Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

BACHELOR PARTY by Carlos Malenkov

Dave couldn’t get over it. He was actually getting married tomorrow.

Well, why *not* get married? He loved Laura. And she loved him. They
had been living together for seven months now and they clicked as a couple.
The sex was dynamite. Even after knowing her for over a year – and
“knowing” her in the Biblical sense for almost as long — he would still
sometimes lapse into daydreams at work about what he’d be doing with her in
bed when he got home. Their minds were on the same wavelength and their
bodies were perfectly attuned to …

We met in the same bar, had sex in the same hotel room

His name was Jeremy. At least, so far as I know it was.

I don’t know his last name. I was visiting Toronto, and I don’t know
if he lives there or was just passing through. Jeremy was with the
band; I got the impression he was a member. To this day, I’ve never
heard them play.

So that’s all I have: a name, a city, and a band. Not much to show for
a three-night stand. And I wouldn’t change anything if I could.


I’ve never been a big Toronto fan. Even compared with the blighted
wastes of …

Most of my experience with other males is in an SM context with me as the submissive

I am a male bi-sexual. Most of my experience with other males is
in an SM context with me as the submissive. Let me provide a
little background before I get started. My earliest sexual
experience was when I was molested by a neighborhood teenaged boy
when I was four or five. When I was in the army I had my first
experience at an adult book store. I went to the bookstore with
a little bit of an alcohol buzz on. I went into the back area
where the video booths were and ended up sucking another guy’s
cock. …

Double Celeb Meeting

Synopsis: Uncle Sky and Frank McCoy meet at a local bookstore for
coffee and a quick game of chess, where they meet a fan.

Story: “It’s your move, Sky,” annouced Frank even though he didn’t
need to. Uncle Sky was playing the white pieces, and all of the
chessmen were still in place. Uncle Sky was thinking, but not
necessarily about the chess game.

He was just thinking about how hard it is being a world famous writer
of dirty stories. Most people didn’t want to talk about such things
at least in public. Frank had learned the same thing. …

One-thousand Words ASSTR ANNY

Little had changed since the days of cheerleading and home coming
queen. Though quick-witted, Dianna, like many of her ilk, lacked
self-esteem. High Maintenance to her equaled an implicit unhappiness
with one’s own image. Equipped with a similar physique and voice to
the legendary entertainer, it came as little surprise that her’s was a
Marilyn.Monroesque-sex kittenish sort of thing.

Clearly she dreamed on with exceptional looks and equally good genes.
An adult now, the bust line’s conservative estimate of 38 D-cup
dimensions outgrew any optimistic teen’s high school uniform or gown
dress size, yet daily workouts kept the 35-year old …

A first sexual experience

My sister’s best firend, Flora, was 19 when I was 18. It seems that
she had heard some horror story about how a girl’s first experience
with intercourse was always painful. Flora and my sister, Helen,
discussed this for a long time. Flora was planning to have her first
experiece with her boy friend and she wanted it to be perfect. So
Helen and her hatched a plot. It seems that Helen had volinteered my
services to be the first to enter Flora so as to make her first “real”
(as Flora put it) intercourse a more romantic happening. Since …

Testing Women

As I have said before, I really don’t understand some women.

Seems that after neo-abolitionist made such a big deal about the sex
and meat testings that a lot of companies were offering, the ‘cool’
thing to do for a large group of women would be to have themselves sex
tested. I’m not complaining, a cash stream is a cash stream. I just
don’t follow why they would be doing this. Of course some are weirder
than others.

Case in point. A group of 5 women came in (2 blonds, a red head, one
with brown hair and a black …

A Perfect World for lesbian lovers

Exactly one Martian month later, Slurry was sitting behind her desk on the
59th floor of the Martian capital building. Her office was small and did not
feature a view, or even a window for that matter, but it was hers, 36 square
meters of real estate, equipped with a plastic desk and a computer terminal
and featuring her recently bestowed title on the door: DR. SLURRY FRAZIER –
HISTORIAN. She was as proud of that title as she was of the office itself.
Slurry was deliriously happy these days. She was about to start a family
with the man …

First Time Together (MFF)


I was trying. I stood in our bedroom while Russell caressed my
shoulders, my arms. His touch was light, sensual. He traced a finger
up over my breast, up my neck, under my chin, lifting my lips to him.
A light, lingering kiss. “Relax, Sarah.”

He kissed me again, still light, but I felt his tongue. I opened,
letting him into me, tasting him. Russ wrapped me in his arms, pulling
me to him. His lips left mine and nibbled a path down my neck.

Normally I loved this. It still felt good. But I could only think of…

The sex-exam

“Number three, on the right,” said the nurse, holding a clipboard. I
started down the corridor, left to my own devices, looking at the
numbered doors. Something always makes me nervous about visiting
doctors even though this was just a routine check: the league wanted
assurance that I wasn’t going to have a heart attack during the games.
I turned the knob and pushed the door open.

It was occupied. “Oops, excuse me,” I said, backing out. Then I stared
frozen–a nurse had turned around and looked at me. She smiled at me:
her smile said *you and I are …

Kinky lesbian trio

I’d always been glad I didn’t have Lisa’s problem. She’s quite flat
you see: a body like a stick. She’s really quite attractive, with a
pretty face framed by short brown hair. Being a little below average
height, she reminds you of a sprite or something.

In fact, I think men like Lisa like that (well, some of them
anyway), but that didn’t stop her from worrying. She’d tell me how
lucky I am. I guess I’d have to say I am lucky–my breasts are
adequate. In fact, they are more than adequate: they’re a little
larger than normal and …

Anne was twice my age, and bisexual

Anne was twice my age, and bisexual.

I was only 18 when she picked me up in a record store. Our eyes
met from across the room, and she smiled at me; I couldn’t help
but smile back. Anne was not a great beauty, or wouldn’t be
considered so by most. But she had an honest open face, and a
bright smile. She had a strong jaw, bright eyes, and a lovely
complexion. She came and stood next to me, and asked me something
about the CD I was holding in my hand. She was about an inch
taller than …

Cynthia – my new sister-in-law

I guess something made me really look at her, that morning. Cynthia, my
new sister-in-law, my husband Greg’s sister. She was staying with us,
visiting, for the first time since Greg and I were married, and Greg
was off at work and Cynthia had just come down for breakfast. I looked
at her, and realized I hadn’t really payed much attention, but that she
reminded me of Greg in a lot of ways. They had the same eyes, and
though her hair was lighter, their faces were similar, and even their
build: both were about 5’8″ and rather slender. And …

I love when you want something sexual from me

“It’s me,” Bob Brennan called over the sound of the radio. As
Jeanette was not in sight, she was in the kitchen. “Sorry I’m
late, but it was that or go back on campus tomorrow.” Instead of
the kiss he expected, Jeanette gave him a hushing gesture, finger
to her lips.

He washed his hands as quietly as he could, so as not to compete
with the voice of the French announcer. After someone else came
on, Jeanette clicked off the shortwave. The kiss Bob received
might have been belated, but it was enthusiastic. He hugged her
with his left …

Nice to find someone who shares my simple pleasures

It’s early Spring and the weather is acting like it. The sun is unexpectedly strong and warm, the sky is blue, and the nearby trees are sprouting buds. They are not the only thing that has sap rising. I’m sitting here outside “Capaldi’s Coffee Shop” with damp panties. My reason for this is “Saint Bernadette’s School for Girls” is letting its pupils out to go home!

So many young lovelies come past the coffee house on their way home and now it’s warm and dry enough again to sit out here, at a table, under a sunshade, and admire my …