Diane finds her Xena

I guess I should tell you a little about myself. I am a
southern girl my family lives an hour or so south of
Atlanta, Georgia. I am a natural honey blonde. My skin
is so pink that it looks almost translucent; it has been
described as alabaster. I would be covered with freckles
if I didn’t avoid the sun, because of the possibility of
my contracting skin cancer. I am not a good student and
that makes me feel inferior to my classmates.

My only friend is a neighbor girl named Linda. We have
gone to school together all the way from preschool. I
always felt crushed when we did not have the same
homeroom. As close as we are she does not share my
passion for Xena the Princess Warrior, but she tolerated
my obsession.

I became a fan of the television drama when it first
came on. I didn’t identify with Xena as much as
Gabriela. I wanted to have a woman like Xena to be my
hero. As the years passed my collection of Xena
memorabilia became quit extensive. I bought every fan
magazine I could find on anything about the show or Lucy

I even found a pattern for the costumes worn by
Gabriela. I bought them and some tan and reddish leather
and some course home spun wool in green so I could make
costumes. I tried to make them look as authentic as
possible. I styled my hair the way that Gabriela styled
her hair. My hair is a redder blonde but I would never
change the color of my hair.

The year that I was old enough to get my driver’s
license was the year that they had a Xena convention in
Atlanta. I had months to prepare for the event. I got my
parents permission to take Dad’s old sedan for the
weekend. I found a cheap motel in the yellow pages that
not too far from the hotel that was hosting the
convention. I made reservations by mail without seeing
the place.

When the date arrived, I was thrilled about the
possibility of getting Lucy Lawless’s autograph. Almost
nothing could dampen my excitement. When I arrived at
the motel I found that it was a sleaze place and Friday
night the coming and goings of hookers was keeping me
awake, or possibly it was just the excitement of my
anticipation of going to my first Xena convention.

I got up early and dressed in my best Gabriela costume.
I did not want to be seen in public dressed like this so
I covered it with a light duster overcoat before I drove
to the hotel. After parking in a lot where I could see
the entrance to the convention center I sat there
watching people arriving and getting into a line.

A lot of them were dressed in costume. I finally worked
up the nerve to get out of my car and toss the duster
into the back seat. I got in line and began looking over
the other costumed women. A lot of them were dressed as
Xena. The variety of figures and costumes was
overwhelming. Most of them didn’t look very much like
Lucy. They were too skinny, too fat, too short and very
few had the right color of hair. The costumes were just
as varied. Some of the costumes were almost comical in
the amateurish appearance. Some were so well made that
they looked like they may have come right out of the
prop department of the show.

When the doors of the convention hall opened I was glad
to get inside away from the passing cars and the rude
remarks of the people driving by. I was like a child in
a candy store. The hall had been divided into different
areas. There was an open area where fans could see the
stage. Near the stage were tables where fans could line
up for autographs from celebrity’s when they were going
to be available. Most of the place was vendor booths
lined up in rows, selling everything from dolls to
costumes. They all seemed to have free giveaway posters
and plastic bags to carry your purchase in.

I was busy checking out the booths, looking for anything
I wanted to add to my collection. I was calculating how
I could save money to buy the things I wanted to buy. It
startled me when I felt a hand on my arm. When I turned
to see who was touching me I was impressed by the
stature of the women to my right. She was a tall woman
with dark hair. I was struck with her authentic looking
costume. Her armor looked just like the costume that
Lucy wore in the first episode. Her sword was slung over
her shoulder in an animal skin sheath and she had a
shockrum tied to her right hip. I was pulled into her
blue eyes.

She complemented me on my Gabriela costume. I thanked
her and told her that her costume looked like it was
real. She admitted some of it was real and the rest she
had made.

About then an announcement was made that Lucy Lawless
would arrive to sign autographs in a half-hour. The
women directed me in the direction of the autograph
tables by walking behind me with her hands on my hips.
While we were in the line she told me her name was
Elizabeth, but preferred Beth. I told her my name was
Diane. We chatted about our interest in everything about
the Xena show. She asked me if I was staying in the
hotel and I told her that I was staying in a cheep motel
to save money. We had developed a warm relationship by
the time Lucy had arrived and we worked our way up to
get her autograph.

Afterwards Beth asked me if I wanted to buy anything
before they closed the booths until tomorrow. I said I
wanted to wait until the last minute. She directed me
towards the lobby of the hotel in the same way she had
before. As we worked our way through the crowd several
women greeted Beth by name. She acknowledged them by
name too. The women were looking at me too.

Beth did not stop to introduce me to them. She was
moving as if she was in a hurry. We went through the
lobby to the elevators. She pushed the up button and she
directed me to an elevator when the doors opened. She
pushed the fourth floor button and moved to the back of
the elevator. She leaned back against the wall and
spread her legs as she pulled me back against her. Her
hands were resting on my hips and stroking me gently.

