Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Sweetie, it’s nasty to listen to the neighbors fuck

I’ll never forget the first time I heard the upstairs neighbors
fucking. I was sitting on the bed folding laundry when I noticed the
rhythmic rocking of their bed. I looked up and started laughing when
I immediately suspected their activity.

I continued folding the clothes. The sounds increased, bringing an
occasional chuckle from me. When the rhythm suddenly changed, I found
myself looking at the ceiling again and realized that I had stopped
folding. I kept very still, even holding by breath as I listened
carefully to the sounds from their bed.

My God! How could anyone move their …

My sissy son 1.

As my euphoric haze began to fade and my vision came back to me fully, I continued to look down at my son’s face. His glazed, messy, cum-splattered face. His eyes were closed lightly, as he began to lick his lips and “Mmmm” with delight. As he released my drained cock from his grip it rested on his cheek and he turned to kiss it again. I slumped back further on the desk and all I could think was “My God. How the fuck did we get here?”

But to explain that, I have to go back to the beginning. …

My stepdad and I had ended up in the porn theater

It was so damned dark I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face. I fumbled around in the dark until I found the first row of seats and then felt my way up a few rows. I had no idea if anyone was sitting in that row or not but took the chance and moved in a few seats. At last I was sitting down and I didn’t trip over anybody to get here. Not a bad start really when I think about it.

This is my first time in an adult movie theater and the last thing …

Brad and Scott, the two cock

As Brad withdrew his cock I heard Scott say, “I think I will take that
spot!” He quickly moved between my legs and put the head of his cock
against my already cum soaked pussy. I felt him give one quick lunge
into me as I felt Brad’s cum running down my ass. I then felt this guy
that I didn’t know (I later found out his name was Stan) begin to rub
his cock over my lips. As I opened my mouth, I felt him begin to push
his cock in and out of my mouth. I then felt …

A Night in Asian Heaven

In my despair, I drifted back to my home state, to see
my aging parents, family and friends, and best of all,
a new GAM friend who I’d met on the net, and we’d
agreed that we console ourselves with each other’s
company for a week. He kept irreverently referring to
our liaison as the ‘June Bonk’.

We had long discussions into the wee small hours,
(amongst other things) and out of this came the
suggestion – “instead of worrying about early
retirement; why don’t you go and study again, and go to
work in Asia amongst the people you …

Lesbian and Proud

For perhaps the sixth time that morning,
Jackie Esposito reread the bulletin board classified on
her computer screen. As she had the previous five
times, she slowly shook her head. What had ever
possessed her to write such an ad? Silently, she read
it again.

“Married White Female – 20. Brooklyn, NY
Bi-curious. Looking for an understanding lesbian or
bi-woman to help me explore the world of female
sexuality. Not looking for a relationship as of yet,
just a little fun.”

When she had posted that add on the BBS
last week, she really didn’t expect to get any serious…

Is It You or Her?

“Eva, isn’t there something you want to tell me?”

“I bet you want to talk about my pussy, don’t you?”

“Well, Eva, it’s been pretty hard for me to not notice
how messy and gamy and gapping it has been for the last
few weeks when you’ve come in late. Is it that new guy
at work, Eddie? The one that’s called here a few time
and left messages, as well as picked you up a few

“Yes he’s the one. Isn’t he handsome?”

“That’s beside the point Eva. Remember, we’re married.
You’re not supposed to be committing adultery …