Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

I love when you want something sexual from me

“It’s me,” Bob Brennan called over the sound of the radio. As
Jeanette was not in sight, she was in the kitchen. “Sorry I’m
late, but it was that or go back on campus tomorrow.” Instead of
the kiss he expected, Jeanette gave him a hushing gesture, finger
to her lips.

He washed his hands as quietly as he could, so as not to compete
with the voice of the French announcer. After someone else came
on, Jeanette clicked off the shortwave. The kiss Bob received
might have been belated, but it was enthusiastic. He hugged her
with his left …

It’s Ok To Be Bi

Eric stood at the window. He stood there, looking at
the beautiful view. The bay was simply beautiful. He
suddenly felt a presence behind him.

He did not turn around because he already knew who it
was. He felt strong arms wrap themselves around him. He
turned around to look into the face of a tall, lean
young man with blond hair and pale blue eyes. His
lover, Michael. Michael planted a kiss on Eric’s cheek
and nibbled at his ear.

“What are you doing?” Michael asked.

“Loving the view.” said Eric.

Eric stood there, feeling safe inside Michael’s arms.…