When the elevator stopped we got out and she directed me
to the right. She produced a plastic credit key card to
open the door from her costume. When we were inside I
saw a lot of memorabilia on top of the round table in
front of the large window looking out over a nice park
looking towards the city. There were two large chairs on

I asked Beth if I could look at her memorabilia. Beth
told me to make myself at home. So I was looking through
her stuff while she removed her armor. She unbuckled the
breastplate and placed it against the wall next to the
dresser and TV cabinet. Then she removed the Roman style
leather skirt and placed it on the armor.

She removed her wristbands and jewelry. She placed them
on her dresser. I watched as she unlaced the waist of
her leather dress and pulled it over her head. She sat
on the bed to remove her Roman style shin guard armor
and sandals. When she stood up, she lifted her large
breasts with both hands and wiped sweat from under them.

I could smell the damp leather from where I stood. All
she had on was leather underpants held up by a leather
drawstring. She approached me and took me into her arms
and surprised me by kissing me on the lips. At first I
went rigid, then as I began to feel her hands stroking
my back I relaxed. Her tongue went into my mouth and her
hand’s slide down my back to cup both cheeks of my ass.
She squeezed my butt, as her kiss became more demanding.

I felt the softness of her big breasts pressed against
my body. Her breasts were creamy white with grayish
brown areolas with large nipples that were flat at the
tip. They looked like large erasers on pencils. I was
attracted to the smell of leather and the sweat of a
large woman.

She excused herself and went to the bathroom. I heard
water running. I sat on the bed to think about what had
just taken place. I knew she was what my schoolmates
called a lesbian dyke; if I stayed she was going to make
love to me. I had to decide if I wanted to leave or not.
If I stayed it would mean that I would accept her
advances. When I felt juices wetting my leather
underpants, I knew that I wanted to find out what it was
like for women to make love to each other.

When she returned water was still clinging to her body
where she failed to dry herself off after her sponge
bath. When she saw that I was still there her smile
beamed as she walked across the room she gathered me
into her arms again. This time her kiss was even more
demanding. She took hold of the rawhide lace in the
front of my green wool and tan leather halter-top and
pulled them to loosen them. She lifted the halter up and
over my head. My breasts felt cool being exposed to the
air. Beth took them in her hands and massaged them
almost as if she was giving me a breast examination. Her
mouth was the first mouth to ever suck my pink nipples.

When she reached for the leather drawstring holding my
reddish leather skirt to my waist the skirt fell to the
floor. Now we were both standing there in the room in
nothing but our leather underpants. They were warm from
our body heat. She pulled the drawstring on her own
underpants. When the fell to the floor I saw her dark
pubic bush. She shaved it just enough to keep the odd
strand from poking out of the legs of her underpants.

Beth turned me around so that my back was pressed
against her naked body. She used her tongue to trace the
inside of my ear as she reached under my arms to cup my
breasts. She used her index fingers to toy with my
nipples. They became hard and sensitive to her every
manipulation. When she switched to the other ear she
reached down to pull the drawstring and stretch the top
of my underpants. She pushed them down and they fell
around my feet. She rubbed her right hand over my pubic
hair as her left hand returned to my left tit.

She ran her finger between the lips of my cunt and toyed
with my clitoris for a moment. Then she reached up and
smeller her fingers and let me smell her fingers. I felt
her move to my side so that her cunt came in contact
with my hipbone. I felt her hair rubbing me as she
masturbated herself on my hip.

She picked me up like a child and carried me to one of
the beds. When she laid me down she removed the leather
underpants and dropped them on the floor. She stood
there taking in my strawberry reddish pubic hair. She
let out a Xena yell and virtually dove onto the bed
between my legs and claimed my cunt with her mouth.

This was the first time anyone had ever touched my cunt
other that doctor’s. I had masturbated a little but not
very often. When I felt her suck my clitoris into her
mouth and suck on it, I felt like I was going to faint.
She reached under my butt with both hands and lifted my
ass off the bed as she pressed her face into my cunt.

When she drilled her tongue into my vagina I was moaning
and wiggling around on her hands. It could have been
seconds or it could have been hours, because time lost
all meaning to me, when I had a strong climax. The
result was that I relaxed so completely that I peed in
her face. Beth shocked me by drinking as much of my pee
as she could. Just the same the bed under me became
soaked in pee.

When she pulled her hands out from under me my butt
settled back onto the bed and felt the warm wetness on
the bed spread. Beth got up and pulled me to my feet.
She led me to the bathroom when she turned on the water
in the tub. She adjusted the temperature before she
switched it to the showerhead. She pulled me in after
her. She washed me like a child. She took the Waterpick
showerhead by the handle and adjusted it to the pulse
and directed it at my cunt. It felt so good that I
thought I would climax again. Then she washed the crack
of my ass with a soapy hand then rinsed it with that
pulsing spray. When she was satisfied that I was clean
she turned off the water and reached for the towel and
dried me like a baby.

When we returned to the room she gave me a change of
clothes. But she did not give me any underpants nor did
she put any on. She told me she wanted me to check out
of the motel and move in with her.

