Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

MILF seduced a teen lesbian girl

She tells me her name is Gail. It’s a leather bash at
Chicky’s and I’m standing at the bar with my second beer and a
taco chip. She tells me her name is Gail, and then she says: “You
have such lovely hair.”
She’s very thin, tall, wasted looking, too much dark hair.
She says she runs a clothes boutique on Oak Street, but I don’t
know if I should believe her. Oak Street is swank, chi-chi, one
long block of phoniness, and maybe I should not believe her. But
why would anyone come to Chicky’s and tell a lie …

Teen girls sleepover party

I was on my way home from work when I got the call from my wife, she would
be away on business for the weekend and wanted to let me know that our 18
year old daughter Sam, was having her friend Kelly sleep over.

As I arrived home I could hear the girlish laughter coming from the kitchen
and putting away my briefcase walked in and greeted the girls. Sam
introduced me to the stunning Kelly; I could hardly believe she was the same
age as my daughter. I wondered at how quickly they seemed to grow up as …

Nice to find someone who shares my simple pleasures

It’s early Spring and the weather is acting like it. The sun is unexpectedly strong and warm, the sky is blue, and the nearby trees are sprouting buds. They are not the only thing that has sap rising. I’m sitting here outside “Capaldi’s Coffee Shop” with damp panties. My reason for this is “Saint Bernadette’s School for Girls” is letting its pupils out to go home!

So many young lovelies come past the coffee house on their way home and now it’s warm and dry enough again to sit out here, at a table, under a sunshade, and admire my …

Isolation and My Curious Nephew

My 18-year-old nephew Sean has been staying with me during the whole
COVID-19 isolation thing. Both of his parents work in health care, and
they asked me if he could stay with me to help minimize any possible
exposure for him. We’ve always been close, and he’s a cool kid so it
wasn’t a problem. Actually figured it would be nice to have some company
around the house, especially since I live in a rural area without many
neighbors. One day we were sitting on the couch together watching a movie,
and I guess I nodded off. I woke up, …

Adam’s Double Initiation

Adam was a new citizen of Assville having moved here less than
three months ago with his guardian. Slowly the almost seventeen
year old youth was beginning to make friends at school but he
really did not have any yet. He had also learnt about the extra
fixation (in his humble opinion) that the village had for
spanking butt — particularly bare butt. So far he had been
lucky and had only experienced such tail warming privately at
home and not at school or, even worse, in the public square.
Just as he had passed the age of consent for …

A trip to the barber turns into something more

My parents separated right after school ended and they
shipped me off to my grandparents. They live in a small
town in northern New Jersey; I’d been there one week
and was already tired of just hanging around the house.
I missed my best friend, Mark. Just the thought of Mark
made my cock begin to harden. Damn, I thought, not a
fucking thing to do.

“Why don’t you get a haircut,” my grandmother said as
she cleared the breakfast table. “I hear they’re
wearing it short again. I never did like long hair on
men. Sometimes you can’t tell …