Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

One-thousand Words ASSTR ANNY

Little had changed since the days of cheerleading and home coming
queen. Though quick-witted, Dianna, like many of her ilk, lacked
self-esteem. High Maintenance to her equaled an implicit unhappiness
with one’s own image. Equipped with a similar physique and voice to
the legendary entertainer, it came as little surprise that her’s was a
Marilyn.Monroesque-sex kittenish sort of thing.

Clearly she dreamed on with exceptional looks and equally good genes.
An adult now, the bust line’s conservative estimate of 38 D-cup
dimensions outgrew any optimistic teen’s high school uniform or gown
dress size, yet daily workouts kept the 35-year old …

A Sex Massage

I guess you could say I’m a fairly lucky girl, I have a
good paying job that I love and I live in a high rise
only three blocks from my job in a middle size city. As
for me, I’m a five foot six inch tall red head and
weigh one hundred and twenty pounds with a thirty four
C chest, twenty seven years old and have not been in a
relationship for almost a year, ever since I broke up
with my ex boyfriend. Every day I walk past a combined
massage, nails and bikini wax business that …

My Shame, a story of coming out

My name is Susan and I want to tell you what happened to me
recently. I’m doing this because right now I feel guilt, and remorse,
and most of all because I can’t tell my husband, Peter (not his real
name), but I have to tell someone. Maybe publishing this anonymously
on the web will help cleanse the shame I feel right now. Please do not
think I am writing this to boast about what I did or at the time
wanted. This is a true story and my name really is Susan, but I have
changed other details to …

It’s Ok To Be Bi

Eric stood at the window. He stood there, looking at
the beautiful view. The bay was simply beautiful. He
suddenly felt a presence behind him.

He did not turn around because he already knew who it
was. He felt strong arms wrap themselves around him. He
turned around to look into the face of a tall, lean
young man with blond hair and pale blue eyes. His
lover, Michael. Michael planted a kiss on Eric’s cheek
and nibbled at his ear.

“What are you doing?” Michael asked.

“Loving the view.” said Eric.

Eric stood there, feeling safe inside Michael’s arms.…