Nice to find someone who shares my simple pleasures

It’s early Spring and the weather is acting like it. The sun is unexpectedly strong and warm, the sky is blue, and the nearby trees are sprouting buds. They are not the only thing that has sap rising. I’m sitting here outside “Capaldi’s Coffee Shop” with damp panties. My reason for this is “Saint Bernadette’s School for Girls” is letting its pupils out to go home!

So many young lovelies come past the coffee house on their way home and now it’s warm and dry enough again to sit out here, at a table, under a sunshade, and admire my girls. When I say “my girls” I mean any of the honeys heading for home and not my girls as in daughters. Life long lesbians don’t tend to have sons or daughters.

Here comes one now. I know her from last Summer and from listening to her friends talk to her I know her name’s Vickie. I watched her pass last week whilst sitting here and since last year slender Vickie is a little less slender in one vital place. She’s growing nice little breasts under her white school blouse. Right up to me now I give her my best smile as she passes.

She returns my smile with a waggle of her fingers and not a smile but what looks like a sort of “kissy-kissy” movement of her lips. That dampness between my thighs goes from damp to warm and wet at that. Maybe she’s enjoying my attention the way I want her to? I ogle her slender calves and pale thighs, revealed by her quite short school kilt, until she turns a corner out of sight. Next I focus on a shop across the road from where I’m sitting.

I zero in on it because a fair number of the girls go inside on their way home to buy a few things. One is leaving the shop now, clearly older than Vickie, and clearly much more developed. Her breasts are stretching her blouse impressively and her legs would get her into any stage chorus line for sure. I’m sighing with regret at the idea of those luscious legs wrapped around me when my thoughts, or perhaps regrets, are interrupted by a voice.

It’s a woman’s voice and delightfully husky; perhaps with just a hint of masculinity to it.

“Do you mind if I join you?”

Perhaps there’s also the merest hint of a foreign accent there though her English is excellent. As I’m turning around I’m also thinking that the customers out here are thin on the ground so surely she could have a table to herself?

Of course I don’t mind. You’re welcome.”

It’s only when I take my first full look at her I realise how welcome she is. She’s younger than me but then I’m no spring chicken so lots of ladies are younger than me. Where to start? She’s lustrous brown hair worn medium length in contrast to my shorter style and her body is an instant turn on to me. She’s got the sort of honed and toned body I wish my regular gym trips would give me but don’t.

Not that I’m any kind of fat slob you know! I’m buxom and solid with wide hips and good sized breasts. It’s her face that fascinates me. She reminds me of a woman athlete but I’m not sure which one. Maybe a pro tennis player I’ve seen on TV or perhaps a runner? No matter it’s the half smile on her wide thin lipped mouth that makes me tremble and then just want to kiss that same mouth right here and now!

She pulls back a chair and sits down not opposite me but right next to me! She sets her mug of “Americano” coffee down next to my half consumed latte and turns the half a smile into a full blown one.

“I’ve seen you here a few times recently and I can understand why. The coffee’s fine but the view’s better I think!”

The view? The view’s a run of assorted shops! And then it hits me. If she’s seen me here for the last couple of weeks she knows what sort of view I like. I return her wicked grin with one of my own.

“Delightful isn’t it. Nice to find someone who shares my simple pleasures.”

She holds out her hand.


I take her hand in mine. It’s cool and dry and her handshake is firm. I do find I’ve held onto it perhaps a bit longer than I should but she doesn’t seem in any hurry to let go of it. She does though lean nearer to me and lowers her voice into a conspiratorial whisper.

“They’re lovely aren’t they? Just like my own daughters.”

That gives me pause for a moment. If I’ve found a kindred spirit as I thought then she must have a husband or a partner and if she’s had at least 2 girls then am I getting the wrong messages from her? Is she into women and girls or not. I don’t try to hide my confusion when I speak to her.

“Errr your daughters? Do they go to “Saint Bridgette’s” too? You did say you liked the view so I’m puzzled.”

To my surprise she strokes two fingers gently down my cheek and leans even closer to whisper in my ear.

“Oh yes “Schatz” I like the view as much as you do and I’ve gotten to like the view of you too.”

Now that gets me as interested in this sexy woman as it’s possible to be.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying Eva? If you really are then my name’s Liza. Elizabeth in fact but nobody gives me my full name. Maybe we share more interests than one?”

