Dolores’s Revenge

What could have happened? The last thing I could remember was sitting
with my wife at the dinner table. I woke up groggy and stiff. It was hard
to breath and my jaw was sore. I fought to wake completely up. I looked
around. I was in a large barren room, like a warehouse. A single light
above me cast a circular pattern of illumination as though I were in a
spotlight. I was bent over some kind of padded stool and I was tied.

I realized why my mouth was sore. I had a ball gag in it. I looked
down and saw that I was dressed in a black corset. My hands were cuffed
beside my back and my ankles were cuffed too. I recognized the feeling of
a spreader bar between my ankles and another between my knees. I felt the
cool air on my ass and balls and knew that I was exposed for anyone who
might be there to see.

I heard the clicking sound of a pair of high-heeled shoes on the cement
floor. My wife Dolores stepped into the light in front of me. She was
wearing a sexy black dress and strap on heels.

“Hello, Sweetheart,” she said. “I bet you’re wondering what is going

I struggled with my bonds and attempted to talk, to ask her why I was
tied up like this, but the ropes holding me only got tighter and all I
could manage was a moan.

“Poor baby. Don’t struggle. You’ll only make this harder on yourself.”
said Dolores. “You see, the day before yesterday I got a call from your
secretary Marti. She told me all about your little fling. You see she
didn’t really enjoy herself. Oh, don’t get me wrong, she loved it when you
licked her pussy. She just didn’t like having to dominate you and fuck you
ass with that big dildo.”

I shook my head and tried to deny it, but more moaning was all the sound
I was able to produce.

“Don’t worry, Baby. I’m going to help you live out your fantasy. I’m
going to make sure that you get all the fucking you want.” She looked at
somebody behind me and said. “Lube him up good. I want him to enjoy

I tried to look at who was behind me, but I could only make out shapes
moving around. Shapes. There was more than one person back there, that
was for sure. I suddenly felt something penetrate my anus and then a large
quantity of liquid was squirted into my rectum.

“It took me all day to arrange this,” said Dolores. “Have fun.”

As Dolores walked out of the circle of light, I felt two rough hands
spreading my ass cheeks apart. Then something much larger than before was
pressed against my asshole. I knew it was somebody’s cock. I struggled,
but couldn’t move. I tried to scream, but could only moan. Sure, I had
let Marti fuck me with a dildo. Whatever she had told Dolores, she had
enjoyed it. It had been her idea. That didn’t mean I wanted to be fucked
up the ass by a guy!

Suddenly with a push, the cock was balls deep in my ass. I thought I
was going to be ripped apart. In and out, the guy behind me pumped into
me. I thought I was going to die. I wanted to die. But it didn’t end. He
kept going. Just when I though I couldn’t stand it any more, I felt him
push all the way in. His cock started spurting hot cum into my bowels. My
head slumped down in pain and humiliation.

No sooner than the first cock had been removed though, than another was
pressed against my abused asshole. This one was huge. The guy had to be
as big around as a beer can. He didn’t spare me any either, but pumped all
the way in and out. I was sure I was bloodied by this assault, but again,
he didn’t stop and continued to sodomize me until he too spurted jism into
me. It continued. Cock after cock was stabbed into me. I lost count
after a while and then I lost consciousness.

I woke up though to something new. The ball gag had been removed and
somebody had stuck his cock down my throat. I tried to pull away, but he
grabbed my hair and face-fucked me, until he shot his load down my throat.
I gagged at the taste of sperm in my mouth, but as soon as his cock was
removed from my mouth another replace it. I was being gang fucked from
both ends now. And it continued for what seemed like hours. I must have
passed out again.

I woke up to a buzzing sound behind me and a feeling like somebody
scraping my ass with the tip of a knife. My face and mouth were coated
with cum and my asshole felt like it was stretched to a foot and a half
wide. Dolores was standing in front of me.

“In case you’re wondering what that sound is,” she said. “you’re being
tattooed across your ass. It says ‘Fuck Me Hard’ in English and Spanish.

“I have to tell you, I thought that this was going to be disgusting to
watch, but it was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen,” she said. “I’d be
perfectly happy to have you back and to repeat this again and again.
Unfortunately, that is not to be.”

I felt something cold being sprayed on my balls and ass. Thankfully,
the pain of my ravaged ass began to dissipate and then everything down
there went numb.

“You see,” continued Dolores. “Emilio– he’s one of the men who enjoyed
you last night Emilio has a club down in Mexico, where the primary
entertainment is from queer boys like yourself. He so enjoyed you that he
is paying me five thousand dollars for you.”

“Wait, no,” I tried to shout, but it came out as only a croak, as
Dolores walked around behind me.

“Silly Mexicans,” I heard her say. “You would think they would pay less
if they got less, but they are actually willing to pay more.”

Dolores walked back around to stand in front of me, her high heels
clicking on the cement floor. She held up a small glass jar with two
blueish-grey egg shaped objects in it.

“They actually paid me more to have you without your testicles,” she
laughed. “Isn’t that funny!

“Well, this is goodbye. But don’t worry dear,” she said, waving the jar
at me. “You will always be with me.”