Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Man Dominated To Suck A Cock

Let me start by saying I have always been straight and never have
I even imagined being with a guy. With that said let me tell you
a story that has forever changed my life. It started one day
when my wife were going to the Cape with my
mother-in-law, like they have for the past 5 years. I always stay
home and have the weekend to myself to do whatever I want.

It was Friday and I was in a hurry to get out of work so I could
get a five mile run in and then head down …

Hot horny sisters

June Richards smiled lewdly as she and the two men stripped naked. Both of the big strong studs had huge pricks, and June’s tight cunt was hot and dripping even before Hank Latimer grabbed her massive tits and kissed her hungrily on the mouth. “Mmmmm!” she moaned. “Put those great big hard cocks in me, you bastards! I want ’em both at the same time!” Lanny Bates laughed. “By God, I heard she was a hot one,” he said. “Yeah, that’s what I’ve been hearing, too,” said Hank, grinning. “You’ve been with this company how long, June? Just a month?” …

A bit deeper, now

Morganstern, now lying on his back, looked up at Jon, the
lithe young stud who was just starting his first impaling thrust.
But with no more than an inch of himself inside Morganstern, who
was the bigger, more muscular of the two naked young writers,
Jon stopped and held himself perfectly still. Morganstern asked,
“What’s the matter?” “Short fuze, real short.” “You afraid
you’ll go off too soon?” “Sure am,” said Jon.

“May I make a few suggestions?” asked Morganstern as he felt
Jon cautiously ease himself deeper.

“Go ahead,” said Jon with a jerk of his head that swung …

Cowgirl and Belle in Vegas

I saw her in the valet parking area of one of the big new Vegas hotels. It
was like a scene out of a movie–this whole crowd of Southern gals, dressed
to the nines with billowy dresses and high heels and big floppy hats, saying
goodbye to a toothy blonde bride in white lace. I wasn’t looking at the
bride, though, but at one of the bridesmaids. She was a giant, six feet
tall and what was politely called big-boned. Well, being the rangy cowgirl
type myself, I always liked a good-sized woman.

Anyway, it was a fair description, she …

Adam’s Double Initiation

Adam was a new citizen of Assville having moved here less than
three months ago with his guardian. Slowly the almost seventeen
year old youth was beginning to make friends at school but he
really did not have any yet. He had also learnt about the extra
fixation (in his humble opinion) that the village had for
spanking butt — particularly bare butt. So far he had been
lucky and had only experienced such tail warming privately at
home and not at school or, even worse, in the public square.
Just as he had passed the age of consent for …

Brandon’s Gradual Ease

Brandon sat at his favorite table at the coffee house on Pine Street. He sipped on a cup of rich Cuban Coffee as he watched the scenery around him. Boys of all types and sizes moved on the sidewalk, some alone and some not. He was particularly interested in those that were alone. This was his habit on lazy Sunday afternoons. He would sit drinking coffee and watching…waiting for his prey. He would strike up a conversation and ask his prey to join him. After a brief conversation (and that is all it took) he brought them to his flat. …

First Gay Experience

This is the story of my first encounter with another man. I
met Don in a local bar and somehow, during the course of our
conversation, I told him I did plumbing work on the side. He seemed
like a nice guy, so when he called a week later with a stopped up
drain, I agreed to visit his house to correct the problem.

Usually drains are not much of a problem so I wore regular
street clothes rather than coveralls. Don let me in and showed me to
the kitchen. I laid on my back and crawled under the …

A man struggles with his obsession to make love to another man and finds a hermaphrodite

Frankie pulled into the first motel he found, it was
late and he had been driving all day. After checking
in, he went to the room and tossed his suitcase on the
desk and flopped on the bed.

Frankie was on the road for one reason, he just left
his wife of eight years and his kids, a son and a
daughter. The problem wasn’t with them, it was him. For
years now, he’s been struggling with his inner self
about his sexuality. Anita, his wife, was a very
beautiful woman. At twenty-eight her figure was
fantastic even after bearing …

Owned by a tranny

I have an unbelieveable statement to make I am owned by a
shemale or transgender lady.
The reason is is because I am a straight man at least I thought
I was straight.
This is how it happened I was at a dinner party that a friend
invited me to.
While I was talking to another guy about football and enjoying a
beer a female friend tapped me on a shoulder.
She said,” I want to introduce you to someone.”
I turned around and there was this Latino looking lady.
I looked at her for a few minutes and I …

Opie and the CumPie

Opie Taylor was a good boy. On t’other hand, he was an 18-
year-old boy, which means he wasn’t all THAT good. He played
hooky onc’t in a while, and he threw rocks at squirrels, and he
knew some cuss words. But he didn’t use them in front of
grown-ups. Of course, bein’ the son of Mayberry’s sheriff may
have had something to do with that; when you’re the sheriff’s
boy, seems everybody’s always watchin’ what you do.

But at heart Opie was a nice boy, so when his Aunt Bee
asked him to take a peach pie over to …

Sweetie, it’s nasty to listen to the neighbors fuck

I’ll never forget the first time I heard the upstairs neighbors
fucking. I was sitting on the bed folding laundry when I noticed the
rhythmic rocking of their bed. I looked up and started laughing when
I immediately suspected their activity.

I continued folding the clothes. The sounds increased, bringing an
occasional chuckle from me. When the rhythm suddenly changed, I found
myself looking at the ceiling again and realized that I had stopped
folding. I kept very still, even holding by breath as I listened
carefully to the sounds from their bed.

My God! How could anyone move their …

My stepdad took my virgin asshole

I turned 18 last week, and for my birthday with the family, they all gathered in my honor and took me to a bar afterwards. It was kind of fun, and nice to be legal, but come on, it was my family. Mom , Dad, my sister Debbie and her girlfriend (yep, that’s right) and my 2 brothers Bill and Colin, and their girlfriends, Rose and Jean.

At one point I stumbled half drunk towards the men’s room. Coming out of the ladies room was Jean. As she passed, she reached out and cupped my balls then squeezed none to …

Tina and Rosa xxx adventures

Two months ago, my life changed in an amazing
way. My best friend Ron and I were exploring an iso-
lated island off the Florida coast, an island rumored
to once have been inhabited by an Aztec tribe ruled by
the tribe’s women. After being driven from their native
Mexico, this legendary tribe found its way to the is-
land and worshipped a Sun Goddess in almost complete
isolation for hundreds of years. According to legend,
they were wiped out by a massive hurricane a few years
before Columbus discovered the New World.

While on the island, after being guided …

The gay warrior

I wasn’t looking for tight, hard Marine butt. When
you’re deployed for six months on an LST with three
hundred other Marines and a couple hundred dick-hungry
sailors, checking out ass in the shower is the last
thing you do. You get really good at going through the
day with blinders on, ignoring the packages in the
weight room, the dicks swinging and slapping hard
Marine thighs in berthing, the ball bags hanging heavy
and low.

A lot of other guys on the ship want the same things
you do, but you also have others around who claim they
don’t …

Older man seeks to fulfill his secret fantasy to be loved by another man

After 12 years of marriage, my wife and I have slowly
drifted apart. It was nobody’s fault really. We all
change with time and that which unites two people, does
change. True, the twelve years difference between our
ages did not help, but for me, something has always been

I always considered myself to be a normal, healthy,
heterosexual kind of guy. Never experienced what some say
was typical  boy-2-boy experimentation. I always
averted my eyes when sharing a shower in high school or
in the military. However, I did sneak a peak once or
twice when I knew …