Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Nifty birtday present for a lesbian girl

“Happy birthday, babe!”

Madison nearly jumped off her bed. Her girlfriend, Bridget, had
somehow managed to sneak into Madison’s bedroom while she was
reading a magazine. “Jeez girl, you startled me!”

“I wanted to surprise you,” Bridget explained.

“Well you certainly did at that. How did you get in the house?”

“I got here just as your mom and little brother were leaving,”
Bridget explained. “She let me in.”

“I thought you weren’t supposed to come by until six?”

“What, you’re not happy to see me?”

“Oh, I am, don’t worry.”

Bridget leaned down and gave Madison a quick kiss. …

Double Celeb Meeting

Synopsis: Uncle Sky and Frank McCoy meet at a local bookstore for
coffee and a quick game of chess, where they meet a fan.

Story: “It’s your move, Sky,” annouced Frank even though he didn’t
need to. Uncle Sky was playing the white pieces, and all of the
chessmen were still in place. Uncle Sky was thinking, but not
necessarily about the chess game.

He was just thinking about how hard it is being a world famous writer
of dirty stories. Most people didn’t want to talk about such things
at least in public. Frank had learned the same thing. …

One-thousand Words ASSTR ANNY

Little had changed since the days of cheerleading and home coming
queen. Though quick-witted, Dianna, like many of her ilk, lacked
self-esteem. High Maintenance to her equaled an implicit unhappiness
with one’s own image. Equipped with a similar physique and voice to
the legendary entertainer, it came as little surprise that her’s was a
Marilyn.Monroesque-sex kittenish sort of thing.

Clearly she dreamed on with exceptional looks and equally good genes.
An adult now, the bust line’s conservative estimate of 38 D-cup
dimensions outgrew any optimistic teen’s high school uniform or gown
dress size, yet daily workouts kept the 35-year old …

A. Kitten: “Recidivist” (FF, bdsm, stroke)

Kayleigh entered the club’s dark locker room, one-handedly stuffing
her keycard back in her purse. She had never seen itfully lit; Adam
kept things dark and cool. Cavernous.

Facing her cubby, she wriggled out of her jeans and tank top, setting
them on a middle shelf. Lifting her collar from its hook, she held it
briefly to her chest and bent her neck to inhale the scent of leather.
Then she knelt by the exit to the club, collar held before her, and
pressed the bell.

Slaves weren’t allowed to collar themselves.

Nor were any dominant members inconsiderate enough to …

Rice and Poopy – Friday WMN

Have you ever seen a dragon in a tuxedo. Don’t laugh.
Whatever you do, don’t laugh. I just finished putting
out some unfortunate soul with a fire extinguisher and
do not look forward to doing it again.

A regal looking female muse stood on the dias, wings
fluttering in annoyance as the crowd took its own
sweet time settling down. I put the fire extinguisher
away and headed for the bar, knowing that the ceremony
would start later rather than sooner. Friday was still
licking some residual chocolate off a well built
Adonis of a muse in the back corner …

Nifty Adventure in the City

This is a fictional story. It includes acts of homosexuality and
racial slurs. If you are offended by this kind of fantasy, please
search for something else to read. This story is not about or
intended for minors.

Stranded in the city late at night after I had been separated
from a car full of my buddies whom I rode in with, I ducked into
a magazine shop to keep from getting wet in the sudden downpour.
Turned out this was a sex shop and to avoid loitering I had to
buy five dollars worth of tokens and go to …

A nest of lesbians 2.

Talk about luxury! Breakfast in bed. Just juice and coffee and toast, of course, but Elspeth was sure she could have had more simply for the asking. With the tray over her lap, she leaned back languidly and sipped and munched as Joan scurried around getting dressed to go off to work. Even with all that scurrying, though, there appeared to be plenty of time for conversation, just idle small-talk at first until Elspeth zeroed in on the all-important topic.
“Joan, tell me something. About last night…”
“Please. Must we talk about that?”
“Yes. I want to. Oh, don’t worry, …

I’m going to meet John, a guy I met online to suck his cock

I knocked quietly at the door and waited. I was a little nervous but I’d done this before and knew what to expect. John opened the door and invited me in, I followed him through to the lounge and took a seat. John sat on the sofa opposite. He was older than me, probably about 40 but I always preferred a slightly older guy. He had an athletic build and was quite good looking but that didn’t interest me. I was only interested in his cock which I had seen online and looked perfect for my mouth.

