I sucked my married friend’s cock and more

When I awoke the next morning, I had no idea what to expect. Last
night could have signaled a new chapter, been an aberrant interregnum, or
been the rueful end to an old story. I was not sure which, but I knew I had
little control over the ultimate direction Rob and I would take.

Rob was still asleep, his back to me. I moved to my back, put my
arms behind my head, and listened to him sleep. He was breathing deeply,
and snoring lightly. After a bit, he stirred, rolling over on his back. I
could tell from the tented sheet that he was sporting morning wood. I
wanted to grab it, hold it, suck it, drain it, but I feared rejection if I
tried. I am not very good at rejection.

Apparently, Rob was looking at me looking at him. “I do not think I
am up for any more.”

I looked at him and smiled. “Your dick disagrees.”

“I am not gay.”

“I am.”

“I know. But, I’m not.”

With that, he got out of bed. “I am going to shower and get ready
to head home. I will meet you in the lobby in 30 minutes.”

I had been dismissed. After Rob pulled the bathroom door shut
behind him, I dressed, and headed back to my room to shower. Our direction
seemed undetermined, but the “new chapter” seemed to have been eliminated
as a possibility.

We were well into the drive home before I broke the silence.

“Are you okay?”

“I will be. I am feeling a little immoral right now. I cheated on
my wife, which is bad. And, I cheated with a man, which is worse.”

“Some might argue that a man is not cheating at all, especially
when the man is your best friend. . . . Anyway, I’m not good with guilt, as
I think it’s wasted emotion. So, there is not a lot I can offer you. I do
what I do, chalk it up to experience, and move forward.”

“You’re not Catholic.”

“I am. But, I avoided the guilt trips. Or was immune to them. I
live life. When I fuck up, I apologize and try to move forward. . . . For
the record, I do not think you fucked up. You fucked, but not up.” My “you
fucked” joke fell flat. The uncomfortable silence returned. Rob broke it

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“For last night.”

“Don’t be. I did not do anything I did not want to do. In fact, I
mostly did things I have been dreaming of doing. I had a great night, and I
went into it with my eyes wide open. I knew the lay of the land heading in,
and I would not do anything different in retrospect.”

After about a half hour, Rob broke the uncomfortable silence, yet

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For last night. For being my friend. And for not pressuring me.”

“You are welcome for last night. I will always be your friend. And,
I will never pressure you. But, I will always be there for you, if you know
what I mean.” I laughed, fearing my joke would again fall flat.

“I figured.”

“Awfully full of yourself, aren’t you.”

“Yep. And, last night, you were awfully full of me.”

I was surprised by the joke. I looked at him, and he was smiling at
me. We both laughed.

We drove on in silence, but — finally — it was a comfortable
silence. When we got to my house, Rob turned the ignition off and got out,
which was odd. He met me at the trunk, which held my bag. He opened his
arms, and I stepped into a warm embrace.

“I love you, Brother.”

“I love you, too, Rob.”

We parted. I went in. He went home. Monday at the office, things
were pretty much as they had been before. I assumed we would never fool
around again. I was wrong.


About 5 months later, four of us – me, Rob, and our golf buddies
Peter and John – headed to Arizona for our annual golf trip. In the
past, we had always shared a two room suite and drawn for shared
rooms. This time, there was no draw. Rob – who had organized the trip –
announced as we entered the suite that he and I would take the room to the
right and Peter and John would take the room to the left. The announcement
did not strike anyone as odd, but it certainly piqued my interest.

At dinner, I watched Rob closely. I assumed that, if he was
interested in sexing it, then he would drink more than the spare amount he
usually drank. He did not, having only one Bud Light as the rest of us
drank way too much for our first night in the desert.

When we got back to the suite, we were beat, and we had an early
tee time the next day. If you are going to play 36 holes, you have to start
early. After a quick good night to Peter and John, Rob and I headed to our

“You want the shower?” I asked. When he responded no, I headed in,
pulling the door closed behind me. I started the water, brushed my teeth,
and climbed in. I like to jerk off in the shower, so I coated my hand and
dick with conditioner and started to rub one out, my back to the shower
head. With my head under the water, I did not hear Rob enter the
bathroom. Imagining that Rob was sucking me, I grunted “Oh, Rob” as I came
and shot my pent up load on the back wall of the shower.

Rob’s voice startled me out of my orgasmic peace. “Make sure you
clean that up. I do not want to be standing in your dried cum tomorrow

I stuck my head out of the shower. Rob was putting his toothbrush
in his mouth. “How long have you been in here?”

Through the toothpaste, Rob said, “Long enough to hear you grunt my
name as you came.”

