I’m going to fuck you in the ass!

I know what started it all. We’d been talking about Jeff Peters who had just discovered his wife was cheating on him. “Well, that’s one thing *I’ll* never have to worry about,” I commented.

I *didn’t* worry: Judy just isn’t like that. But I don’t think I saw her face when I made that comment because I know the image would have come back to me if I had. You see, two days later, Judy and I were lying in bed, and she said my name:


“Yes?” No she didn’t usually start conversations while we were trying to sleep, and when she did, she didn’t usually start by saying my name.

“I have to tell you something.”

“What is it?” I still didn’t see it coming.

“I wasn’t going to tell you this because it… it isn’t your fault that I’m feeling so guilty. But I can’t help it–I’m sorry but I can’t keep it in any longer.” Yes, she sounded disturbed.

“What do you want to tell me?” I *really was* wondering.

“I… I did it with someone else,” she said, and sniffled.

I turned on the light by the bed and sat up. I looked down at her. I think it was more shock than anger…I wouldn’t have thought it was possible. Judy!

The last person in the world I would have guessed!

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, it’s not your fault,” she went on, crying for real now. I couldn’t speak yet. My heart was in my throat and I was just sitting there, kind of numb. “It was about a year ago,” she went on, her voice trembling. “Only once, it was a mistake, oh, I’m so sorry.”

I didn’t know what to do. “What happened?” I heard come out of my mouth. I just sat there. My voice had sounded, well, lifeless.

“It was only once, I swear! It was at the spa.” She paused, but I didn’t respond. “In aerobics class I guess I was eyeing one of the instructors–not really much, but afterwards he sought me out and told me he’d noticed!

“I tried to be casual about it and let him know it hadn’t meant anything, but he seemed upset by it all and took me to an office. I felt guilty and told him I was sorry, but he just stood there, looking at me. I… I felt like a teen, feeling so guilty, standing in front of him like that. Then… he said ‘You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to fuck you in the ass!'”

She stopped. I sat there, aghast: I couldn’t think of what to say. Finally she went on. “He grabbed me and pulled off my shorts and pushed me over the edge of the desk… And did it.” Her voice had faded out to a whisper.

“He raped you.”

She didn’t say anything for a while. Then she said, weakly: “No.”

“What do you mean?”

“He… he started out by touching me for a while but then he stopped. He backed away from me and just stood there. Looking at me. He told me to get dressed and go.”


“I didn’t. I just waited. He told me again, and I still didn’t go. I… just stayed there like that. Then he… he laughed and he… did it.”

She stopped again and after a little while, I spoke: “You just waited for him to do it?”

After a little while, she answered softly: “Yes.”


Once again, she didn’t answer right away. “I must have wanted it. I think.” The her voice got stronger again: “I was *crazy*. It was the *only* time, I swear… I’m so sorry!” She was crying again.

“What was his name?” I’m not sure why I asked this.

She didn’t answer right away, though she had stopped crying. Finally, she spoke: “It doesn’t matter. I don’t go there any more.” When I didn’t respond, she finally said: “His name was Todd.”

The next day I was at the spa: “Is there a ‘Todd’ here?” I asked the girl at the desk: “I need to see him.”

She went off and came back with a guy. I looked at him: he was tall and definitely muscular. “You wanted to see me?”

“Just for a minute,” I answered, looking at the girl and around the area. He must have gathered that I didn’t want to talk in front of everyone and told me to follow him. We ended up in an empty office.

I wondered if this was the office. I looked at him. Todd. He had dark eyes and dark hair. My wife had succumbed to him. I still couldn’t believe this. *I’d* never had anal sex with Judy. “Well?” he said, a little impatiently.

I took a deep breath. “My wife says you had sex with her.” I didn’t really know why I was doing this. I *had* to.

He gave a short involuntary laugh, then looke away from me though I could see he was smiling. Then he looked back at me, with only a hint of the smile left. “I suppose it’s possible,” he said.

“She said you took her in here,” I went on, glancing around the room, “and…”

“You know what?” he interrupted me. I stared at him and he finally went on: “I’m going to fuck your ass.”

Suddenly he had me by the arm and I was immediately leaning over the side of the desk. My pants were down! He held me down with one hand and his other hand reached between my legs and grabbed my cock. He laughed a little while he stroked it.

He just kept squeezing and stroking it. I should have called out. How could I call people in to see this? His fingers held my balls for a second and then a finger pressed against my rear hole. Then he was stroking my cock again. And he went back and forth between my cock and my rear.

And then he wasn’t touching me. I didn’t move, but finally looked back. He was leaning against another desk, his arms folded across his chest, looking at me. “Get dressed and get out of here,” he said. He still had that little smile on his face.

I didn’t move. I don’t know why I froze but I did. I didn’t move a muscle. “Go on!” he said, and after a little more, he snickered. Then he picked up a tube of something, and unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock and started stroking it. I watched. But didn’t move.

That night, at home again, I found myself staring at Judy. We hadn’t said any more about it and I hadn’t tried to be angry with her or anything, but I just kept staring at her while she wasn’t looking.

The following night, Judy was out, and something made me look through her things. That wasn’t something I do, so it was clear that I was still reacting to events. And I found something. A small dildo.

When she got home, I had the dildo in my pocket. I meant to ask her about it.

I went to kiss her. But something was strange: she looked like she was practically in a trance, sleepwalking or something.

“Dear, what’s the matter?” I finally asked. In response, she suddenly turned her head to look at me. She still didn’t say anything. “Dear?” I continued.

She took my hand and pulled me to the couch and sat down. This was definitely strange. I ended up sitting next to her with my arm wrapped around her shoulder and she had her head against my chest.

“I did it again,” she said.


“I went to the spa tonight,” she said. “Todd called me today.”

We didn’t say anything for minutes after that. Finally she looked up at me. I didn’t know what to say. She threw her arms around me and hugged me tight. She wasn’t crying a bit.

Finally she released me and stood up. I still couldn’t find words to say. I remembered the dildo. I pulled it out of my pocket and held it up. She stared at it. “I found this,” I said. That’s all I said, and I just looked at her.

“I’d been… pretending it was him,” she replied.

No, that’s the last we’ve seen of Todd, at least in the flesh. Now we often get undressed and get on our knees, leaning over the edge of the bed. We have two little dildos. We turn our heads to look at each other. We think of Todd.