Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

My GF caught me looking at gay porn

I recently wrote about my first cocksucking experience but the act of writing it down triggered a memory I had suppressed for a long time, I did have one previous encounter…..
This was actually my first time sucking a cock……
I was a young student just 18. I was living in shared rooms. There were 4 of us. 2 guys I got on with pretty well, the other Andy, was a bit weird. He was a pain to be around, always making inappropriate comments talking about sex, often strutting around naked and making everyone uncomfortable, and I did as much …

The Glenderry Club

When you are talented, good-looking, and rich besides, you have no
shortage of friends. eighteen-year-old Jonathan Taylor Weis’s favourites
were not others in the show business as many might have suspected, but the
studs he grew up with and hung with every day, teens his age in his
neighbourhood. The teenagers he acted with he normally only saw at the
studio, or during some charity promotion, and then they talked about
acting, about upcoming contracts and promotional junkets, and about fans.
Actors talked business, not about their interests or hobbies or personal

Taran Noah Smith, one of his co-stars …

Hot gay Android Space Sex! Yes!

The space freighter Serene Dawn had taken off for the
planet Zeron 5, a journey that would take nearly one
earth year to complete. Steve the skipper and Tony the
navigator put the craft into warp drive, set the
automatic control system and had started to relax. They
took off their spacesuits and were just wearing tee
shirts and little shorts.

There was, however, an essential difference between the
two crew members, Steve was human and Tony was an
android. Androids looked exactly like humans, had human
emotions and needs, the only difference was that they
couldn’t reproduce. For this …

Pimped out toyboy

I visited Ivan at his apartment on a regular basis. It would always start with an invitation phone call from him, when he was horny. Sometimes I was busy and said ‘no.’ I had that much control, but when I was in his company he was definitely the one in charge.

It had been half a year since that first night when Ivan had taken advantage of my drunken state.

By now, I had no problem with the arrangement. I’d been guilty after the first night. And sore. I wanted to forget it. I was embarrassed that I’d done sex …

A trip to the barber turns into something more

My parents separated right after school ended and they
shipped me off to my grandparents. They live in a small
town in northern New Jersey; I’d been there one week
and was already tired of just hanging around the house.
I missed my best friend, Mark. Just the thought of Mark
made my cock begin to harden. Damn, I thought, not a
fucking thing to do.

“Why don’t you get a haircut,” my grandmother said as
she cleared the breakfast table. “I hear they’re
wearing it short again. I never did like long hair on
men. Sometimes you can’t tell …

Faculty fuck with a dirty bi-couple

The dinner had been a great success. Nick and Susan made a
handsome couple, they knew, both attractive, intelligent, and
successful; their friends often referred to them jokingly as “The
Beautiful People.” In the academic circles to which they belonged,
style was often a matter of wearing socks that didn’t have holes with
your Birkenstocks. But Nick and Susan had a flair and dash that made
them stand out from the tweedy crowd. On this evening, Nick wore
shades of stone and parchment in his slacks and collarless silk shirt.
The rolled-up sleeves revealed powerful though not beefy forearms. His…

My Dutch uncle giving me a kinky sexual experience

Allan and his cousin Kyle had been fooling around since high school and were now preparing to enter Junior College in town. One afternoon, after a grueling day of college admin tests, they were rummaging around the garage in search of a 3/8” box wrench, Kyle announced an even better find. “Dude, look what I found under the socket tray of my dad’s toolbox!”, he said.

Allen looked over his cousin’s shoulder to see an expensive looking magazine named, “BOYS LIFE.” In it were depictions of young smooth men being sexually used by hairy bikers dressed in various pieces of …

Sexual affair in the scout camp

The Storm on the previous evening had damaged a large
amount of the Scout Camp. There was only the one night
left of the two week Camp-out on the South English
coast, in Devon. The Scoutmaster decided that the only
way that the Camping trip could continue for one more
day, was for some of the boys to double up and share a

It was decided that 20 year old Paul and 21 year old
Shami, would share a tent together. All the boys that
were to share tents were taken in to see the Scout
Master, who explained …

A New Experience

Sitting in his Atlanta hotel room, the butterflies
would not settle in Dave’s stomach. He wondered how he
ever got up the nerve to actually go through with this.
It had all started out so innocently. Sitting at his
computer bored one night, he had been surfing one of
those cock rating sites. He had come across the picture
of a really big one and the picture had an email

On a whim he emailed the guy, honestly professing his
love for the stiff member in the picture. Dave had done
that a few times in the past, and …

A straight guy finds the other side in an XXX theater

I have been frequenting adult bookstores for many years
for a quick blowjob through glory holes in the video
arcade. Most bookstores no longer have glory holes and
the booths don’t have doors. Usually you just go around
a corner to face the video screen and sometimes there’s
a mirror in the corner so the management can walk past
and see if more than one person is in the booth.

I really don’t like this configuration because having
the wall there and not being able to see who was
actually sucking my cock allowed me to imagine it was
the …

George’s Nifty Day

George woke up. Never needed the alarm since he had
taken early retirement – 8.00am every morning he woke,
went downstairs, ate some breakfast, waved his wife off
to work, did the crossword in the paper, then planned
his day.

Not that it needed a lot of planning. Go to the shops.
Visit elderly mother. Go to the shops for her. Answer
post. Cook tea. Greet wife…

George didn’t regret taking early retirement, but
somehow early retirement should be something different
from this. Surely there was more to it?

Seven across – “between the mango chutney?” Chutney,
mixture of something? …

Our date with bi-sexual Simone

I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. I have a very strong sex drive – and I love having sex with an audience.

One of our strict rules is outer sex only, no intercourse with our third or fourth person, though that leaves a lot of options for mutual sexual pleasure.

At the appointed time on Sunday Roger is wearing just a pair of jeans …

Joe, My Faggot Slut-Slave

I woke up Sunday morning with a hand full of hard wet
cock. It was frustrating because it was only my cock. I
was tired of the women who thought their shit didn’t

I had been out the night before with my construction
worker friends pissing and moaning about needing more
excitement at our drinking parties. On of the guys said
he was horny enough to fuck a boy. That sounded
exciting to our horny drunken minds. A date was set for
the next get together.

I didn’t bother to dress as I staggered out to the
living room …

Opie and the CumPie

Opie Taylor was a good boy. On t’other hand, he was an 18-
year-old boy, which means he wasn’t all THAT good. He played
hooky onc’t in a while, and he threw rocks at squirrels, and he
knew some cuss words. But he didn’t use them in front of
grown-ups. Of course, bein’ the son of Mayberry’s sheriff may
have had something to do with that; when you’re the sheriff’s
boy, seems everybody’s always watchin’ what you do.

But at heart Opie was a nice boy, so when his Aunt Bee
asked him to take a peach pie over to …

Eli the Bearded bastard

If you remember from the first episode of Mood Changes, I was
recovering from a fantastic night with an awesome babe. Great
looking, really built, and extremely forward. This lady had taken and
drained me, giving me my first ever ass fuck then packed me off to
sleep by myself.

A curious thing was that my room was located directly accross from
hers. This is what happened next.

As I was unlocking the door I heard activity from across the hall.
Thinking I might get some delicious breakfast company, I snatched open
the door and was saying “Sherry?” while doing …