I blushed crimson. “Sorry about that.”

“Nothing to be sorry about. Was I fucking you?”

“No, you were sucking me.”

“Fat chance of that ever happening,” he said, then spit the rest of
the toothpaste out of his mouth and headed back to his bed. I dried off,
wondering. While he had specifically eliminated the possibility of sucking
me, he had raised the possibility of fucking me. At my core, I needed to
explore that possibility.

When I returned to the room, Rob’s clothes were piled on the chair,
meaning he was most likely nude under the sheet. So, I stripped naked and
climbed into my bed. I had no idea if he watched me or not. I decided to

“I am not sure why it’s a `fat chance.’ You offered at the retreat,
and – technically – you owe me one.”

“One, I’m not gay. Two, I was just being polite; I do not think I’d
have been able to follow through if you had taken me up on the offer to
reciprocate. And, three, you can scratch one that you owe me off the list;
that way, we’ll be even.”

“We won’t be even; I will still owe you a lot of head. And, I am
not sure your proposal is a fair trade. ”

“Life’s not fair.”

I looked at him to gauge his mood. He was smiling back at me.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked.

“Here it comes.”

“No, not that. But, I have been wondering something. As far as blow
jobs go, how was the one I gave you?”

He paused. “Awesome. Definitely top three.”

“Better than your wife?”

“Sure. My wife doesn’t blow me.”

“How does she not blow you? You have a great dick. If I were your
wife, I’d have your dick in my mouth all the time.”

“I think you and she have different opinions of my dick. And, of
blow jobs.”

“That’s too bad.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Still, only top three? I would have thought number one. I would
not think there is any woman out there who gives head as well as a gay guy
who knows his way around a dick.”

“I doubt there are. But, my college girlfriend was a pig for it,
and she sucked my dick every chance she could get. I think she liked it
better than fucking. I liked to straddle her tits while she blew me, and
there were a couple of blow jobs that were so intense I thought I might
blow through the back of her head when I came. They shook me. So, yeah, top
three. That’s all I can give you.”

“I’m disappointed.”

“Don’t be. It was an awesome blow job. I’ve just had a couple I
liked better. Or, at least as much. I cannot decide among them.”

When I looked over at him, it was clear that his dick was hard, and
he had his right hand on it. Apparently, all the blow job talk had gotten
him riled up. It certainly had gotten me riled up. I was hard as a rock,
and the sight of Rob holding his dick made me think I could have cut
glass. I decided to try a little more exploration.

“Can I help you with that?”

Rob took his sweet time answering. “As tempted as I am to say yes,
I’d better not. I made a resolution, and I do not want to break it at the
first chance.”

“Are you sure?”

Rob again took his sweet time answering. “I am.” He paused and then
repeated himself. “I am.”

“Can I watch you, then?”

Rob took his time answering again. “I guess so. I don’t think
that’s a breach.”

With that, Rob pulled the sheet down and started jacking his dick
in front of me. I got up, went into the bathroom, and returned with the
little bottle of complimentary lotion. I opened it and offered it to
him. “You might need this.”

“Thanks,” he said as he took it, filled his hand, and smeared it
all over his hard, beautiful dick. Re-positioning himself on the bed so he
was flat on his back, he started slowly jerking his dick again. I could
tell from his initial pace that he was in no hurry. I sat on the edge of my
bed staring, transfixed by the sight of his athletic hand slowly stroking
his 7+ inches of thick dick. Every once in awhile, he would take it all the
way to the tip and play with his glans, rubbing his forefinger through his
piss slit and smearing his precum in with the lotion.

He started to speed up. As he did, he moved his left hand down and
gripped his balls. As his breathing picked up, his feet curled, and he
pressed his left hand hard into his nutsack. With a grunt, he shot a thick,
white arc of cum into the hair on his chest, two more onto his stomach, and
a fourth onto his abdomen. A fifth shot dribbled onto his hand. He sighed
and unclenched his feet. His eyes fluttered as he raised his eyebrows.

“Whew,” his sighed.

“What were you thinking of?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Yes, or I would not have asked.”

“I prefer to keep those thoughts to myself.”

I stood up. “Can I clean you up?”

“I guess so.”

I am sure Rob thought I was going to get a towel. I was not. I
moved toward him, bent down, and started licked a load of cum off his
chest. His body tensed.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing?”

I raised up. “You said I could clean you up, and that’s what I am

“I did not think you meant that.”

