An Intimate Recollection

The story I am about to relate had long been buried deep
within the memory banks of my mind. It was only the
actions of some young lads outside my window late one
Friday night, which brought it all flooding back to me
in graphic detail. It seems only yesterday, and not the
twenty or so years which have elapsed, that the events
which I am going to share with you took place.

When I was 18, dad got a new job and we had to move from
the centre of a big city to a fairly quiet suburb of a
small Somerset town. It was no more than a village
really, but had a large council estate straddling it. We
lived on the South side of it. It wasn’t a bad place I
suppose, there were certainly more open spaces than I
had been used to.

For the first couple of months, I didn’t know too many
people. I just went to school, came home, watched telly
and went to bed. It was quite by accident, I was on my
way to the chip shop, that I saw a couple of lads from
my school hanging around the village shops one night.
“Hi mate, what you up to then?” said one.

“Just off to the chip shop to get some supper for my
dad,” I replied. I can remember those words so vividly,
strange how certain things stick in your mind. They
started to walk along side me.

“Haven’t we seen you at school?”

“Yeah, expect so.”

“Not seen you about the village much.”

“No.” It was quite a strained few minutes really.

“Want to hang around a bit?” asked the bigger of the
lads as I entered the chip shop. To cut a long story
short, that’s how I first met two of the village gang

Most nights after that, I would get home from school,
finish my homework as quick as I could, have my tea and
be down by the shops by 7.30 or so. Most of the lads in
the gang went to my school, although a couple did attend
another. The leader, being aged about 17, had left
school and was an apprentice motor mechanic. We looked
up to him and all the lads thought it great that he
could fiddle around with cars all day. His name was
John, we used to call him Johnny.

There wasn’t that much to do in the village, especially
in the evenings. Okay, there was a ‘Youth club’ but it
was a bit of a rundown old place and nothing much
happened there anyway. We much preferred to just hang
around, watching the world go by. Most of the lads
smoked. I had never really experimented with cigarettes
before, but once in with the lads, I had to try it. I
think some of the others only did it to impress, I know
I certainly did. Smoking never really did much for me
but it did make me feel more ‘one of the lads’ at the

There were a couple of girls in our group, but they
wouldn’t always be with us, especially if it was a cold,
wet evening. Naturally, John had a girlfriend, her name
was Melanie and she was about 15. John would always be
telling the lads about how he had sex with Melanie, not
an evening went by without him revealing his latest

How the lads’ eyes would light up with excitement as he
described, in lurid detail, how he played with her fanny
and tits. We all believed every word of it, we had no
reason not to because when Melanie was there they would
always be snogging in the shadow of the shop doorway.

As I said, there were a couple of other girls in the
group and some of the lads would take ‘turns’ at being
their boyfriends. One of them, Brenda I think her name
was, seemed particularly interested in me. At 14, I
desperately wanted to fit in; be ‘one of the lads’ you

One night Brenda was chatting to me. “Come on Jason how
about giving me a kiss,” she whispered in my ear. I had
never kissed a girl before, I suddenly felt embarrassed
and knew I was starting to blush. She grabbed my hand
and pulled me toward a shop doorway; the rest of the
group carried on chatting and took no notice.

Once in the doorway, Brenda took control and threw her
arms around me. “Come on then, give us a kiss,” she

I started to kiss her, only a short sort of peck of a
kiss. “Call that a kiss?” She seemed disappointed. I
tried again. I have to admit that, even though I wanted
to be ‘one of the lads’ I didn’t seem to be getting much
out of kissing Brenda. It wasn’t that she was
unattractive, far from it, out of the girls in the
group, excluding Melanie, she was by far the most sought

Brenda was older than me and had obviously gained
experience from some of the other lads. “Do you wank off
a lot Jas? I bet you do don’t you? I think you’re so

The lads and I would often talk about wanking or
‘jacking off’ when the girls weren’t around and I found
the chatter very exciting. Somehow it didn’t seem
exciting at all hearing Brenda asking me this question.
Before I could answer I felt her feeling around my bum.
I was wearing my new Sta-prest trousers at the time, I
can remember being very proud of them, they were olive

“Want to touch my tits?” She took hold of my right hand
and placed it on her tit, her other hand stopped
squeezing my bum cheek and wandered around to my crotch.
I could feel her squeezing my cock through the thin
material of my trousers. It didn’t respond. After about
five minutes she gave up. She just pushed me aside and
walked away without a word. I felt a total failure. I
didn’t bother to rejoin the group, I just sneaked off

The next few nights I went over what had happened in my
mind. I kept telling myself that I liked what Brenda had
done and that I should have got a hard on. I couldn’t
understand why I hadn’t, after all, and this fact I
didn’t reveal to anyone, I did wank off two to three
times every day and got numerous hard-on’s all the time.

The next time I saw the lads it was obvious that Brenda
had been blabbing. “What’s this we hear about you not
being able to get a stiff-on then Jas, not old enough to
cum yet?” I was ribbed like this for most of the night,
the lads taking great pleasure in causing me as much
embarrassment as possible.

