BACHELOR PARTY by Carlos Malenkov

Dave couldn’t get over it. He was actually getting married tomorrow.

Well, why *not* get married? He loved Laura. And she loved him. They
had been living together for seven months now and they clicked as a couple.
The sex was dynamite. Even after knowing her for over a year – and
“knowing” her in the Biblical sense for almost as long — he would still
sometimes lapse into daydreams at work about what he’d be doing with her in
bed when he got home. Their minds were on the same wavelength and their
bodies were perfectly attuned to each other.

Some old friends were throwing a bachelor party for him tonight. One
last wild fling. The final chance to blow off steam and get rid of all the
accumulated cobwebs. Just a bunch of the guys having fun. He’d probably
make a fool of himself and laugh about it tomorrow with Laura .

At first there were no surprises. Piled in random disarray on the
dining room table were grease-stained cartons of take-out pizza, stacks of
cold cuts and sliced cheese, olives and pickles, and the indispensable
bowls of pretzels and barbecue chips. On the breakfast bar, almost as an
afterthough, were six-packs of beer and bottles of Cutty Sark and Old
Grandad. Dave filled up with mushroom-pepperoni pizza and snacks, and got
a little drunk. Then, with great fanfare, the two hired strippers marched

To music from a Francoise Hardy retrospective album, the women plodded
through their act. It was all very mechanical, and they didn’t exude much
in the way of sexiness. They had both seen better days, and, if truth be
told, they looked considerably better with their clothes on. But what the
hell — they were pros, and this was what they had been paid for.

The better looking of the two, a buxom dishwater blonde, sashayed over
to Dave, wagged her ass in his face, and sat herself down on his lap. She
had on only two sparkly adhesive patches over her nipples and a G-string
down below. Her figure wasn’t all that bad — nice and lush, even if
sagging in too many places — but her deeply lined face made her look old
and tired and worn out. The prospect of having her nearly-bare ass
smothering his groin was something less than a turn-on for Dave.

She must have sensed his lack of enthusiasm because she stood up, leaned
over toward him and whispered a few unintelligible words in his ear. In a
sort of beer-induced fog, Dave thought she was saying something about a
snow job. Before he knew it, she had unzipped his fly, pulled out his
dick, and taken it in her mouth. (No! Not “snow job,” dummy – *blowjob*!)
His buddies looked on, stomped their feet, and applauded.

Dave stayed limp in her mouth for quite a while, and when he finally
began to harden it dawned on him that the absolute very last thing he
wanted was to shoot his wad inside the sloppily-lipsticked mouth of a
rent-a-ho on the night before marrying the love of his live. “Thanks,
baby, but I think I’ll take a raincheck,” he murmured as he pulled out from
between her lips.

Things went steadily downhill from there.

It was 2:00 a.m. and Dave sat there in the armchair staring at the
pizza crusts covering the table top and the beer cans and cigarette butts
littering the floor. Nice. Very nice. Good buddies had left him with a
messy cleanup. A fine way to start off the most important morning of his

Charlie was snoozing on the sofa. All the rest of the good buddies had
long since staggered out the door. ‘Well, I hope *they* had a good time,
at least. Leaving me to pick up after them.’

Now Charlie was awake. He was sitting up and stretching. Good old
Charlie. Dave had known him since high school. They’d had some wild times
together. Once, they’d even . . .

“C’mon, Dave, old fella. Lemme help you straighten up the place. It
was s’posed to be *your* party after all.”

Yep, good old Charlie. Solid, mostly reliable, and sometimes just a
little bit wacky.

An hour later, the apartment was clean and neat. Dave and Charlie sat
side by side on the sofa nursing warm beers. Dave yawned.

“Late, isn’t it?” Charlie said. “‘Scuse me, it got so late, it’s early
the next morning. Gotta get some beauty sleep, don’tcha think? Charge up
the old batteries for the hard work ahead of you tonight. The lady’ll be
expecting you to perform, no?”

Dave noticed Charlie’s hand resting on his knee. It probably didn’t
mean anything, but it did bring back memories. Memories of a certain night
when . . .

Charlie leaned over and . . . kissed him. On the lips. It *did* mean
something, and Charlie was probably playing back the same memories.

They had been celebrating their graduation that night. Just turned
eighteen, the both of them, and finally done with Coolidge High. Just a
bit drunk, the both of them. Charlie had leaned over and kissed him that
night, too.

Oh, it hadn’t gotten much further than that. Yeah, they’d ended up
jerking each other off that night. And yeah, Dave had felt a strange
upsurge of desire for Charlie that night. But they hadn’t actually . . .
(“I think I want you inside me,” he had said. “And afterward I just might
have a yen to fuck you in the ass,” he had said.) They hadn’t actually done
it, but Dave had . . . had maybe wanted to.

Here and now Dave had a raging hardon. Charlie had noticed. Charlie’s
hand was rubbing it. Ah, that felt good. Damn good. But Laura . . .
what about Laura? Now Charlie was naked from the waist down. He bent
forward over Dave and took his cock into his mouth. Somehow, this felt . .
. felt *right*. It wasn’t like with the stripper earlier on. But it
wasn’t quite what he *really* wanted either. He told Charlie what he
really wanted.