We took the elevator down to the third floor basement.
We found her metallic green Mustang convertible. We
gathered up my belongings and checked me out of the
motel quickly. When we returned to the hotel we went
right up to her room and dropped my stuff off before
going to the restaurant in the hotel. She selected a
table in the back and rather than sit across from me she
sat to the left of me. That way we both could see the
dinning room.

Several women that had been at the convention made eye
contact and nodded at us. Beth returned the nods. She
ordered dinner for the both of us. When the waitress
left Beth leaned in my direction and placed her right
hand under the white table cloth and took hold of my
skirt and pulled it up until she could place her hand on
my soft inner thigh.

I must have blushed, thinking everyone knew what she was
doing. She slid her hand up until she was toying with my
clitoris again. I could hardly sit still. I had another
climax before the waitress returned with a folding stand
and a tray with out dinner on it. I was so short of
breath that my chest was heaving, as Beth smelled her
fingers again.

The waitress placed our plates in front of us and smiled
sweetly as she asked if there was anything else she
could do to make our meal more enjoyable. Beth smiled
and said thank you, not at the moment.

I felt so naked sitting there with my skirt up around my
lap. I had not even noticed the buss boy standing near a
pillar until I finished my salad. He was there picking
up the dish and filling our water glasses with iced
water. The water had a slight lemony taste. When we
finished dinner Beth selected two slices of a decadent
chocolate cake from the dessert cart for both of us. She
told the waitress to bring us a sweet red wine and she
ordered it by name.

After the waitress returned with two glasses and left to
service another table. We took a bite of the cake. I
could taste several different kinds of chocolate. The
icing was dark and tasted very coca like. Each of the
four layers tasted different. The creamy icing between
each layer tasted different too. Some had a coffee
taste. The wine was sweet but it did clean the pallet
between each bit, so I could enjoy the taste of each bit
of the cake.

As the buss boy removed the last plate the waitress
returned with the bill. Beth signed for it and we sat
back to enjoy the after glow of a fine meal. Then one of
the middle-aged women that had nodded at Beth approached
us. Beth invited her to have a seat. We talked about
what we thought about the convention and what we were
planning on buying the next day. The conversation was

Finally we made our good byes and as I stood up I had
forgotten that my skirt was up around my waist. Before
the skirt fell everyone saw my pink pubic hair. The
other woman and the waitress both gave me the sweetest

I could have died when I felt the skirt fall and knew
that these women had seen my naked cunt. The women said
I hope I see more of you soon and shook my hand. Beth
led me back to her room. Room service had been there and
changed the bedding. Beth undressed me and told me how
proud she was of me. She sat me on the side of the bed
and knelt in front of me and sucked my cunt until I
climaxed. I fell back on the bed to catch my breath.

Beth pulled me to my feet and turned me around and
pushed me forward until I crawled up onto the bed on my
knees. Beth used her hands to let me know that she
wanted me to lean forward. When I was on all fours she
parted the cheeks of my butt with both hands. When I
felt her breath on my anus, my arms collapsed and my
face pressed against the bed spread.

When I felt her tongue being forced into my asshole I
bit the spread. No one had ever even touched me there
before, let alone kissed me there before. It seemed so
dirty and so exciting that she wanted to do that to me.
When I climaxed again I felt my juices dripping out of
my cunt. Beth did let any touch the bed.

Now it was my turn she lay on the bed with her head on
the pillow and legs bent and spread. I lay on my tummy
between them. I relished the smell of her cunt. The hair
tickled my nose. I sucked her cunt until she grabbed the
back of my head and smashed my face into her cunt.

I knew she was climaxing and I slurped up everything
that she gave me. She pulled me up on top of her and
kissed me on the mouth. When I settled next to her and
in the crux of her underarm I turned my face to her body
so I could take her nipple into my mouth. What a way for
me to go to sleep.

In the morning we got dressed in our costumes, but Beth
didn’t let me put on my leather underpants. We had
breakfast and gathered with her friends while we waited
for the convention to open. The woman we had talked to
last night was the first to move next to me and feel my
ass. I didn’t want to embrace myself by making a fuss.

She took that as encouragement and her hand went under
my leather skirt. She gave me a warm smile as she felt
my smooth ass. With my back to the wall and a group of
costumed women gathered around us, and with a study
chatter of women talking the women slipped a finger into
my asshole. I had a hard time standing still. I actually
had a climax. My face flushed and I let out a moan.
Everyone looked at me. I could have died.

The women pulled her finger out of my ass and smell it
and tasted it. All the other women told Beth that I was
charming and they hoped I would date them too. I blushed
like a fool.

The day was a blur. I bought the additions to my costume
I wanted and Beth bought me a very nice necklace with
our names ingrained in it. I could not even guess how
many times different women groped my cunt or ass. Beth
helped me pack up my stuff and walked me to my car. We
exchanged phone numbers and addresses.

After one last kiss, I was on my way home. I knew that I
would be staying with Beth at the next convention in the
area. I was thinking about if I should tell Linda or
not. I was not sure how she would react to my newfound