Then Brenda turned up with two other girls. “Want
another snog then Jas?” she said with an air of
derision. She just made a grab for my crotch which took
me so much by surprise that she managed to take the
whole of it in her hand, squeezing it just like before,
only this time all the lads could see. “See,” she
shouted triumphantly, “still as soft as putty. Not like
yours Steve.”

Everyone laughed.

Suddenly I felt my arms being grabbed from behind. “Come
on then,” shouted John, “Brenda is getting frustrated
lads, let’s see if we can help her out.”

I found myself being dragged the short distance behind
the public toilets which stood at the far end of the row
of shops. Once behind there, between the wall and the
tall hedge, we were well out of sight. I was pinned
firmly to the wall, arms outstretched, being held by two
of the bigger lads.

“So Bren,” continued John, “you said that Jas here
didn’t get stiff when you were snogging him. Do you
fancy him then?”

Brenda, quite unabashed, replied, “Course I do, he’s
really cute.”

“Want to see his prick then?”

“Wouldn’t mind.”

“What about you other girls, want to see Jason’s prick?”
The other girls weren’t quite as brash as Brenda but
nevertheless agreed that they wanted to see my prick.

“Okay then,” said John with a smile, “let’s see what we
can do.” He started to unzip my flies; they were wide
open in seconds. John’s hand was quickly in the
waistband of my underpants, his fingers pulling the
elastic forward. He looked down them. “There it is then
Bren, come on have a look at what you have been

Brenda came up and peered down into my pants. “Not a bad
looking prick, but it’s still soft.”

“Want to see him on the hard then eh? Bitch?” John put a
lot of feeling into the word Bitch.

The waistband of my pants was pulled ever lower, right
to the bottom of my flies. Even though the trousers were
close fitting they did have quite a low cut fly and so,
once my pants were in this position, my cock and
bollocks just fell out. There were giggles from the
girls and cheers from the lads as they all saw my prick

Strangely enough, even though I knew I was bright red
with embarrassment, I did find it to be exciting. I
don’t know if it was because John was exposing my prick
or the fact that they were all looking at me but I felt
my cock begin to stir. “Come on then Jas, show the lads
that you can get a nice big stiff on, come on, don’t be
shy.” John started to pull my foreskin back. The feeling
was tremendous.

My prick started to swell and my skin peeled back to
reveal my soft and tender knob. John carried on
squeezing and stroking me until I was fully erect.
“There we are Brenda, Jason with a full hard on. What do
you reckon now?”

She just giggled.

“Want to touch it then, or shall we make him spunk for
you?” Before she could answer all the lads started to
chant “Make him spunk, make him spunk.”

“Okay then, here goes.” John started to stroke me even
more. He stood to the right of me and ran his fingers
under my balls. The waistband of my pants was now lodged
under them, making my erection ever more prominent and
cutting into the softness of my sac. Backwards and
forwards, backwards and forwards John pulled my
foreskin. My prick was ultra sensitive and my knob end
was now shiny and purple. “Look lads, look here!” He
prodded my gaping piss slit with his finger and held it
up for all to see. Sticking to his finger was a long
strand of clear fluid. “The randy little fucker’s on his
way then. Here Brenda, touch his knob.”

Brenda stepped forward and ran the palm of her hand over
my knob. More of my pre-cum oozed out onto it. “That’s
more like I imagined Jas. I wouldn’t mind that up inside
me,” she sneered.

When the lads heard that they cheered again. “Hear that
then Jas? You’re well in there. Brenda says she will let
you have her fanny, how’s about that then?”

I was so embarrassed I didn’t answer. John knocked
Brenda’s hand away. “Out of the way then Brenda, I’m
gonna milk our new little lad for you, it’s about time
he was initiated.”

The girls were pushed to one side and John really got to
work on my prick. It wasn’t long before I was shooting
my load. I was surprised at how much I came but I was
pleased as well, at least I had proved to the lads that
I could spunk off properly and that my prick was as good
as theirs.

After I had cum my lot they just let me go and started
to wander off. I saw all my white spunk on the grass
behind the toilets and I felt good. I wiped my knob in
my hand, I had nothing else, and placed it back inside
my trousers. When I rejoined the group, it was as though
nothing had happened, no more was said, at least that


From that night on, whenever I had a wank, I would think
about John milking me off. I fantasised about all sorts
of things and wished that I could get to see some of the
other lads cocks on the hard. Of course I wanted to see
John with a stiff on more than anything, I knew he must
have a big dick from the bulge in his jeans.

The group meetings carried on as normal and nothing more
happened until one night in December. It was about 9:15
and we had been hanging around as usual. John and
Melanie had been snogging and Melanie and her mate had
just left to go home. Melanie only lived a short
distance from the shops and we were all just about to
disperse when she came running down the road again a
couple of minutes later. “Come on you lot, mum and dad
have gone out, we’ve got the place to ourselves.”

