drinking. I’m creaming you good…creaming you a
mouthful…” It took several and even then, there were streams of it
running from the corners of her mouth because she couldn’t empty her mouth
quickly enough to cope with the next one. Eventually the flow ceased and
Carol sighed with a dreamy grin spreading across her face as she moved back
and looked down into the eyes of the precious young lover beneath.

“Good girl Bo. You’ve passed your initiation with flying colours. Well
done your Mother can be proud of you.”

Jill looked surprised. “But don’t you…I mean that’s only part of
it…isn’t it?”

Carol shook her head apologetically at Jill. “Not this time Jill.
Sorry, but Lei has asked if the ultimate stage could be left to her. She
wants the final communion between her and her daughter to happen in the
privacy of their own home. I know it’s against usual procedure but on this
occasion I felt I should acquiesce.”

Jill shrugged her shoulders resignedly. “Oh well never mind. It would
have been nice to see that. I suppose I could go and watch Tina and
Charlie, I don’t think I’ll be disappointed.”

Carol laughed as she swung her legs off Bo and clambered off the bed.
“I’m sure of that Jill. You can bet on Charlie to give her a good meal
before they’re through.”

More people joined the small group of women an hour later and for the
rest of the day nothing else mattered except the pursuit of pleasure. Lei
left then, leaving her daughter with Carol for the rest of the week so she
could be trained in the arts of female love.



Two Weeks Later

Shortly before evening Lei kissed her husband goodbye. He would be away
for the next six months working in the Middle East as an oil-drilling
engineer. He reached down and gave Bo a light kiss on her nose and ruffled
her long hair then said farewell. As soon as the door closed, Lei took her
daughter in her arms and gave her a long searching kiss.

They spent the rest of the evening on the sofa kissing and holding hands
as they whispered words of love into each other’s ears. Finally, the words
dried up and Lei looked solemnly into her young daughters eyes as a silent
message of understanding passed between them, one that didn’t need to be
expressed in words.

Bo knew what her Mother wanted of her now; it was the one act of
adoration Carol hadn’t taught her during her long week. A week in which
she’d been taught almost every conceivable way of giving pleasure to a
woman by Carol and her friends. She’d learnt everything except the one
final act, which her Mother had wished to save for herself. In her mind,
it was an act of love so private and personal that she couldn’t conceive of
consummating it anywhere else except in the privacy of her own home.

Hand in hand, they walked up the stairs to Lei’s romantically lit
bedroom. There she closed the door and reached into a drawer and took out
a rubber mat. She placed it in the centre of the bedroom floor, and then
turned round to Bo with a shy smile spread across her perfect features.

Bo gave a silent nod and knelt down on the mat behind her Mother. With
a deft movement, Lei unclipped her skirt and drew it down her legs, and
then threw it across the room. Then Bo reached up and pulled her panties
off her Mother’s bum for her to kick across the floor. Then she stared in
wonder at her perfectly rounded arse glowing with ethereal beauty in the
dimly lit room. Two pert hillocks of golden flesh parted in the centre by
a dark divide greeted her hungry eyes. She planted a quick kiss on each
one watching the mounds tremble as she did.

Again, no words were needed as her Mother bent forward and held onto her
knees. The divide widened revealing the dark wrinkled rosebud, which even
now began to pulse. The look of need in Lei’s eyes prompted her daughter
to open her mouth as wide as it would stretch to accept her Mother’s gift
and listen to her whispered breath.


With that, the head emerged from its tube and slid down like a dark
brown rope. She felt its heat as soon as it emerged and smelt its rank
odour, but kept her mouth open as it slowly descended between her lips.
The nugget broke off, with the end sticking out of her mouth a good five
inches as she bit down and began to chew. The final act of devotion was
finally being consummated. Both Mother and Daughter saw it as the defining
moment of their love, it was a communion so sacred and so full of meaning
that no other act of worship could compare. For five minutes, Lie emptied
the contents of her bowels down her young daughter’s throat. Each slimy
rope of shit was thoroughly chewed and rolled around in her mouth.

The noise of loud slopping filled the bedroom as her jaws broke it all
down accompanied by loving words of encouragement from the straining woman
above. Finally, the result of three days enforced ‘holding it in’ was
resting in Bo’s distended stomach. Stalagmites of cloying poo hung from
her lips and then her whole face became a brown mess as her Mother pushed
Bo firmly between her stained cheeks and began rubbing herself up and down.

When it was finally over, she led Bo into the shower where they washed
each other clean under the cleansing spray. Even now, her Mother eased her
gently to the floor and emptied her bladder into her mouth as the water
dashed against the tiles. It was a fitting end to Bo’s first experience of
toilet servitude and something she knew her Mother would expect on a daily
basis now.

She didn’t mind, she was more than willing to please her Mother this
way, just hearing her words of gratitude was enough for her to jump through
fire. Their lovemaking carried on throughout the night as Bo showed her
Mother all she had learnt. Clanging headboards and creaking bedsprings
mingled with Lie’s heated cries until dawn called an end to their first
night as lovers. There would be many more to come.

Vicky continued to visit Carol and Tina and over the years enjoyed a
succession of girl lovers, Bo included, as Lei kept her promise and
continued to bring her for future visits where she gradually allowed the
other women to use her as their toilet once she had consummated the act
herself. Bo had become another one of the Lady Toys.