Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Two’s Company, Three’s A Crowd

Erin and Carla shared a flat; they had been best friends for years and had
traveled the world backpacking together. Single and carefree, they would be
out raging most nights of the week, never afraid to be brazen or overly sexy
in their outfits. The two blonds cut quite a delectable picture when they
entered a nightclub, they would walk straight up to the door of the club and
much to the chagrin of the people waiting patiently to enter, the doormen
would just let them pass as if they owned the place.

Carla had an on again off again …

A first sexual experience

My sister’s best firend, Flora, was 19 when I was 18. It seems that
she had heard some horror story about how a girl’s first experience
with intercourse was always painful. Flora and my sister, Helen,
discussed this for a long time. Flora was planning to have her first
experiece with her boy friend and she wanted it to be perfect. So
Helen and her hatched a plot. It seems that Helen had volinteered my
services to be the first to enter Flora so as to make her first “real”
(as Flora put it) intercourse a more romantic happening. Since …

MILF seduced a teen lesbian girl

She tells me her name is Gail. It’s a leather bash at
Chicky’s and I’m standing at the bar with my second beer and a
taco chip. She tells me her name is Gail, and then she says: “You
have such lovely hair.”
She’s very thin, tall, wasted looking, too much dark hair.
She says she runs a clothes boutique on Oak Street, but I don’t
know if I should believe her. Oak Street is swank, chi-chi, one
long block of phoniness, and maybe I should not believe her. But
why would anyone come to Chicky’s and tell a lie …

The Gay Carnival – he pain in pleasure often becomes the pleasure of pain.

Everyone’s eyes were on the tall blonde as her Master led her to
the dangling chains. By now most of the audience had settled into
the numerous chairs that had been placed around the room.

It was quiet as she was tightly gagged, then wide leather straps
wrapped around her thighs so her wrists could be fastened to them
and provide safe restraint.

Then she was helped to a sitting position on the floor and
lowered backwards so her head rested on a small pillow. The
chains were lowered and more leather cuffs were fastened around
her ankles so her …