Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

BACHELOR PARTY by Carlos Malenkov

Dave couldn’t get over it. He was actually getting married tomorrow.

Well, why *not* get married? He loved Laura. And she loved him. They
had been living together for seven months now and they clicked as a couple.
The sex was dynamite. Even after knowing her for over a year – and
“knowing” her in the Biblical sense for almost as long — he would still
sometimes lapse into daydreams at work about what he’d be doing with her in
bed when he got home. Their minds were on the same wavelength and their
bodies were perfectly attuned to …

First Time Together (MFF)


I was trying. I stood in our bedroom while Russell caressed my
shoulders, my arms. His touch was light, sensual. He traced a finger
up over my breast, up my neck, under my chin, lifting my lips to him.
A light, lingering kiss. “Relax, Sarah.”

He kissed me again, still light, but I felt his tongue. I opened,
letting him into me, tasting him. Russ wrapped me in his arms, pulling
me to him. His lips left mine and nibbled a path down my neck.

Normally I loved this. It still felt good. But I could only think of…

The sex-exam

“Number three, on the right,” said the nurse, holding a clipboard. I
started down the corridor, left to my own devices, looking at the
numbered doors. Something always makes me nervous about visiting
doctors even though this was just a routine check: the league wanted
assurance that I wasn’t going to have a heart attack during the games.
I turned the knob and pushed the door open.

It was occupied. “Oops, excuse me,” I said, backing out. Then I stared
frozen–a nurse had turned around and looked at me. She smiled at me:
her smile said *you and I are …

Nifty Adventure in the City

This is a fictional story. It includes acts of homosexuality and
racial slurs. If you are offended by this kind of fantasy, please
search for something else to read. This story is not about or
intended for minors.

Stranded in the city late at night after I had been separated
from a car full of my buddies whom I rode in with, I ducked into
a magazine shop to keep from getting wet in the sudden downpour.
Turned out this was a sex shop and to avoid loitering I had to
buy five dollars worth of tokens and go to …

Feminine crossdresser finally lives out his fantasy

Cody open’s his eyes as he awakes, looking around at his familiar surroundings in his bedroom. Band posters, comic books and video games all over the floor.

His parents always gave him crap about the things he liked and tell him the typical “you’re too old to be into thoses kinda things!” He didn’t care though. He stepped out of his bed in his black t-shirt and grey track pant’s that he wear’s to bed and walks over to the window to look out as he yawned and stretch out his arms.

Look’s like the first day of spring break …

My Nifty Bisexual Experiences

One of my first bisexual experiences involved a quad, which
consists of two couples having sex with each other. I was on a
double date and both couples were really plastered from the two
days of partying after graduation. For anonymity my date’s name
was Julie, and the other couple were Tom and Harriet.

We were parked on an old dirt road in the middle of the night
near a very shallow creek. Julie and I were in the back seat
making love while Tom and Harriet were in the front seat doing
the same. Being in the middle of …

Karen had been surprised by his two naked friends

The public bar was packed with West Indians when Mary and I
entered the Bedford Arms. Mary was clearly enjoying all the
attention she was attracting, but I was more worried about
our safety.

A bald-headed man in his fifties, sporting a prominent gold
tooth, put his hand on my shoulder and told us to follow
him upstairs.

‘I recognized the two of yer, straight away,’ he shouted
over the hubbub of the throng we were wading through. ‘You
two are stars in this neck of the woods; those tapes are a
big hit.’

Mary giggled when someone in the …

I were addicted to black cock


I particularly liked the way Simon and Penny were
‘encouraged’ to do Mr Asher’s bidding; it reminded me of
the time my wife and I were addicted to black cock in the
1970s. Iain – a charismatic, Svengali-like man in his late
fifties – persuaded us to try something a little more
exciting than mainstream wife-swapping – Mary and I were in
our early twenties at the time.

Iain loved to photograph burly black men fucking slim,
white wimps – he would organize weekend get-togethers at
his flat in south London for this purpose. These all-day,
and night, sex-romps …

Fuck me, fuck me, harder, I love it.

“The combination of Sarah’s magnificent thighs and ass and your nine-inch erection while we watched you soaking up sexual pleasure together and with other males and females was a huge turn on.

“Geoffrey would like you to entertain some of his younger in-laws, he is prepared to pay you well. Can we negotiate a suitable fee?”

“I think you are trying to tell us he wants us to fuck while six couples, half our age watch. How exciting,” Sarah told him with a wicked smile as she looked at me for tacit approval. “I think a suitable fee would be …

Bisexual sex tourists

“They want a to have a MMF threesome with you, they heard about you by reputation, are you comfortable with that? I negotiated a special fee for us,” my agent Ada told me. Steve asked lots questions, some not quite the usual ones I get from new clients. Is he really ten-inches and thick? Can he get it up twice in one session? Will he be comfortable fucking my lady while she sucks my cock? Will he be comfortable while my lady watches me sucking his cock? Of course I told them, he is a real pro and a stud.…

Drunken gang-bang

I am 21 years old and have been married a little over two years. I’m
blonde, blue-eyed, 5’6″ tall, and my measurements are 36-22-34. My
husband, Scott, is a “10” in any woman’s book, but he has a serious problem
– he can’t handle drinking. That’s how I became involved in my current
Every time Scott drinks, he gets into fights, and because of this, he
has been arrested on several occasions. The last time he went to court,
the judge placed him on a supervised probation, warning Scott that the next
time he was arrested, he would be …

The man maid

My entry into the house must have been as much of a spectacle as
my exit from the car. My now well endowed female form fumbling with bags

and boxes, shimmery nylon encased calves flowing from the hem of my
form fitting skirt tapering down to ankles wobbling on sexy spike heeled

shoes, my well padded rear swaying seductively as I try to turn the knob

on the door, such a site would have an effect on a eunuch let alone a
normal, already sexually aroused, human male with a raging imagination
and entrapped cock. My male mind protesting …

Curtis wants money for college

So I stopped in a local gay bar for a drink the other
night. I don’t go out to the bars much any more, but
the bar owner is an old pal of mine, so I wanted to say

Up to me comes this young pup, nineteen, just into
college, and he says he has seen many of my shows and
read lots of my stories and would I give him an
autograph. He is a cute little fucker. His name is
Curtis. Great name. Shakespearean name.

Curtis tells me he only came out six months ago. He
says …

My GF caught me looking at gay porn

I recently wrote about my first cocksucking experience but the act of writing it down triggered a memory I had suppressed for a long time, I did have one previous encounter…..
This was actually my first time sucking a cock……
I was a young student just 18. I was living in shared rooms. There were 4 of us. 2 guys I got on with pretty well, the other Andy, was a bit weird. He was a pain to be around, always making inappropriate comments talking about sex, often strutting around naked and making everyone uncomfortable, and I did as much …

Brandon’s Gradual Ease

Brandon sat at his favorite table at the coffee house on Pine Street. He sipped on a cup of rich Cuban Coffee as he watched the scenery around him. Boys of all types and sizes moved on the sidewalk, some alone and some not. He was particularly interested in those that were alone. This was his habit on lazy Sunday afternoons. He would sit drinking coffee and watching…waiting for his prey. He would strike up a conversation and ask his prey to join him. After a brief conversation (and that is all it took) he brought them to his flat. …