Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Herbert Grandpa’s Vacation Surprise

Spring break was always a fun time for eighteen-year-old Dale. Every year,
when school was closed, they visited his grandparents for the week. Besides
all the usual stuff boys expect (and get) from indulgent grandparents, just
two houses down the block Dale had a wonderful friend, Jess. They were the
same age and loved to play together. Jess was also a wonderful guide to
the area for he knew where everything was — all the great spots to go to
play and explore for this was a little town which was very different from
Dale’s own neighborhood in the great …

All Services Available – scat

As I stood up, I looked into Mistress Sylvia’s eyes, I was no longer
nervous, just terribly excited by the events.
“Come!” she instructed me, “Kneel before me!”
I did, her cunt was level with my gaze, her legs were open slightly and I
could see her lips glistening from her recent orgasm.
She put her hand on the back of my head and pulled me onto her, “Lick!”
I did, my tongue delved her folds, tasting her juices, finding her clitoris,
exploring this wonderful creatures innermost parts. My tongue found her piss
hole and gently probed it, flicking at …