Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Am I Gay? Or What? husband seeks Gay Experience

The day started off innocently enough. I had stayed at home
to do some work on my computer away from the hustle and
bustle of the office. I slept in a little later than normal
since I would not have to put up with the commute.

My wife had already taken the kids up to school and had gone
to work herself. So, the house was all mine. I got dressed
in my usual work at home outfit of jeans and casual shirt,
quite a contrast for the usual 3 piece suits. I was
thinking to myself with all this …

A summer with his aunt, who happens to be incredibly hung

Max leaned against the windowsill of the sparsely decorated guest bedroom, staring out over his Aunty as she sunbathed by her glistening pool, laying on her back she reclined luxuriously on the sunbed, sunglasses resting across the bridge of her nose, soaking in the rays on her already sun-kissed skin. She had expressed to him earlier, with one of her seemingly trademarked smirks, her concerns of adopting tan lines and so, shamelessly, she sunbathed nude.

Max watched as she stretched out her arms, yawning before settling back, her skin warm with the sun, body slender and lithe, mature but not …