I feel that cool hand drop onto my thigh and give it a strong squeeze as she runs the tip of her pink tongue over her lips.

“Well I am married and I have daughters but I have a thing for the young ones and I’m thinking I have one for you too Liza.”

I drop my hand onto hers and encourage her to keep it there on my thigh. Warm waves are spreading from beneath her fingers and up my thigh towards the wet crease of my pussy.

“Why me Eva? I’m not ugly but I’m no oil painting either. Are you saying you’re into a big buxom redhead who must be years older than you are? You’d be able to take your pick of any gay women you like here in town so why me?”

The intensity of her gaze at me is almost scary and she tugs her hand free to grasp mine.

“Don’t tell me who I want to fuck me Liza! I know what I want and I want you right now. I just wish we could do it right here out in the open. I know we feel the same way about those girls too and I’ve got things to say to you about that as well.”

Jesus! That’s as open an invitation as I’ve ever had from a fine looking woman and I’m not going to turn it down. This time I drop my hand onto her short blue and white skirt and edge my fingers just a little under the hem.

“I live less than a five minute walk from here Eva and if you’ll come with me right now we can fuck each other senseless.”

She shifts just a little on her seat as my fingers stroke her smooth muscled thigh and then she smiles me an incredibly sexy smile.

“I prefer to say we can abuse each others pussies but yes lets go right now. Lead the way my “Schatz”!”

We both leave behind a lot of coffee but my mind’s not on caffeine now it’s on upcoming sex with this exciting woman. My home really is less than five minutes away from “Capaldi’s” in truth and once we turn that same corner that Vickie turned earlier we’re well on our way. When we arrive there Eva looks a little surprised and maybe impressed.

My home is big and old; made from blocks of the local sandstone. When I bought the place the stone was black with the soot from when people burned coal in an open grate. Nobody does that anymore and I had my home sand blasted clean so now the stone’s the original honey colour. My house is also a detached home standing alone with its big front and back gardens.

I fumble my key into the lock; my hands shaking with suppressed desire. Once the door swings open my intruder alarm starts beeping down. With my trembles I tap in the wrong code and just manage the right one before the alarm goes off. Closing the door behind us I find the house seems eerily quiet when I speak to Eva.

“I’m not going to offer you a drink or anything silly like that. My bedroom’s upstairs at the front so come with me.”

That bedroom is the biggest room up here and my bed’s not just a double divan it’s a full 6 feet wide; so it matches the big room easily. I sit down on the edge of my bed and look at Eva standing there with that quirky smile on her face.

“Eva I want you to take your clothes off and let me look at you please.”

She’s wearing a short skirt in blue and white; a white background with a pattern of blue concentric circles on it. Her top is a darker blue and over the top she has on a matching waistcoat. Her shoes are medium high heels in black.

She doesn’t make a production of undressing. She doesn’t perform a cheesy style strip tease. She undresses casually as if she were getting ready for bed with her husband not a women she only met less than a half an hour ago.

Slipping out of the waistcoat she looks around and hangs it over the back of the chair in front of my dressing table. Crossing her arms and taking hold of the hem of her top she draws it up over her head and deposits it on the chair’s seat. Beneath her top she has on a pale blue and white bra.

Beneath its cups her breasts are nicely shaped if not overly large. Hooking her thumbs under the straps she slips them down to expose her hard dark nipples. Freeing the hooks she neatly places her bra along with her other clothing. Her breasts truly are lovely and if she breast fed her babies I’m jealous that they sucked on those sharp pointed teats while I as yet haven’t.

The sound of the zipper of her skirt being pulled down sounds un-naturally loud in the sunlit room. It pools around her ankles and she steps out of it along with her shoes. Clad now only in panties that match her bra she finally becomes less casual and teases me by slipping her thumbs into the waistband and easing them slowly over her narrow hips. When they come off she bends to pick up the rest of her clothing giving me a glorious view of her sex and her rear.

“My God Eva you’re gorgeous. Now come lay down here while I undress. I hope you won’t be disappointed in my body. I’m not a young woman anymore you know.”

