Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

The Wild Threesome

It was too dressy for work. “Do you think it’s too dressy?” she asked.

“No,” I answered, smiling. “You *have* to go wild now and then.” She
smiled a relieved smile. Marie, that is. It was morning and she’d just
come into my office. The dress was too sexy–it was dark, tight, short,
and the neckline plunged. OK for the right date, but wrong for work.
Very wrong. But what could I say? And why was she wearing it?

“Dave made me wear it.”

Weird. “Looks like something Dave might like you in. I guess he’s not
the jealous type. …

First Time Together (MFF)


I was trying. I stood in our bedroom while Russell caressed my
shoulders, my arms. His touch was light, sensual. He traced a finger
up over my breast, up my neck, under my chin, lifting my lips to him.
A light, lingering kiss. “Relax, Sarah.”

He kissed me again, still light, but I felt his tongue. I opened,
letting him into me, tasting him. Russ wrapped me in his arms, pulling
me to him. His lips left mine and nibbled a path down my neck.

Normally I loved this. It still felt good. But I could only think of…

Kinky lesbian trio

I’d always been glad I didn’t have Lisa’s problem. She’s quite flat
you see: a body like a stick. She’s really quite attractive, with a
pretty face framed by short brown hair. Being a little below average
height, she reminds you of a sprite or something.

In fact, I think men like Lisa like that (well, some of them
anyway), but that didn’t stop her from worrying. She’d tell me how
lucky I am. I guess I’d have to say I am lucky–my breasts are
adequate. In fact, they are more than adequate: they’re a little
larger than normal and …

Teen girls sleepover party

I was on my way home from work when I got the call from my wife, she would
be away on business for the weekend and wanted to let me know that our 18
year old daughter Sam, was having her friend Kelly sleep over.

As I arrived home I could hear the girlish laughter coming from the kitchen
and putting away my briefcase walked in and greeted the girls. Sam
introduced me to the stunning Kelly; I could hardly believe she was the same
age as my daughter. I wondered at how quickly they seemed to grow up as …

Cynthia – my new sister-in-law

I guess something made me really look at her, that morning. Cynthia, my
new sister-in-law, my husband Greg’s sister. She was staying with us,
visiting, for the first time since Greg and I were married, and Greg
was off at work and Cynthia had just come down for breakfast. I looked
at her, and realized I hadn’t really payed much attention, but that she
reminded me of Greg in a lot of ways. They had the same eyes, and
though her hair was lighter, their faces were similar, and even their
build: both were about 5’8″ and rather slender. And …

Caught in Her Web

I was working as a night counselor in a alternative housing program when
I met her. She was innocent and streetwise all at the same time. She was
beautiful and powerfully built with breasts that would make any woman envy
and any man yearn to caress. Her waist was small enough to encircle with
my hands and a rear that was round, firm, muscular and…well, perfect to
say it simply. She kept herself impeccably clean and always smelled like
the sensuous woman she was. Amy was a woman who exuded sexuality. She
could turn on the charm and make you …

In the sand – Ami and Sasha

It all begins in an innocent sort of way. The type of innocence where deep
down you know there is a fire burning, a fire that doesn’t need ignition, a
destiny unavoidable in the end because both parties want it. Here is our story. Maybe not your “cup of tea,” but it happens. Someone is knocking at the back door. It is her. I know it. She comes every
Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. when her husband goes to play tennis with his
buddies. It all started with coffee. Coffee and girl talk. Her “free time” as she
called it …

Judy’s Visit to the Student Clinic

It all started my freshman year. One of the regular
yearly rituals of my sorority involved the need for
some sleeping pills, and it was the practice to send
the freshmen to obtain them. So I went to the student
health center and told the triage nurse that I was
having trouble sleeping that I needed a prescription
for some good strong pills. She sent me to a little
room down the hall past the bathroom and the school’s
pharmacy, which was conveniently right inside the
health center.

A few minutes later, a nurse came in. Her name tag
said, …

Tina and Rosa xxx adventures

Two months ago, my life changed in an amazing
way. My best friend Ron and I were exploring an iso-
lated island off the Florida coast, an island rumored
to once have been inhabited by an Aztec tribe ruled by
the tribe’s women. After being driven from their native
Mexico, this legendary tribe found its way to the is-
land and worshipped a Sun Goddess in almost complete
isolation for hundreds of years. According to legend,
they were wiped out by a massive hurricane a few years
before Columbus discovered the New World.

While on the island, after being guided …

The teacher takes me as her own use

I don’t know how or why it happened, but my teacher must have known I would succumb to her. I had never known it about myself; I thought I was just shy and reserved.

I was on the junior dance committee and had been drafted by one of teachers for that. She knew I had a car and I helped her out as did others, but I felt like I was more of a slave to her than anyone else.

So I’m not really pretty, what most people would consider “cute.” I have a nice figure and dress the way …