“Nice to meet …

After years in slavery to Mistress Jennifer, I am sold again

I have been the slave of mistress Jennifer for a little
over three years. I was purchased for one hundred
thousand dollars from mistress Morgan. I am now twenty
four years old and have been in slavery for almost five

I am in my kennel. my mistress and her mother have gone
out for the afternoon and I am safely behind bars. My
wrists are chained to my collar and I am in my chastity
belt and anklets. For the first time in weeks, I am
shaved and my nails have been polished in a pinkish
red. My nipple …

My wife knows I’m into guys, and that’s O.K. with her

It’s a pretty good marriage
that way. We’re both in our 20’s. I’m 5’10”, 155#, brown
hair, green eyes, a stache, and I work out so I’m in pretty
good shape. My wife’s biggest assets are her big tits, but
she’s a pretty good looker too.
One night, we were out drinking with a friend of mine
from college. Tom was the same age as me, 27, and a pretty
handsome dude. Blonde, blue eyes, good muscles and a big
dick. I knew that because Tom was also bisexual and we had
jacked each other off a bunch of …

My Nifty Bisexual Experiences

One of my first bisexual experiences involved a quad, which
consists of two couples having sex with each other. I was on a
double date and both couples were really plastered from the two
days of partying after graduation. For anonymity my date’s name
was Julie, and the other couple were Tom and Harriet.

We were parked on an old dirt road in the middle of the night
near a very shallow creek. Julie and I were in the back seat
making love while Tom and Harriet were in the front seat doing
the same. Being in the middle of …

She Devil Windy City

I went through the windshield after I hit the pickup.Witnesses say
that I impacted on the flat bed’s side panel andbounced across the street.
I don’t remember anything at all. I do remember the Hospital. First as a
blur. Lots of peoplecoming and going, prodding me, poking, sticking me
with needles. Iwas in traction, arms and legs casted and pulled up at odd
angles.I slept a lot.Sheila was great. Sheila De Ville was my fiance. I’d
just met herwhen it happened. We had a whirlwind romance and the doctors
toldme she came to the Hospital every day. She seemed so …

Adam’s Double Initiation

Adam was a new citizen of Assville having moved here less than
three months ago with his guardian. Slowly the almost seventeen
year old youth was beginning to make friends at school but he
really did not have any yet. He had also learnt about the extra
fixation (in his humble opinion) that the village had for
spanking butt — particularly bare butt. So far he had been
lucky and had only experienced such tail warming privately at
home and not at school or, even worse, in the public square.
Just as he had passed the age of consent for …

Shemale sluts – part 2.

I have been with Nancy and I have moved in and quit my job and I run around
her house naked 24/7 so she can take me whenever she wants and I love her
cock. She has taken pics of me naked with her cum inside my ass and posted
them on the web.

Nancy said,” We are going to have a party tonight and you are going to
service transgenders and some crossdressers and I have cameras installed
all over the house. They don’t have HIV or any sexually transmitted

I said,” Can I ask you why?”

She …

Doing My First Deep Throat

Tinman just had one of his very best days! Let me

Once I had a girl who loved to suck me, and she was
especially good at deep throat. I guess I didn’t really
know what she was doing then, but I knew that it felt
absolutely fantastic when her mouth went all the way to
my pubes. Later, I realized she was deep-throating me.
Recently, reading stories from Kristen’s and other
boards, I had read more and more about deep-throating.
As I began to focus more on my inclinations to cocks
(I’ve always been “bi” but until lately …