Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Double Celeb Meeting

Synopsis: Uncle Sky and Frank McCoy meet at a local bookstore for
coffee and a quick game of chess, where they meet a fan.

Story: “It’s your move, Sky,” annouced Frank even though he didn’t
need to. Uncle Sky was playing the white pieces, and all of the
chessmen were still in place. Uncle Sky was thinking, but not
necessarily about the chess game.

He was just thinking about how hard it is being a world famous writer
of dirty stories. Most people didn’t want to talk about such things
at least in public. Frank had learned the same thing. …

Alice has a simply horrid time at Mr and Mrs Hart’s party in Wonderground

Alice was pleased to see that Kedi was out there as if she had been
expecting her. Alice ran into Kedi’s arms, who held her tightly and
comforted her as Alice gulped out her sobs. “It was horrible!
Horrible!” she sobbed. “A real nightmare!”

“I think,” said Kedi kindly, “it’s time for you to go home.” And with
that she steered Alice away from Mrs Hart’s house and towards the
nearest bus-stop.

Kedi took Alice to Mouse’s house, and after advising Mouse’s mother
of the situation she took some clothes which both she and Alice could
wear. She then escorted …

Santa Claus Is Cumming

Believe it or not, I had a hard time sleeping. Every time I closed my
eyes the memory of what I’d seen played like an endless loop. Finally,
I grabbed my cock and started abusing it like I’d caught it breaking
into my house. After blowing a wad into a hand towel, I slept like a

I got to the mall and went into the Santa Shack. Now might be a good
time to describe Santa’s Magic Kingdom. Since it’s a regional mall
and draws shoppers from about a hundred-mile radius, they put a lot of
time and space …

Gurl Bunny Ranch

So, here I am in LA, lost my job, had my car repossessed and got dumped by
my girlfriend. I’m late on the rent so I don’t even have a car to sleep in.

Basically, I’m screwed. I take a look at my bank account and I realize I
have about $1000 so I’m not totally broke so what do I do with the money?
Pay the rent, try to get my car back, pay some bills? No , I decide to take
a bus to Las Vegas and blow it there.

I checked into a shit motel and headed …

A Mother-Daughter Twosome 2.

Lani Walker was still flushed with the exertion of her
passionate love-making, when she and Bob wandered down to the
Village about 20 minutes later. It had been so wonderful, the
feel of coarse grass on her naked body, the hot sun standing high
overhead, the magnificent body of her boyfriend drawing from her
every ounce of her sexual energies. They often made love in the
middle of the day, and they never tired of the infinite ways they
used their fresh young bodies together, ways which, before she had
met Bob, Lani had never even suspected existed.
They ambled …