Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

In the sand – Ami and Sasha

It all begins in an innocent sort of way. The type of innocence where deep
down you know there is a fire burning, a fire that doesn’t need ignition, a
destiny unavoidable in the end because both parties want it. Here is our story. Maybe not your “cup of tea,” but it happens. Someone is knocking at the back door. It is her. I know it. She comes every
Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. when her husband goes to play tennis with his
buddies. It all started with coffee. Coffee and girl talk. Her “free time” as she
called it …

The man maid

My entry into the house must have been as much of a spectacle as
my exit from the car. My now well endowed female form fumbling with bags

and boxes, shimmery nylon encased calves flowing from the hem of my
form fitting skirt tapering down to ankles wobbling on sexy spike heeled

shoes, my well padded rear swaying seductively as I try to turn the knob

on the door, such a site would have an effect on a eunuch let alone a
normal, already sexually aroused, human male with a raging imagination
and entrapped cock. My male mind protesting …

Cum in my shemale cunt

But first some recent experiences i have had.
Last night on my way from getting dinner at a favorite Chinese
restaurant, I saw a very sexy woman. My eyes took in her gestalt. She had
on 4 inch black high heel pumps and nylon stockings and a short actually
very short dress…My eyes focused on her nylons,seemingly glued, but yet
actively probing wanting to follow the nylons up and under her dress. I’d
like to see back seam stockings with little up pointing arrows on the
back! Gawd I wanted to run my hand like a feather up those seams …

Public Bathroom Misbehavior

Spankings deliver my most intense climax, how and why a public
bathroom slut [m/m] needs it very dirty, the nastier I was used,
the more deserved my punished bad [wow], yes I want to be bad,
because I need the paddle real good

I must say, that I do what I enjoy, thru the craving I need and
get, when I’m spanked and being paddled, as my partner and I have
set arrangements to appropriate punishment on the virtues of
infractions to our monogamy, so having to form on to how my
favorite stimuli shall be applied, being especially fond …

My GF caught me looking at gay porn

I recently wrote about my first cocksucking experience but the act of writing it down triggered a memory I had suppressed for a long time, I did have one previous encounter…..
This was actually my first time sucking a cock……
I was a young student just 18. I was living in shared rooms. There were 4 of us. 2 guys I got on with pretty well, the other Andy, was a bit weird. He was a pain to be around, always making inappropriate comments talking about sex, often strutting around naked and making everyone uncomfortable, and I did as much …

The Glenderry Club

When you are talented, good-looking, and rich besides, you have no
shortage of friends. eighteen-year-old Jonathan Taylor Weis’s favourites
were not others in the show business as many might have suspected, but the
studs he grew up with and hung with every day, teens his age in his
neighbourhood. The teenagers he acted with he normally only saw at the
studio, or during some charity promotion, and then they talked about
acting, about upcoming contracts and promotional junkets, and about fans.
Actors talked business, not about their interests or hobbies or personal

Taran Noah Smith, one of his co-stars …

Cowgirl and Belle in Vegas

I saw her in the valet parking area of one of the big new Vegas hotels. It
was like a scene out of a movie–this whole crowd of Southern gals, dressed
to the nines with billowy dresses and high heels and big floppy hats, saying
goodbye to a toothy blonde bride in white lace. I wasn’t looking at the
bride, though, but at one of the bridesmaids. She was a giant, six feet
tall and what was politely called big-boned. Well, being the rangy cowgirl
type myself, I always liked a good-sized woman.

Anyway, it was a fair description, she …

Gym Submission

It was a normal trip to the gym, though I was a bit later than normal. I
usually managed to get there by 6pm, but tonight I had been finishing up a
problem at the office and couldn t break away until late. I almost skipped
it, but I d been so inconsistent with my workouts lately that I felt I had
to go. So here I was going for my workout at 8pm.

I had already called my wife to let her know I d be late. I checked in
and headed for the locker room. I walked towards …

The Climbing Hut

I had just come over the shoulder of the lower part of the north ridge
of the Eiger and I was relieved to see the mountain hut in a small valley
about a hundred feet below me. It was beginning to get dark and the snow
was starting to fall again so it was really time to find shelter for the
night. As I made my way across the snow to the hut I could see a faint
yellow light in the window so I should have company. I shook the snow from
my boots, pushed open the door and …

I call my story THE RED CORVETTE

Since you are my closest friend, I can share my story. I
thought I was a heterosexual male, but I was taught to share
my body with another man for the occasional use of a dream
car. I also learned the meaning of caring love from another

I call my story THE RED CORVETTE.

My name is Kevin Kelstrom I am of Scandinavian descent. I
lived on a farm in Wisconsin. I had just graduated from high
school and wanted to go to college. I was eighteen years

I had a half uncle who lived in California. My …

A man struggles with his obsession to make love to another man and finds a hermaphrodite

Frankie pulled into the first motel he found, it was
late and he had been driving all day. After checking
in, he went to the room and tossed his suitcase on the
desk and flopped on the bed.

Frankie was on the road for one reason, he just left
his wife of eight years and his kids, a son and a
daughter. The problem wasn’t with them, it was him. For
years now, he’s been struggling with his inner self
about his sexuality. Anita, his wife, was a very
beautiful woman. At twenty-eight her figure was
fantastic even after bearing …

Judy’s Visit to the Student Clinic

It all started my freshman year. One of the regular
yearly rituals of my sorority involved the need for
some sleeping pills, and it was the practice to send
the freshmen to obtain them. So I went to the student
health center and told the triage nurse that I was
having trouble sleeping that I needed a prescription
for some good strong pills. She sent me to a little
room down the hall past the bathroom and the school’s
pharmacy, which was conveniently right inside the
health center.

A few minutes later, a nurse came in. Her name tag
said, …

Ally McBeal – Buried Pleasures

“I’m not gay. I’m not even ashamed to
admit I don’t want to be gay, but….” Ally McBeal
said as she sat in her office at Cage, Fish and

“… you’re curious.” the young beautiful
Asian woman sitting across from Ally said as she
finished her sentence.

Her name was Ling Woo, and like Ally,
she was a lawyer at the Boston firm. Originally
she had been a client of another of the firms
lawyers, Nelle Porter, and had eventually joined
the firm as well.

“Well it wasn’t just that, Ling” Ally went
on. “For whatever reason last night …

Owned by a tranny

I have an unbelieveable statement to make I am owned by a
shemale or transgender lady.
The reason is is because I am a straight man at least I thought
I was straight.
This is how it happened I was at a dinner party that a friend
invited me to.
While I was talking to another guy about football and enjoying a
beer a female friend tapped me on a shoulder.
She said,” I want to introduce you to someone.”
I turned around and there was this Latino looking lady.
I looked at her for a few minutes and I …

A married man’s hidden desires are fulfilled

During high school and college, being bisexual had
great benefits. If I couldn’t get a date with a hot co-
ed, there was always a group of horny bi and gay men on
campus willing to hook up for some nsa fun. I never
lucked into having a roommate who was bi or gay but I
got my share of pussy… ,and cock! At 6’2″ and 200
pounds, with brown hair and eyes and a killer smile, I
never had much trouble with either sex and both the
boys and the girls were always pleased with the ways I
used …