Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

A. Kitten: “Recidivist” (FF, bdsm, stroke)

Kayleigh entered the club’s dark locker room, one-handedly stuffing
her keycard back in her purse. She had never seen itfully lit; Adam
kept things dark and cool. Cavernous.

Facing her cubby, she wriggled out of her jeans and tank top, setting
them on a middle shelf. Lifting her collar from its hook, she held it
briefly to her chest and bent her neck to inhale the scent of leather.
Then she knelt by the exit to the club, collar held before her, and
pressed the bell.

Slaves weren’t allowed to collar themselves.

Nor were any dominant members inconsiderate enough to …

Wish – By Rachel Gumm

Leaning out of the bedroom window, Maria savoured the feel of the
ocean’s cool breeze against her skin, offsetting the sun’s relentless
heat. Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath of fresh sea air,
absorbed in the sound of seagulls and waves crashing against pebbles.
Feeling refreshed, she turned back towards the bedroom.

“Having fun?” She smiled sweetly as she looked down at her helpless
captive, Susan. She was squirming around on the freshly made bed’s
soft duvet for all she was worth, getting herself worked up into a
frenzy again. Dressed only in a white string bikini …

The Wild Threesome

It was too dressy for work. “Do you think it’s too dressy?” she asked.

“No,” I answered, smiling. “You *have* to go wild now and then.” She
smiled a relieved smile. Marie, that is. It was morning and she’d just
come into my office. The dress was too sexy–it was dark, tight, short,
and the neckline plunged. OK for the right date, but wrong for work.
Very wrong. But what could I say? And why was she wearing it?

“Dave made me wear it.”

Weird. “Looks like something Dave might like you in. I guess he’s not
the jealous type. …

A nest of lesbians

Moving was always a drag, but Elspeth Wright didn’t mind it so much this time. After some four months in a shabby furnished room, the new apartment seemed like sheer luxury. It was pretty luxurious by any standard, in fact, and she couldn’t help but count her blessings. What luck! A chance meeting, an invitation, an offer to share – and now all of a sudden she had a half-interest in this high-rise heaven…
“Guess that about does it,” Joan said.
“All unpacked and shipshape. Thanks for your help.” With a mock sigh of relief, Elspeth kicked her shoes off …