“Well, I did, and you said I could.” With that, I bent back over
and started eating his cum again. The tension in his body told me he was
not thrilled, but he did not stop me. As I licked the cum off his chest and
belly, I was also getting the hint of sweat his jack off session had
generated. After I had licked his abdomen clean, I sat up and took his
hand.I took each finger into my mouth and sucked the cum off of them. I
stared into his eyes as I did. He stared right back into mine. When I was
finished, he was hard again. I suspected that I could have taken him in my
mouth right then, and he would not have objected. But, I thought doing so
would not serve my long-term interests, so I decided to honor his
resolution, at least to the extent that my cum sucking had not already
breached it.

I went to the bathroom to clean up. I did not brush my teeth. I
wanted to go to sleep with the taste of his cum on my tongue.

When I returned to the bedroom, Rob was asleep. Or, at least
pretending to be.


After golf the next day, we all headed to Magliano’s for dinner. It
was within walking distance of our hotel, so no one had to drive. Unlike
the night before, Rob started this night with a Jack and Coke. He also
finished the night with a Jack and Coke. I am not sure how many he had in
between. I was too busy trying to drink all the Hendrix they had.

We staggered back to the hotel, our early morning tee time in
definite jeopardy. The only way were going to make it was to drink as much
water as we could and then go straight to sleep. Instead of doing that,
though, the four of us headed to the hot tub with a dozen of the beers we
had bought on the way home from the golf course earlier that day. We talked
and laughed and drank and laughed and talked and laughed. Rob was as loose
as I had ever seen him, smiling broadly, and laughing from deep down. I sat
across from him, soaking his ebullience in.

Too soon, we were out of beer. So, we headed back to the suite,
having agreed we would bypass our first tee time and play only the
afternoon round the next day. After Peter and John headed to their room,
Rob grabbed four more beers and headed to ours.

“We do not have to be up tomorrow, so there’s no reason not to
continue the fun.”

“I agree.”

Rob opened two beers, put the other two on the table between the
beds, and leaned back against his headboard. I took my beer and sat the
same way on my bed. We finished our second beers just like that.

When Rob finished his, he stood up between the beds, unbuttoned his
shirt, and pulled it off. Next, he pulled his undershirt over his head,
unbuttoned his jeans, and stepped out of them, pulling his socks off with
his feet as he did. When he pulled his boxer briefs off, he stood in front
of me, naked and hard. He had stared at me the entire time he stripped.

“Your turn.”

I did not need to be told twice. I quickly stripped.

“Sit back on your bed.”

I did as I was told. Rob climbed onto the bad, straddling me, his
erect dick right in front of my face and dripping precum. I put my hands
between his legs and, using his ass cheeks for leverage, pulled myself
toward him, licked all the precum off his head that I could, and then took
him in my mouth.

“Swallow it like you did before. I loved that.”

I opened my throat and worked him into my gullet. His bush reeked
of sweat and chlorine. I breathed it in and held it. Between that and the
dick in my gullet, I started to float away. As I did, Rob sighed and
started to fuck my face. His motion was slow and deliberate. As when he
jacked off last night, he was going to make this last. I used his ass to
control his strokes, and soon we were in a slow, methodical rhythm. When I
looked up, I was surprised to see Rob staring down, watching.

“This is so fucking hot. I love the sight of my cock sliding in and
out of your mouth.”

I kept looking at him as I sucked him deeper and deeper.

“Oh, my God, that feels so fucking good.”

Obviously, I could not respond. So, I signaled my agreement by
driving his dick as far down my throat as I could and then clamping my
throat around it as tight as I could. Rob shuddered. When my throat
loosened, he again started fucking my face, only now he was controlling the
rhythm with his hands on my head. He quickened, his breath became ragged,
and he pushed his dick as deep in my throat as he could and arched his
back. As he did, my throat filled with cum. I swallowed and sucked load
after load out of him before he fell forward over me, bracing himself with
his arms. My head was now against his stomach, and he was on all fours. His
dick remained hard, so I kept it in my mouth.

“Don’t stop . . . don’t stop . . . I think I am going to come

after a few strokes, he did, filling my mouth with another large
load. I drank and drank as he shuddered. He collapsed onto me. He was
covered in sweat. So was I.

He rolled off of me. I rolled with him, his dick still in my
mouth. We lay like that as he went soft in my mouth. Finally, he sighed and
exhaled a “Jesus Christ.”

From his bush, I asked, “Did I move up the list?”

“After that, there is no more list. I have never had a multiple
orgasm before. So . . . winner.”

I was tired. I took Rob’s soft dick back into my mouth. He reached
his hand down into my hair. I thought he was going to pull me off, but he
didn’t. He just ran his fingers through my hair. I fell asleep while he