Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Nice to find someone who shares my simple pleasures

It’s early Spring and the weather is acting like it. The sun is unexpectedly strong and warm, the sky is blue, and the nearby trees are sprouting buds. They are not the only thing that has sap rising. I’m sitting here outside “Capaldi’s Coffee Shop” with damp panties. My reason for this is “Saint Bernadette’s School for Girls” is letting its pupils out to go home!

So many young lovelies come past the coffee house on their way home and now it’s warm and dry enough again to sit out here, at a table, under a sunshade, and admire my …

Hot horny sisters

June Richards smiled lewdly as she and the two men stripped naked. Both of the big strong studs had huge pricks, and June’s tight cunt was hot and dripping even before Hank Latimer grabbed her massive tits and kissed her hungrily on the mouth. “Mmmmm!” she moaned. “Put those great big hard cocks in me, you bastards! I want ’em both at the same time!” Lanny Bates laughed. “By God, I heard she was a hot one,” he said. “Yeah, that’s what I’ve been hearing, too,” said Hank, grinning. “You’ve been with this company how long, June? Just a month?” …

A Mother-Daughter Twosome 2.

Lani Walker was still flushed with the exertion of her
passionate love-making, when she and Bob wandered down to the
Village about 20 minutes later. It had been so wonderful, the
feel of coarse grass on her naked body, the hot sun standing high
overhead, the magnificent body of her boyfriend drawing from her
every ounce of her sexual energies. They often made love in the
middle of the day, and they never tired of the infinite ways they
used their fresh young bodies together, ways which, before she had
met Bob, Lani had never even suspected existed.
They ambled …

A Mother-Daughter Twosome 1.

It was a hard climb up the narrow, rock-filled path, and Ann
had to stop two or three times to catch her breath. Whew, I’m
really out of shape! she panted to herself silently, standing
about fifty feet below the crest of the hill. Well, one last pull
… and she started again, slowly, forcing one foot ahead of the
She had been pleasantly surprised at the reception Moses had
given her back at the meeting house. She could admit to herself
now just how frightened she had been to come to the commune,
frightened of people who seemed …

Fun With My Dad

My name is Blake. I”m 18, 5″6″, and 130 pounds of muscle. My cock is 6 1/2 inches hard (yes, I”m small). I”ve never seen my dad naked before, until now. My dad is 49, a little skinny & kinda tall. My dad and I never really talked much, and we didn”t have a close bond. Now, the story starts:

It was mid-July, and it was a hot day. My dad was home today, and my mom left for work. So, it was just me and my dad. I woke up with a hard-on, so I decided to jack off. …

My stepdad took my virgin asshole

I turned 18 last week, and for my birthday with the family, they all gathered in my honor and took me to a bar afterwards. It was kind of fun, and nice to be legal, but come on, it was my family. Mom , Dad, my sister Debbie and her girlfriend (yep, that’s right) and my 2 brothers Bill and Colin, and their girlfriends, Rose and Jean.

At one point I stumbled half drunk towards the men’s room. Coming out of the ladies room was Jean. As she passed, she reached out and cupped my balls then squeezed none to …

My Friends the Allens – Familiarity

Jake’s penis stood rough and erect in his lap, and
Julie’s fingers played idly up and down, touching the
veins and caressing the soft skin of the cap. They
moved down to the base of the shaft and encircled it,
squeezing gently, and Jake groaned. The flickering
light of the video screen played over their faces,
Julie’s fine bare legs, white panties, thin t-shirt.

The tape, from Jake’s private collection, was
alternating between surreal street scenes and hot
intense sex. The woman on the screen bent over,
her eyes closed, and began to moan helplessly.
Then she suddenly opened her …

It Gets Better and Better

She lay very still as he entered the dimly lit room,
unlike before, there was no fear in her pretty eyes,
maybe a bit of expectation along with a feeling of the
experimentation. He had joined her on other visits,
finding that after the first few she had fully accepted
what he wished to do with her.

Woodie had started with the kissing first, finding she
liked his lips touching hers instead of on her cheek
like most older people kissed the younger set. She
loved hearing his words of praise, of how lovely she
was and how sweet her …