As Eva walks towards my bed, with a sway of her slender hips, I contrast her light golden tan with my pale and freckled skin. Her pussy is plump and her pubic hair has been trimmed into neat silky brown triangle. As she settles onto the counterpane I rise to remove my clothes.

I’m wearing an outfit not dissimilar to hers. A deep blue tee shirt with a black leather waistcoat over it but instead of a skirt I’ve on black trousers that are admittedly just a tad tight across my arse and belly. I don’t strip off casually like Eva did! When I remove an item it just gets tossed aside onto my bedroom carpet.

When I’m down to just bra and briefs I pause.

“Watch me and tell me what you think of me. Be honest Eva I want the truth.”

My bra’s black, deep line, and underwired to confine my big breasts. Slipping down the straps and popping the hooks I let it flutter down onto the carpet. Eva’s eyes go wide!

“My God they’re magnificent. I can’t wait to suck on those nipples Liza.”

My areolas are wide and my nipples, even at normal times, are big. They are long and thick, flat ended not pointed like Eva’s. When my panties come down and off Eva eyes my pussy closely.

“Oh you shave it! It looks so smooth. Just like my daughter’s looks. Please turn around for me Liza.”

Turning round I look back at her over my shoulder.

“Well you’ve seen everything Eva. Do I pass the test?”

She’s propped up on a heap of pillows and toying with one of her dark nipples.

“I just love a big rear on a woman. I like plenty of anal sex you know. Now come here and let’s fuck!”

I need no second invitation and as I hit the bed she lunges for me as fast as I reach for her. Next I know our mouths are locked together and our tongues are wrapped around each others. One of her hands cups my left breast while the other grabs that big rear, the rear she said she likes so much, to squeeze it hard.

In turn my hands fasten onto her hips as I slide a plump knee between her thighs. Her pussy’s really wet already and she shivers as I rub myself firmly against her sex. I’m so turned on and aroused I’m afraid I’ll just cum from touching her juicy pussy. As far as I’m concerned I’ve got all day and night with her so a fast fuck to start with will slow me down a tad. I hope Eva will go the same route.

Rolling her onto her back I spread Eva’s thighs and press my wet pussy onto hers. When my pussy lips slap against hers it’s like somebody connected my clit to an electric wire. I moan, grab her hips, and plaster my mouth down on her mouth. Her lips part and our wet tongues slither over each others. My big round nipples are rubbing against her sharp pointed ones every time I thrust my hips back and forth.

I was stunned that a woman as good looking and as sexy as Eva would clearly want my body and now I have only one problem. I’m scared I’m going to cum too fast! Grinding my pussy down on a gorgeous woman’s pussy is getting me there too soon. I’ve been too long without fucking a pussy and I’m going to get off before I want to.

“Oh Christ Eva I’m gonna cum too fast!”

She’s panting like she’s been running a race and her lips are drawn back showing her white teeth.

“Like this “Schatz”!”

She raises one smooth muscled leg and thigh straight up so I can press my pussy right down on hers. Gripping her thigh I swivel my hips back and forth and my hot wet pussy erupts and I cum insanely hard.

At first a shatteringly deep groan, and then I howl hard enough to leave my throat hoarse, and then my orgasm blasts me almost senseless. I can feel Eva bucking under me and clamp my thighs tight around hers as stabs of fire flow through my cramping vagina. With a final twist I gasp and topple back onto the rumpled counterpane my heart thundering in my chest.

When I come back to “Planet Earth” I find Eva tucked up against me. She’s nuzzling my neck and the fingers of one hand are gently stroking my wet labia.

“Mmmm not TOO fast Schatz! You made me cum too. Lord you’re SO wet. As wet as me meine leibe Liza!”

There’s a warm pulsing glow deep in my pussy and I know there’s much more to come for both of us. Stretching luxuriously I nip at her smooth neck.

“Sometimes Eva I wish I had a cock. If I did I could really fuck you like I want to.”

She returns my nip on the neck by biting on the swell of one of my breasts. There’ll be a bruise there soon but I like it!

“Your pussy did the job nicely liebling!”

Rolling over and propping myself up on one elbow I run my gaze over her lean but still curvy body.

“I do have a cock for you though love. How do you feel about strap-ons?”

She grins that wonderfully wicked grin she has full at me.

“I’m total slut “Schatz” and I’d love you to fuck me with one!”