Charlie was on his hands and knees. Dave was kneeling down behind him.
His hard, hard, hardon gleamed from a heavy coating of Vaseline. He
reached forward and gently spread apart Charlie’s butt cheeks.

Dave enjoyed making love to Laura. He loved the feel of being inside
her hot, pulsating pussy. But it couldn’t compare to being inside
Charlie’s hot, pulsating ass. There was a whole different level of
intensity here. He gasped as an explosion of light went off behind his
eyes and he shot his load deep into Charlie’s guts. Then he reached around
to jerk him off.

Charlie pushed his hand away. “No, not that. I don’t want to shoot
into your hand. I want to come inside you. I want to have from you what
you’ve just had from me. I want to *fuck you*. I want to fuck you in the
ass. *In the ass.* Is that clear? And isn’t that what *you* want?”

Dave hung his head. “Yes,” he said. “Yes, I said yes.”

They were in bed. Dave was lying on his back, tilted up backwards at an
angle, supporting his weight on his shoulders. His legs extended up in the
air and back, and they were leaning against Charlie’s shoulders. Charlie
was standing on the floor, at the edge of the bed, with his hands
underneath Dave’s buttocks. Charlie was getting ready to insert into him.
Into his ass. His ass!

“Just trust me, Dave, old buddy. I can make it feel good for you. I’m
an expert at this. It’ll be something you’ll never forget.

“Relax. Yeah, let the tension drain right out of you. Yep, here we go.
I’m right at the entrance now. Knocking at the door. You’re clenching up
a bit, but that’s all right. Not to worry. See, I’m pulling back now.
Feel as I rub a little Vaseline around the sphincter ring. Yeah, I’m
oiling up your cute little hole, yep, lubing your round, puckered asshole.
That same little asshole that’ll stretch to let my cock in. Because it
needs me inside. Because you need me inside you, filling you up, filling
you with my hard flesh, completing you in a way that you’ve never

“Yes, that’s right, Dave. Now you’re loosening up. Push out gently –
don’t strain — push out as if you were taking a shit. Again. Yeah, that
opens you up real nice. Now I’m slipping a finger in. All right? Now a
second finger. Feel the stretch? Want to try three? Oh, yes. Let me
know when you’re ready for the big enchilada.”

Charlie’s cock was deep inside Dave. Inside his ass. Fucking him.
Fucking him in the ass. It felt . . . it felt like nothing he had ever
imagined. It felt like a big, warm piston pumping inside him. He felt the
burning, flaming heat in his guts radiating out, warming him up. He was
floating upward like a balloon. Soaring. Dave’s own cock was getting hard
again. Charlie noticed.

“Now, Dave, old boy, I’ve got a special little surprise for you. Call
it a wedding present, if you like. The reason I got you in this particular
position is that it gives me access to you, to your cock, which I see is
standing at full attention. I’ve perfected this little maneuver and now
I’m gonna do it to you. Get ready.”

Charlie pulled Dave tight up against him by the hips, grinding his groin
further into the split between Dave’s buttocks, and embedding his cock even
deeper in his ass. He leaned further forward over Dave and bent, bent far
forward in a tight arc, and somehow managed to get his mouth over the tip
of Dave’s painfully hard cock. Dave was still on his back on the bed, legs
draped over Charlie’s shoulders, with Charlie’s cock all the way up inside
him, and now he was getting a blow job from Charlie’s lips. It was
screaming wild! He felt, felt the back of his head explode as he spurted
into Charlie’s mouth and sensed the throbbing wetness inside his bowels
which meant that Charlie was coming, unloading deep inside him.

Later, much later, they sat side by side on the sofa, each sipping a
beer, neither looking at the other.

“It kind of complicates things, doesn’t it?” Charlie said.

“But it doesn’t change my plans.” Dave spoke in a low voice. “I realize
now what I was missing all these years of my life, and if we had fucked on
that one night all those years ago, everything might have turned out
different. But . . . ”


“But I love Laura, and I don’t think I can live without her. Being
fucked by you, having your cock up inside me, is something I want, maybe
even something I *need*, but if I had to, I could give it up. And I *will*
give it up if I have to choose between you and Laura.”

“So, that’s the way it is, huh?”

“That’s the way it is.”

“Laura, I have something to confess.”

“Can’t it wait, honey? We’re due at the church in a couple of hours,
and I still have to get dressed and all.”

“Oh, I suppose.”

Late that night, they were lying in each other’s arms, legs still
interlocked after having made love. Laura nuzzled Dave’s ear and murmured,
“What was it you wanted to confess to me, hon?”

“Well . . . I forgot to pick up that quart of milk at the store. It
looks like we’ll be having water over our cereal tomorrow morning.”

“Ouch! That’s serious. For sure, starting off our marriage on the
wrong foot.” She swatted him on the butt. He rolled her over on top of him
and they were off to the races again.