Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Rice and Poopy – Friday WMN

Have you ever seen a dragon in a tuxedo. Don’t laugh.
Whatever you do, don’t laugh. I just finished putting
out some unfortunate soul with a fire extinguisher and
do not look forward to doing it again.

A regal looking female muse stood on the dias, wings
fluttering in annoyance as the crowd took its own
sweet time settling down. I put the fire extinguisher
away and headed for the bar, knowing that the ceremony
would start later rather than sooner. Friday was still
licking some residual chocolate off a well built
Adonis of a muse in the back corner …

Stevie Meets The Duke

Your chronicler got this true account via Henry who is
Stevie’s teddy bear. (The truth is that Henry was unlawfully bugged.)
Stevie tells _everything_ to Henry every night. Please imagine that you
are Henry listening to Stevie’s first person account. A little
background information is in order. Stevie has been living happily with
Aunt Emma and Uncle Adam as their eleven year old son for more than a
decade now. They are all very happy with the arrangement. He doesn’t
have any problems passing as a boy because he is small (some would say a
runt and others a shrimp) …

Hot horny sisters

June Richards smiled lewdly as she and the two men stripped naked. Both of the big strong studs had huge pricks, and June’s tight cunt was hot and dripping even before Hank Latimer grabbed her massive tits and kissed her hungrily on the mouth. “Mmmmm!” she moaned. “Put those great big hard cocks in me, you bastards! I want ’em both at the same time!” Lanny Bates laughed. “By God, I heard she was a hot one,” he said. “Yeah, that’s what I’ve been hearing, too,” said Hank, grinning. “You’ve been with this company how long, June? Just a month?” …

Owned by a tranny

I have an unbelieveable statement to make I am owned by a
shemale or transgender lady.
The reason is is because I am a straight man at least I thought
I was straight.
This is how it happened I was at a dinner party that a friend
invited me to.
While I was talking to another guy about football and enjoying a
beer a female friend tapped me on a shoulder.
She said,” I want to introduce you to someone.”
I turned around and there was this Latino looking lady.
I looked at her for a few minutes and I …

Tina and Rosa xxx adventures

Two months ago, my life changed in an amazing
way. My best friend Ron and I were exploring an iso-
lated island off the Florida coast, an island rumored
to once have been inhabited by an Aztec tribe ruled by
the tribe’s women. After being driven from their native
Mexico, this legendary tribe found its way to the is-
land and worshipped a Sun Goddess in almost complete
isolation for hundreds of years. According to legend,
they were wiped out by a massive hurricane a few years
before Columbus discovered the New World.

While on the island, after being guided …

A cock sucking coward and the sex bully

To this day, I can’t believe how stupid and naive I was at 19. Twelve
years later, I still suffer the consequences.
I moved out of my parents home in Fresno and into the outskirts of
Los Angeles because the warehousing company I worked for moved there.
My parents and I weren’t on the best of terms anyway and didn’t
protest much. In fact, they told me not to come back.
I didn’t have a car (I had a bicycle), so had to find a place to
live that was close to our new warehouse. Pickings were slim, but I…

A Night in Asian Heaven

In my despair, I drifted back to my home state, to see
my aging parents, family and friends, and best of all,
a new GAM friend who I’d met on the net, and we’d
agreed that we console ourselves with each other’s
company for a week. He kept irreverently referring to
our liaison as the ‘June Bonk’.

We had long discussions into the wee small hours,
(amongst other things) and out of this came the
suggestion – “instead of worrying about early
retirement; why don’t you go and study again, and go to
work in Asia amongst the people you …

It’s Amazing What Can Happen After a Hot Shower

I was having a shower, a nice hot shower where the water
hits you with jets if burning liquid, tingling all over.
I turned down the heat, unscrewed the shower spray head,
leaving just the rubber pipe, and pushed it between my
arse cheeks and felt the pressure of the water on my
hole. I relaxed my muscles until I was able to push the
tube inside my arse hole, and felt the water fill up my
bowels. I could feel the water gurgling up into my
stomach, and knew it was time to stop.

I had about a gallon …

I Was A High School Head Giver

I have been reading your archives for a while now, and
even rereading some of the stories that I like best. I
love the first time stories. This has inspired me to
write to you about something that changed my life, when
I was just 15 years old. I have never told anyone about
this. I figure this form is a good place to get it off
my chest. Though, I don’t see these events as anything

I used to walk home from school everyday with Troy, a
friend of mine. He was the same age. His family was …