Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

A first sexual experience

My sister’s best firend, Flora, was 19 when I was 18. It seems that
she had heard some horror story about how a girl’s first experience
with intercourse was always painful. Flora and my sister, Helen,
discussed this for a long time. Flora was planning to have her first
experiece with her boy friend and she wanted it to be perfect. So
Helen and her hatched a plot. It seems that Helen had volinteered my
services to be the first to enter Flora so as to make her first “real”
(as Flora put it) intercourse a more romantic happening. Since …

The Ladies Club

Vicky Holmes cast a final glance in the dresser mirror before she left
the room. She saw a tall attractive woman of 5ft 8in with strikingly
attractive features. Blonde shoulder length hair framed an intelligent
mature face, one that seemed to suggest a vast store of worldly experience,
while her deep blue eyes hinted at great sensuality. The lilac blouse and
black skirt hugged her sleek body and emphasised her shapely breasts,
narrow waist and flaring hips.

No one just looked at her once; men and women were captivated by her
sexuality, an impression she made without effort. Despite her …