Suddenly I’m not tired at all! I almost bounce off my bed and pull open a drawer in a bedside cabinet. My strap-on comes in two parts. One is the cock part. Curved so one end slides into my still wet pussy; that’s the firm jelly part. The other part is the harness. Stepping into it I push the pink cock through the hole in the harness’s front and then tighten the straps at each hip.

There’s a small bottle in the drawer too and I drizzle lube onto the 6 or 7 inches of medium thick rubber. Working my hand up and down spreads the oil evenly, and also shifts the end of the strap-on that’s deep in my pussy, causing me to clamp my teeth together and stifle a moan. I dabble a little lube onto Eva’s pussy, not that she needs it, she’s naturally wet right now.

Moving between her thighs I clamp my hands on her legs and tug her towards me. I do it hard and she giggles huskily.

“Fuck me hard “Schatz”; I like my sex rough sometimes and you can be as rough as you like with me!”

Gripping one of her hips I thrust my own hips forward, and, using my free hand, guide the glistening length of the strap-on between her plump labia and deep into her pussy. She grunts at the force I use and then wraps her legs around me as I bend forward to kiss her ruthlessly hard on her mouth. With my hands clamped onto her hips I’m pumping hard in and out of her as the breath hisses from my mouth and Eva almost growls!

I’m sweating hard from the effort and my pussy feels boiling hot as each thrust into her drives the other end hard into me. Eva’s head goes back showing the clean lines of her neck and the taut tendons in it. Now she claws at my back as my strokes become harder and faster into her soaking sex. When Eva screams out loud I hardly register the noise ringing around the room as my own climax hits me like an avalanche.

My last powerful strokes finish my efforts and I collapse atop Eva’s sweat streaked breasts as my orgasms burn through my cramping pussy. Easing myself back the strap-on leaves her with a wet sucking sound and she shudders at my movement.

“Oh my God “Schatz” I’ve never been fucked that good for years. I came so hard!”

Her nimble fingers have fumbled inside the harness strapped around my thighs.

“Mmm my “Schatz” came as wet as I did too!

I don’t know where she gets the strength from, but she rolls up to sprawl across me and kiss my sweaty neck, while at the same time tweaking one of my tender nipples. Still floating on a soft cloud of sex I slowly become aware she’s unbuckling the strap-on harness. Eva’s lips are right next to my ear and she’s whispering to me. Whispering even though there’s only the two of us here.

“My turn next “Schatz”! I want to fuck you now!”

Looking up at her, sweaty and her hair damp and tousled, I think she’s the sexiest woman I’ve ever met or fucked, but I’m not sure I can do it again so soon.

“My God Eva already? I’m not sure I’ve the strength right now. I’m a fair bit older than you as you must know.”

I might as well save my breath because she’s got me out of the harness and shows she well knows how to get into it herself. When she pushes one end into her own pussy it’s still glistening with my cum cream. She wriggles and grins at me.

“There I’ve got your cum inside me now “Schatz” but you can’t make me pregnant with it.”

The harness goes over the cock section and she flops back onto the bed to draw the straps tight. Then she’s up kneeling and dousing the already slick rubber cock with plenty of lube.

“Get on your hands and knees “Schatz” I want to do you from behind!”

I didn’t think I could but when she spits on her fingers and rubs my wet crease I get horny all over again and push myself up on hands and knees. My back’s stinging as my sweat meets the nail marks she’s left on me. I’ve a bruise on my left breast where she bit me and she’s got one on her neck and one near her navel that I can’t even recall doing. We’re a fucking pair of lesbian nymphos and now I want more of her.

Her strong hands are clutching my wide hips as she eases closer to me and I can sense the strap-on moving in.

“Eva what…?”

The big knob end of the strap-on isn’t going into my pussy, she’s got it between my buttocks, and I feel the slick rubber press against my pucker and then she rams it up my rear.

I want your arse “Schatz” and you know you want it too!”

Oh fuck! It fills me. Stretches me wide. I love it! How could she know how much I love anal? Then she starts hammering in and out and my anal canal burns with that wonderful heat. I reach out to grasp the bars of my bed’s headboard to steady myself as Eva pounds my colon with a false cock that I wish was her real one.

