Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

We met in the same bar, had sex in the same hotel room

His name was Jeremy. At least, so far as I know it was.

I don’t know his last name. I was visiting Toronto, and I don’t know
if he lives there or was just passing through. Jeremy was with the
band; I got the impression he was a member. To this day, I’ve never
heard them play.

So that’s all I have: a name, a city, and a band. Not much to show for
a three-night stand. And I wouldn’t change anything if I could.


I’ve never been a big Toronto fan. Even compared with the blighted
wastes of …

My Nifty Bisexual Experiences

One of my first bisexual experiences involved a quad, which
consists of two couples having sex with each other. I was on a
double date and both couples were really plastered from the two
days of partying after graduation. For anonymity my date’s name
was Julie, and the other couple were Tom and Harriet.

We were parked on an old dirt road in the middle of the night
near a very shallow creek. Julie and I were in the back seat
making love while Tom and Harriet were in the front seat doing
the same. Being in the middle of …

An Intimate Recollection

The story I am about to relate had long been buried deep
within the memory banks of my mind. It was only the
actions of some young lads outside my window late one
Friday night, which brought it all flooding back to me
in graphic detail. It seems only yesterday, and not the
twenty or so years which have elapsed, that the events
which I am going to share with you took place.

When I was 18, dad got a new job and we had to move from
the centre of a big city to a fairly quiet suburb of …

Joe, My Faggot Slut-Slave

I woke up Sunday morning with a hand full of hard wet
cock. It was frustrating because it was only my cock. I
was tired of the women who thought their shit didn’t

I had been out the night before with my construction
worker friends pissing and moaning about needing more
excitement at our drinking parties. On of the guys said
he was horny enough to fuck a boy. That sounded
exciting to our horny drunken minds. A date was set for
the next get together.

I didn’t bother to dress as I staggered out to the
living room …

The shemale secretary

“Monica Barnes smoothed her skirt before entering the office of her boss, Cord Drake, the CEO of the company his father had founded thirty eight years ago! Like every other morning for the past two years, she brought along his coffee, her memo pad, and of course his copy of the morning paper! “Good morning, Mr. Drake,” she said in an upbeat voice, “anything special on the agenda for today!?!” Cord Drake took the coffee from her out stretched hand and replied, “Nothing on the horizon, Monica, but I am expecting a call from our man in Tokyo, so put …