Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Harry’s Wet Dream

Harry was crying & was in shock at his brutal fucking & poking by
his Best friend Ron. His ass was very sore due to the humping it
had got From Ron’s monstrous cock. Harry felt like crying every
time his ass Was Pounded by Ron’s penis. Harry’s mouth was being
invaded by Ron’s

Tongue. Ron had been smooching him ever since emptying his semen
inside Harry’s Bruised & battered ass. Ron just couldn’t seem to
get enough.

“Now, now! Sweetie, don’t cry! It always hurts the first time. I
bet You are going to like it when I fuck …

Nifty birtday present for a lesbian girl

“Happy birthday, babe!”

Madison nearly jumped off her bed. Her girlfriend, Bridget, had
somehow managed to sneak into Madison’s bedroom while she was
reading a magazine. “Jeez girl, you startled me!”

“I wanted to surprise you,” Bridget explained.

“Well you certainly did at that. How did you get in the house?”

“I got here just as your mom and little brother were leaving,”
Bridget explained. “She let me in.”

“I thought you weren’t supposed to come by until six?”

“What, you’re not happy to see me?”

“Oh, I am, don’t worry.”

Bridget leaned down and gave Madison a quick kiss. …

BACHELOR PARTY by Carlos Malenkov

Dave couldn’t get over it. He was actually getting married tomorrow.

Well, why *not* get married? He loved Laura. And she loved him. They
had been living together for seven months now and they clicked as a couple.
The sex was dynamite. Even after knowing her for over a year – and
“knowing” her in the Biblical sense for almost as long — he would still
sometimes lapse into daydreams at work about what he’d be doing with her in
bed when he got home. Their minds were on the same wavelength and their
bodies were perfectly attuned to …

We met in the same bar, had sex in the same hotel room

His name was Jeremy. At least, so far as I know it was.

I don’t know his last name. I was visiting Toronto, and I don’t know
if he lives there or was just passing through. Jeremy was with the
band; I got the impression he was a member. To this day, I’ve never
heard them play.

So that’s all I have: a name, a city, and a band. Not much to show for
a three-night stand. And I wouldn’t change anything if I could.


I’ve never been a big Toronto fan. Even compared with the blighted
wastes of …

Most of my experience with other males is in an SM context with me as the submissive

I am a male bi-sexual. Most of my experience with other males is
in an SM context with me as the submissive. Let me provide a
little background before I get started. My earliest sexual
experience was when I was molested by a neighborhood teenaged boy
when I was four or five. When I was in the army I had my first
experience at an adult book store. I went to the bookstore with
a little bit of an alcohol buzz on. I went into the back area
where the video booths were and ended up sucking another guy’s
cock. …

First Time Together (MFF)


I was trying. I stood in our bedroom while Russell caressed my
shoulders, my arms. His touch was light, sensual. He traced a finger
up over my breast, up my neck, under my chin, lifting my lips to him.
A light, lingering kiss. “Relax, Sarah.”

He kissed me again, still light, but I felt his tongue. I opened,
letting him into me, tasting him. Russ wrapped me in his arms, pulling
me to him. His lips left mine and nibbled a path down my neck.

Normally I loved this. It still felt good. But I could only think of…

The sex-exam

“Number three, on the right,” said the nurse, holding a clipboard. I
started down the corridor, left to my own devices, looking at the
numbered doors. Something always makes me nervous about visiting
doctors even though this was just a routine check: the league wanted
assurance that I wasn’t going to have a heart attack during the games.
I turned the knob and pushed the door open.

It was occupied. “Oops, excuse me,” I said, backing out. Then I stared
frozen–a nurse had turned around and looked at me. She smiled at me:
her smile said *you and I are …

Nifty Adventure in the City

This is a fictional story. It includes acts of homosexuality and
racial slurs. If you are offended by this kind of fantasy, please
search for something else to read. This story is not about or
intended for minors.

Stranded in the city late at night after I had been separated
from a car full of my buddies whom I rode in with, I ducked into
a magazine shop to keep from getting wet in the sudden downpour.
Turned out this was a sex shop and to avoid loitering I had to
buy five dollars worth of tokens and go to …

I’m going to fuck you in the ass!

I know what started it all. We’d been talking about Jeff Peters who had just discovered his wife was cheating on him. “Well, that’s one thing *I’ll* never have to worry about,” I commented.

I *didn’t* worry: Judy just isn’t like that. But I don’t think I saw her face when I made that comment because I know the image would have come back to me if I had. You see, two days later, Judy and I were lying in bed, and she said my name:


“Yes?” No she didn’t usually start conversations while we were trying to sleep, …

My wife knows I’m into guys, and that’s O.K. with her

It’s a pretty good marriage
that way. We’re both in our 20’s. I’m 5’10”, 155#, brown
hair, green eyes, a stache, and I work out so I’m in pretty
good shape. My wife’s biggest assets are her big tits, but
she’s a pretty good looker too.
One night, we were out drinking with a friend of mine
from college. Tom was the same age as me, 27, and a pretty
handsome dude. Blonde, blue eyes, good muscles and a big
dick. I knew that because Tom was also bisexual and we had
jacked each other off a bunch of …

Karen had been surprised by his two naked friends

The public bar was packed with West Indians when Mary and I
entered the Bedford Arms. Mary was clearly enjoying all the
attention she was attracting, but I was more worried about
our safety.

A bald-headed man in his fifties, sporting a prominent gold
tooth, put his hand on my shoulder and told us to follow
him upstairs.

‘I recognized the two of yer, straight away,’ he shouted
over the hubbub of the throng we were wading through. ‘You
two are stars in this neck of the woods; those tapes are a
big hit.’

Mary giggled when someone in the …

I were addicted to black cock


I particularly liked the way Simon and Penny were
‘encouraged’ to do Mr Asher’s bidding; it reminded me of
the time my wife and I were addicted to black cock in the
1970s. Iain – a charismatic, Svengali-like man in his late
fifties – persuaded us to try something a little more
exciting than mainstream wife-swapping – Mary and I were in
our early twenties at the time.

Iain loved to photograph burly black men fucking slim,
white wimps – he would organize weekend get-togethers at
his flat in south London for this purpose. These all-day,
and night, sex-romps …

Fuck me, fuck me, harder, I love it.

“The combination of Sarah’s magnificent thighs and ass and your nine-inch erection while we watched you soaking up sexual pleasure together and with other males and females was a huge turn on.

“Geoffrey would like you to entertain some of his younger in-laws, he is prepared to pay you well. Can we negotiate a suitable fee?”

“I think you are trying to tell us he wants us to fuck while six couples, half our age watch. How exciting,” Sarah told him with a wicked smile as she looked at me for tacit approval. “I think a suitable fee would be …

Drunken gang-bang

I am 21 years old and have been married a little over two years. I’m
blonde, blue-eyed, 5’6″ tall, and my measurements are 36-22-34. My
husband, Scott, is a “10” in any woman’s book, but he has a serious problem
– he can’t handle drinking. That’s how I became involved in my current
Every time Scott drinks, he gets into fights, and because of this, he
has been arrested on several occasions. The last time he went to court,
the judge placed him on a supervised probation, warning Scott that the next
time he was arrested, he would be …

Curtis wants money for college

So I stopped in a local gay bar for a drink the other
night. I don’t go out to the bars much any more, but
the bar owner is an old pal of mine, so I wanted to say

Up to me comes this young pup, nineteen, just into
college, and he says he has seen many of my shows and
read lots of my stories and would I give him an
autograph. He is a cute little fucker. His name is
Curtis. Great name. Shakespearean name.

Curtis tells me he only came out six months ago. He
says …