My big bed, expensive and solidly built, still creaks rhythmically at each fierce thrust of her hips. I’m going to cum! I’ll cum without her touching my pussy just from this wonderful fucking my arse is taking. However if she’s taking me there then she’s taking herself there too! Even as she’s slamming into me she’s grunting and moaning with delight. My thighs are wet with my juices as my anal orgasm explodes and sends me away mindlessly.

From what seems like miles away I hear Eva’s wild shout of “Oh fuck” as she climaxes right after me.

I’m face down on the wreckage of my bedding and Eva is atop me and hasn’t pulled the cock out of my rear. Maybe even her younger body is done for now? After a while she stirs, pulls back, and I feel that wonderful fullness leave my anus. When I have enough strength and breath I roll over onto my back to gaze at Eva.

She’s unbuckled the harness and tossed the strap-on aside and she’s grinning at me.

“Sorry that we not only fucked but we fucked up your bedding too!”

Bleary eyed I look around and see that she’s right. I’ll need to do a laundry of this lot since damp stains of pussy cream are here there and everywhere.

“Don’t worry about that honey it was worth it. I’d offer you a post sex cigarette but I’ve never smoked.”

“Neither have I “Schatz” so don’t worry about that.”

“Hey how about a glass of wine instead? If I can get my legs to work that is.”

“A glass of wine would be good!”

Indeed my legs are shaky as I clamber off the bed and sway my hips [ because Eva’s watching my rear ] out of the room and downstairs. Also my pussy’s throbbing and my arse has a hot glow to it. The best sex I’ve had for ages so my bites, scratches, and the inevitable bruising is fine.

I sway my way back into the room [ because this time Eva’s eyeing my solid tits ] with two nice glasses of a rose wine I’d only opened today. I hand her a glass and place mine on the bedside cabinet while I plump up a few pillows. Settled back on them with my glass in my hand I note with approval that Eva doesn’t sip her wine. Like me she takes a hearty mouthful of the tart stuff.

Also the advantage of a curvy buxom body like mine is demonstrated when Eva snuggles back against my big firm breasts. Drinking wine in silence and occasionally nuzzling her neck and nipping at an earlobe a thought suddenly penetrates the haze of sex that’s dazed me.

“Eva I just remembered you said something about us both liking the young ones and that you had things to say about that to me. What exactly did you have in mind?”

“Well “Schatz” I have three daughters. The eldest is 15 and I figure she’s already making her own choices. The other two are 13 and 11. I want you to help me introduce them to girly loving.”

I choke on my wine and snort through my nose.

“You want me to err seduce your daughters? This isn’t a joke is it Eva?”

She chuckles in that husky voice of hers that’s such a huge turn on for me.

“I’m married to my Trevor and we have what you might call an “understanding” about me and my women. Trevor has been transferred here recently from Germany so I haven’t found any ladies just yet who fit the bill. Apart from you of course Liza. Was the sex we’ve just had good?”

“Eva that sex we had was incredible!”

“Then don’t my daughters deserve to enjoy what we’ve just enjoyed?”

“Well yes I suppose so but…!”

“No buts please. It’s like this Liza. I know all the moves and how to give pleasure to drive a lady wild but if I tried that with my two youngest then things might go horribly wrong. Now like I’ve said Trevor and I have an “understanding” and part of that is that up till now the girls haven’t seen me with a lesbian lover in our home. Now if the girls see me with someone like you and you explain what we like doing and then we show them what we do together we could teach them all about girly sex. What do you say to that?”

I keep quiet for a fair while mulling things over before I speak.

“You’d be fine with me…. Oh let’s be blunt. You’d be happy seeing me licking your girls pussies or fingering them?”

“You know I would darling!”

“Maybe we can make this work then. I’ve a friend, a sort of very occasional girlfriend, her name’s Glenys and she’s a nurse. She’s into pussy even though she’s married like you are. I’m certain she’s into the young ones too. She works with kids and maybe we could use her too for your daughters.”

“You’ll do it then Liza?”

I kiss the back of her neck and cup a hard nippled breast.

“Why the hell not honey? We’ll pair up and I’m up for it!”

Both of us have finished our wine now and Eva turns and pushes me back flat on the mattress.

“And darling I’m up for it again!”

Her fingers burrow between my thighs as I gasp in delight and she kisses me hard on my lips!