Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

A Perfect World for lesbian lovers

Exactly one Martian month later, Slurry was sitting behind her desk on the
59th floor of the Martian capital building. Her office was small and did not
feature a view, or even a window for that matter, but it was hers, 36 square
meters of real estate, equipped with a plastic desk and a computer terminal
and featuring her recently bestowed title on the door: DR. SLURRY FRAZIER –
HISTORIAN. She was as proud of that title as she was of the office itself.
Slurry was deliriously happy these days. She was about to start a family
with the man …

Kinky lesbian trio

I’d always been glad I didn’t have Lisa’s problem. She’s quite flat
you see: a body like a stick. She’s really quite attractive, with a
pretty face framed by short brown hair. Being a little below average
height, she reminds you of a sprite or something.

In fact, I think men like Lisa like that (well, some of them
anyway), but that didn’t stop her from worrying. She’d tell me how
lucky I am. I guess I’d have to say I am lucky–my breasts are
adequate. In fact, they are more than adequate: they’re a little
larger than normal and …

Anne was twice my age, and bisexual

Anne was twice my age, and bisexual.

I was only 18 when she picked me up in a record store. Our eyes
met from across the room, and she smiled at me; I couldn’t help
but smile back. Anne was not a great beauty, or wouldn’t be
considered so by most. But she had an honest open face, and a
bright smile. She had a strong jaw, bright eyes, and a lovely
complexion. She came and stood next to me, and asked me something
about the CD I was holding in my hand. She was about an inch
taller than …

Teen girls sleepover party

I was on my way home from work when I got the call from my wife, she would
be away on business for the weekend and wanted to let me know that our 18
year old daughter Sam, was having her friend Kelly sleep over.

As I arrived home I could hear the girlish laughter coming from the kitchen
and putting away my briefcase walked in and greeted the girls. Sam
introduced me to the stunning Kelly; I could hardly believe she was the same
age as my daughter. I wondered at how quickly they seemed to grow up as …

The Ladies Club

Vicky Holmes cast a final glance in the dresser mirror before she left
the room. She saw a tall attractive woman of 5ft 8in with strikingly
attractive features. Blonde shoulder length hair framed an intelligent
mature face, one that seemed to suggest a vast store of worldly experience,
while her deep blue eyes hinted at great sensuality. The lilac blouse and
black skirt hugged her sleek body and emphasised her shapely breasts,
narrow waist and flaring hips.

No one just looked at her once; men and women were captivated by her
sexuality, an impression she made without effort. Despite her …

In the sand – Ami and Sasha

It all begins in an innocent sort of way. The type of innocence where deep
down you know there is a fire burning, a fire that doesn’t need ignition, a
destiny unavoidable in the end because both parties want it. Here is our story. Maybe not your “cup of tea,” but it happens. Someone is knocking at the back door. It is her. I know it. She comes every
Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. when her husband goes to play tennis with his
buddies. It all started with coffee. Coffee and girl talk. Her “free time” as she
called it …

Hot horny sisters

June Richards smiled lewdly as she and the two men stripped naked. Both of the big strong studs had huge pricks, and June’s tight cunt was hot and dripping even before Hank Latimer grabbed her massive tits and kissed her hungrily on the mouth. “Mmmmm!” she moaned. “Put those great big hard cocks in me, you bastards! I want ’em both at the same time!” Lanny Bates laughed. “By God, I heard she was a hot one,” he said. “Yeah, that’s what I’ve been hearing, too,” said Hank, grinning. “You’ve been with this company how long, June? Just a month?” …

A Mother-Daughter Twosome 1.

It was a hard climb up the narrow, rock-filled path, and Ann
had to stop two or three times to catch her breath. Whew, I’m
really out of shape! she panted to herself silently, standing
about fifty feet below the crest of the hill. Well, one last pull
… and she started again, slowly, forcing one foot ahead of the
She had been pleasantly surprised at the reception Moses had
given her back at the meeting house. She could admit to herself
now just how frightened she had been to come to the commune,
frightened of people who seemed …