Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Most of my experience with other males is in an SM context with me as the submissive

I am a male bi-sexual. Most of my experience with other males is
in an SM context with me as the submissive. Let me provide a
little background before I get started. My earliest sexual
experience was when I was molested by a neighborhood teenaged boy
when I was four or five. When I was in the army I had my first
experience at an adult book store. I went to the bookstore with
a little bit of an alcohol buzz on. I went into the back area
where the video booths were and ended up sucking another guy’s
cock. …

Testing Women

As I have said before, I really don’t understand some women.

Seems that after neo-abolitionist made such a big deal about the sex
and meat testings that a lot of companies were offering, the ‘cool’
thing to do for a large group of women would be to have themselves sex
tested. I’m not complaining, a cash stream is a cash stream. I just
don’t follow why they would be doing this. Of course some are weirder
than others.

Case in point. A group of 5 women came in (2 blonds, a red head, one
with brown hair and a black …

Nifty Adventure in the City

This is a fictional story. It includes acts of homosexuality and
racial slurs. If you are offended by this kind of fantasy, please
search for something else to read. This story is not about or
intended for minors.

Stranded in the city late at night after I had been separated
from a car full of my buddies whom I rode in with, I ducked into
a magazine shop to keep from getting wet in the sudden downpour.
Turned out this was a sex shop and to avoid loitering I had to
buy five dollars worth of tokens and go to …

I’m going to fuck you in the ass!

I know what started it all. We’d been talking about Jeff Peters who had just discovered his wife was cheating on him. “Well, that’s one thing *I’ll* never have to worry about,” I commented.

I *didn’t* worry: Judy just isn’t like that. But I don’t think I saw her face when I made that comment because I know the image would have come back to me if I had. You see, two days later, Judy and I were lying in bed, and she said my name:


“Yes?” No she didn’t usually start conversations while we were trying to sleep, …

The story of a teen boy giving into his desires

John had always been a little bit different. At a young age he had discovered porn. It started with pictures and magazines. Then the internet brought him movies. He became addicted. First it was straight porn, then interacial. Then he discovered strapon femdom witch quickly led to transexual porn. Soon he began sneaking around wearing his mothers panties and playing with his ass.

At 17 he was still a virgin until he joined an adult dating site and met an older man. He lied about his age and met up with him. The older man had been his first. John …

Karen had been surprised by his two naked friends

The public bar was packed with West Indians when Mary and I
entered the Bedford Arms. Mary was clearly enjoying all the
attention she was attracting, but I was more worried about
our safety.

A bald-headed man in his fifties, sporting a prominent gold
tooth, put his hand on my shoulder and told us to follow
him upstairs.

‘I recognized the two of yer, straight away,’ he shouted
over the hubbub of the throng we were wading through. ‘You
two are stars in this neck of the woods; those tapes are a
big hit.’

Mary giggled when someone in the …

I were addicted to black cock


I particularly liked the way Simon and Penny were
‘encouraged’ to do Mr Asher’s bidding; it reminded me of
the time my wife and I were addicted to black cock in the
1970s. Iain – a charismatic, Svengali-like man in his late
fifties – persuaded us to try something a little more
exciting than mainstream wife-swapping – Mary and I were in
our early twenties at the time.

Iain loved to photograph burly black men fucking slim,
white wimps – he would organize weekend get-togethers at
his flat in south London for this purpose. These all-day,
and night, sex-romps …

Fuck me, fuck me, harder, I love it.

“The combination of Sarah’s magnificent thighs and ass and your nine-inch erection while we watched you soaking up sexual pleasure together and with other males and females was a huge turn on.

“Geoffrey would like you to entertain some of his younger in-laws, he is prepared to pay you well. Can we negotiate a suitable fee?”

“I think you are trying to tell us he wants us to fuck while six couples, half our age watch. How exciting,” Sarah told him with a wicked smile as she looked at me for tacit approval. “I think a suitable fee would be …

Bisexual sex tourists

“They want a to have a MMF threesome with you, they heard about you by reputation, are you comfortable with that? I negotiated a special fee for us,” my agent Ada told me. Steve asked lots questions, some not quite the usual ones I get from new clients. Is he really ten-inches and thick? Can he get it up twice in one session? Will he be comfortable fucking my lady while she sucks my cock? Will he be comfortable while my lady watches me sucking his cock? Of course I told them, he is a real pro and a stud.…

Drunken gang-bang

I am 21 years old and have been married a little over two years. I’m
blonde, blue-eyed, 5’6″ tall, and my measurements are 36-22-34. My
husband, Scott, is a “10” in any woman’s book, but he has a serious problem
– he can’t handle drinking. That’s how I became involved in my current
Every time Scott drinks, he gets into fights, and because of this, he
has been arrested on several occasions. The last time he went to court,
the judge placed him on a supervised probation, warning Scott that the next
time he was arrested, he would be …

My dirty-dirty secrets

I tossed my bag on my bed as I rounded through my bedroom door. I had just finished my college classes for the day. Looking around briefly, I noticed that my room was clean and I definably didn’t clean it.

“Sam!” I called out, calling my friend Samantha whom I shared an apartment with.

There was a moment of silence.

“Your cars here, I know your home.” I called out again, stepping back through the door and into the hallway.

I still didn’t hear a reaponse. I walked down the hallway a bit to her door. Slowly I knocked.

“Sammy?” …

The Glenderry Club

When you are talented, good-looking, and rich besides, you have no
shortage of friends. eighteen-year-old Jonathan Taylor Weis’s favourites
were not others in the show business as many might have suspected, but the
studs he grew up with and hung with every day, teens his age in his
neighbourhood. The teenagers he acted with he normally only saw at the
studio, or during some charity promotion, and then they talked about
acting, about upcoming contracts and promotional junkets, and about fans.
Actors talked business, not about their interests or hobbies or personal

Taran Noah Smith, one of his co-stars …

A man struggles with his obsession to make love to another man and finds a hermaphrodite

Frankie pulled into the first motel he found, it was
late and he had been driving all day. After checking
in, he went to the room and tossed his suitcase on the
desk and flopped on the bed.

Frankie was on the road for one reason, he just left
his wife of eight years and his kids, a son and a
daughter. The problem wasn’t with them, it was him. For
years now, he’s been struggling with his inner self
about his sexuality. Anita, his wife, was a very
beautiful woman. At twenty-eight her figure was
fantastic even after bearing …

Owned by a tranny

I have an unbelieveable statement to make I am owned by a
shemale or transgender lady.
The reason is is because I am a straight man at least I thought
I was straight.
This is how it happened I was at a dinner party that a friend
invited me to.
While I was talking to another guy about football and enjoying a
beer a female friend tapped me on a shoulder.
She said,” I want to introduce you to someone.”
I turned around and there was this Latino looking lady.
I looked at her for a few minutes and I …