Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Wish – By Rachel Gumm

Leaning out of the bedroom window, Maria savoured the feel of the
ocean’s cool breeze against her skin, offsetting the sun’s relentless
heat. Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath of fresh sea air,
absorbed in the sound of seagulls and waves crashing against pebbles.
Feeling refreshed, she turned back towards the bedroom.

“Having fun?” She smiled sweetly as she looked down at her helpless
captive, Susan. She was squirming around on the freshly made bed’s
soft duvet for all she was worth, getting herself worked up into a
frenzy again. Dressed only in a white string bikini …

Caught in Her Web

I was working as a night counselor in a alternative housing program when
I met her. She was innocent and streetwise all at the same time. She was
beautiful and powerfully built with breasts that would make any woman envy
and any man yearn to caress. Her waist was small enough to encircle with
my hands and a rear that was round, firm, muscular and…well, perfect to
say it simply. She kept herself impeccably clean and always smelled like
the sensuous woman she was. Amy was a woman who exuded sexuality. She
could turn on the charm and make you …