Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

My stepdad took my virgin asshole

I turned 18 last week, and for my birthday with the family, they all gathered in my honor and took me to a bar afterwards. It was kind of fun, and nice to be legal, but come on, it was my family. Mom , Dad, my sister Debbie and her girlfriend (yep, that’s right) and my 2 brothers Bill and Colin, and their girlfriends, Rose and Jean.

At one point I stumbled half drunk towards the men’s room. Coming out of the ladies room was Jean. As she passed, she reached out and cupped my balls then squeezed none to …

My stepdad and I had ended up in the porn theater

It was so damned dark I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face. I fumbled around in the dark until I found the first row of seats and then felt my way up a few rows. I had no idea if anyone was sitting in that row or not but took the chance and moved in a few seats. At last I was sitting down and I didn’t trip over anybody to get here. Not a bad start really when I think about it.

This is my first time in an adult movie theater and the last thing …