Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Harry’s Wet Dream

Harry was crying & was in shock at his brutal fucking & poking by
his Best friend Ron. His ass was very sore due to the humping it
had got From Ron’s monstrous cock. Harry felt like crying every
time his ass Was Pounded by Ron’s penis. Harry’s mouth was being
invaded by Ron’s

Tongue. Ron had been smooching him ever since emptying his semen
inside Harry’s Bruised & battered ass. Ron just couldn’t seem to
get enough.

“Now, now! Sweetie, don’t cry! It always hurts the first time. I
bet You are going to like it when I fuck …

Two’s Company, Three’s A Crowd

Erin and Carla shared a flat; they had been best friends for years and had
traveled the world backpacking together. Single and carefree, they would be
out raging most nights of the week, never afraid to be brazen or overly sexy
in their outfits. The two blonds cut quite a delectable picture when they
entered a nightclub, they would walk straight up to the door of the club and
much to the chagrin of the people waiting patiently to enter, the doormen
would just let them pass as if they owned the place.

Carla had an on again off again …

Man Dominated To Suck A Cock

Let me start by saying I have always been straight and never have
I even imagined being with a guy. With that said let me tell you
a story that has forever changed my life. It started one day
when my wife were going to the Cape with my
mother-in-law, like they have for the past 5 years. I always stay
home and have the weekend to myself to do whatever I want.

It was Friday and I was in a hurry to get out of work so I could
get a five mile run in and then head down …

We met in the same bar, had sex in the same hotel room

His name was Jeremy. At least, so far as I know it was.

I don’t know his last name. I was visiting Toronto, and I don’t know
if he lives there or was just passing through. Jeremy was with the
band; I got the impression he was a member. To this day, I’ve never
heard them play.

So that’s all I have: a name, a city, and a band. Not much to show for
a three-night stand. And I wouldn’t change anything if I could.


I’ve never been a big Toronto fan. Even compared with the blighted
wastes of …

Most of my experience with other males is in an SM context with me as the submissive

I am a male bi-sexual. Most of my experience with other males is
in an SM context with me as the submissive. Let me provide a
little background before I get started. My earliest sexual
experience was when I was molested by a neighborhood teenaged boy
when I was four or five. When I was in the army I had my first
experience at an adult book store. I went to the bookstore with
a little bit of an alcohol buzz on. I went into the back area
where the video booths were and ended up sucking another guy’s
cock. …

A. Kitten: “Recidivist” (FF, bdsm, stroke)

Kayleigh entered the club’s dark locker room, one-handedly stuffing
her keycard back in her purse. She had never seen itfully lit; Adam
kept things dark and cool. Cavernous.

Facing her cubby, she wriggled out of her jeans and tank top, setting
them on a middle shelf. Lifting her collar from its hook, she held it
briefly to her chest and bent her neck to inhale the scent of leather.
Then she knelt by the exit to the club, collar held before her, and
pressed the bell.

Slaves weren’t allowed to collar themselves.

Nor were any dominant members inconsiderate enough to …

Alice has a simply horrid time at Mr and Mrs Hart’s party in Wonderground

Alice was pleased to see that Kedi was out there as if she had been
expecting her. Alice ran into Kedi’s arms, who held her tightly and
comforted her as Alice gulped out her sobs. “It was horrible!
Horrible!” she sobbed. “A real nightmare!”

“I think,” said Kedi kindly, “it’s time for you to go home.” And with
that she steered Alice away from Mrs Hart’s house and towards the
nearest bus-stop.

Kedi took Alice to Mouse’s house, and after advising Mouse’s mother
of the situation she took some clothes which both she and Alice could
wear. She then escorted …

Herbert Grandpa’s Vacation Surprise

Spring break was always a fun time for eighteen-year-old Dale. Every year,
when school was closed, they visited his grandparents for the week. Besides
all the usual stuff boys expect (and get) from indulgent grandparents, just
two houses down the block Dale had a wonderful friend, Jess. They were the
same age and loved to play together. Jess was also a wonderful guide to
the area for he knew where everything was — all the great spots to go to
play and explore for this was a little town which was very different from
Dale’s own neighborhood in the great …

Rufus and Johnny interracial oral

Rufus wanted badly to join a popular fraternity on campus, but he
needed a sponsor who could vouch for his character. The only one he
knew, who was already a member, was a blond boy in his dorm named

As luck would have it, the two boys ran into each other in the public
restroom in the dorm. As both boys were using the urinal Rufus looked
over at Johnny and casually asked if he would do him the favor of
getting him into the fraternity.

“I’m not in the habit of vouching for black boys,” Johnny said – …

Rice and Poopy – Friday WMN

Have you ever seen a dragon in a tuxedo. Don’t laugh.
Whatever you do, don’t laugh. I just finished putting
out some unfortunate soul with a fire extinguisher and
do not look forward to doing it again.

A regal looking female muse stood on the dias, wings
fluttering in annoyance as the crowd took its own
sweet time settling down. I put the fire extinguisher
away and headed for the bar, knowing that the ceremony
would start later rather than sooner. Friday was still
licking some residual chocolate off a well built
Adonis of a muse in the back corner …

A first sexual experience

My sister’s best firend, Flora, was 19 when I was 18. It seems that
she had heard some horror story about how a girl’s first experience
with intercourse was always painful. Flora and my sister, Helen,
discussed this for a long time. Flora was planning to have her first
experiece with her boy friend and she wanted it to be perfect. So
Helen and her hatched a plot. It seems that Helen had volinteered my
services to be the first to enter Flora so as to make her first “real”
(as Flora put it) intercourse a more romantic happening. Since …

Wish – By Rachel Gumm

Leaning out of the bedroom window, Maria savoured the feel of the
ocean’s cool breeze against her skin, offsetting the sun’s relentless
heat. Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath of fresh sea air,
absorbed in the sound of seagulls and waves crashing against pebbles.
Feeling refreshed, she turned back towards the bedroom.

“Having fun?” She smiled sweetly as she looked down at her helpless
captive, Susan. She was squirming around on the freshly made bed’s
soft duvet for all she was worth, getting herself worked up into a
frenzy again. Dressed only in a white string bikini …

Testing Women

As I have said before, I really don’t understand some women.

Seems that after neo-abolitionist made such a big deal about the sex
and meat testings that a lot of companies were offering, the ‘cool’
thing to do for a large group of women would be to have themselves sex
tested. I’m not complaining, a cash stream is a cash stream. I just
don’t follow why they would be doing this. Of course some are weirder
than others.

Case in point. A group of 5 women came in (2 blonds, a red head, one
with brown hair and a black …

A Perfect World for lesbian lovers

Exactly one Martian month later, Slurry was sitting behind her desk on the
59th floor of the Martian capital building. Her office was small and did not
feature a view, or even a window for that matter, but it was hers, 36 square
meters of real estate, equipped with a plastic desk and a computer terminal
and featuring her recently bestowed title on the door: DR. SLURRY FRAZIER –
HISTORIAN. She was as proud of that title as she was of the office itself.
Slurry was deliriously happy these days. She was about to start a family
with the man …

First Time Together (MFF)


I was trying. I stood in our bedroom while Russell caressed my
shoulders, my arms. His touch was light, sensual. He traced a finger
up over my breast, up my neck, under my chin, lifting my lips to him.
A light, lingering kiss. “Relax, Sarah.”

He kissed me again, still light, but I felt his tongue. I opened,
letting him into me, tasting him. Russ wrapped me in his arms, pulling
me to him. His lips left mine and nibbled a path down my neck.

Normally I loved this. It still felt good. But I could only think of…