She was excited and breathless. John wasted no time and
quickly nipped into the off licence and bought a bottle
of Martini and some cans of beer. We were all soon
trooping up the long garden path to Melanie’s front

We literally took over the place, sprawling in the easy
chairs and on the settee, her parents would have gone
spare if they could have seen it. But Melanie didn’t
seem to care, she just wanted to impress everyone I
think. She did draw the line at smoking in the house
though and ushered us outside into the cold night air to
have a drag.

I found myself outside with John and two of the other
older lads, we were all having a smoke. “Got to get her
drunk if I want a bit of ass,” said John as he took a
swig of Martini from the bottle he was clutching.

“Better not drink too much yourself then Johnny, you
know what they say about brewer’s droop.”

We all laughed, although I have to admit, I didn’t have
a clue what ‘brewer’s droop’ was. “Don’t worry about
me,” he said confidently, “my prick will be as hard as
Jason’s was when we initiated him that night. Come to
think of it Jas, you’re still our newest member aren’t

“Yeah, suppose I am,” I said, taking a long drag on my

“We didn’t tell you of our long tradition of the gang
did we?” John had a smirk on his face and I just caught
sight of him winking at his mates.

“What tradition?” I took a swig of my can of beer,
trying to look big.

“The newest member has to milk himself off in front of
the rest of the gang whenever the leader says.”

“Fuck off,” I retorted, “I’m not working myself off in
front of everyone.”

“Well you are still the newest member Jas and now would
be a good time for you to do it, right in the middle of
Mel’s living room. Just think, all the girls seein’ you
spunk your lot.”

“I can’t do that! No way!” I felt really embarrassed, I
couldn’t wank off in front of everyone. It was one thing
being held behind the toilets and milked by John with a
few of them watching but to actually do it myself in
front of all the gang, girls included, was something

“How about showing just us then?” John winked at his
mates again.

“What now, right outside Melanie’s front door?”

“Yeah, why the fuck not?” I felt very pressured but
thought it better to do it just in front of John and his
two mates than have to do it in front of everyone in the
brilliance of the front room. “Okay then, but keep a
look out for me.”

Two of us were sat on a concrete bench type of affair
which was just outside the front porch. John and a mate
stood opposite, on the path. As mentioned, it was a long
garden and so no one could see from the road. The
curtains of the living room window were open and I could
see all the lads and the girls inside, laughing and
messing around. “Come on then Jas let’s see how quick
you can do it then.”

I started to undo my belt and unclipped the waistband of
my trousers. Quickly I pulled my zip down; my trousers
were now wide open again revealing my pants. “Let me
help you,” slurred the lad sitting next to me as he put
his fingers into the waistband of my pants pulling them

My cock was already hard by the time it was on show, I
was so excited at the thought of John wanting me to wank
off. I pulled my balls right over the top of my pants,
just as they had been before, and I started to wank.
“Good lad Jas, come on shoot your spunk all up your
belly for us.”

And so I did, I wanked like fuck and it only took a few
minutes before my hot teenage spunk was spurting from my
stiff prick and covering my exposed belly. “Come on, do
yourself up then,” said John as he walked back into the
house followed by the others. I did myself up and
followed them into the house. As I stood there talking
and generally joining in with the fun, I was all too
aware of my spunk soaking into my shirt and pants, I
felt very sticky. John winked at me a few times, smirked
and gave me the hard on sign.

This episode gave rise to even more jack off fantasies
and I soon found that I was masturbating up to four
times a day. I still hadn’t seen any of the other lads
on the hard and certainly had not had the pleasure of
seeing John shooting his wads. Would I ever, I thought
to myself. I didn’t have to wait too long to get the


It was just after Christmas when we were all hanging
around the shops as per normal; John was really on a
high. He was due to go to Melanie’s that night,
apparently she had promised him he could put one up her,
her parents were due to go out and he was well prepared.
He showed us his rubbers and talked of nothing else.
Melanie was supposed to come and get John when her
parents had left, but it was now 9:30 and she still
hadn’t arrived.

Suddenly, a car drove past and the horn sounded, it was
Melanie’s dad and in the passenger seat sat Melanie. She
waved as they sped away. We all laughed at John. “No
pussy tonight then Johnny?” said one of his best mates.

“The cow, she’s been promising to let me work my cock up
her for weeks now. I haven’t had a wank for two days, I
wanted to make certain I had plenty to give her. What a
fuckin’ let down.”

I felt quite sorry for him, he looked so dejected,
standing there in his tight faded blue jeans and black
leather jacket his crotch bulging even more than normal.

It was now 10:00pm and I was just about to say I was
going home when John said, “Remember our tradition Jas?”

“What? you mean about the newest member wanking off in
front of the rest?”

“Yeah, that’s right. Well we forgot to tell you the rest
of it.”

Again, just as on the night in Melanie’s garden, I saw
him wink at his mates. It was then that I realised that
everyone else had vanished and I found myself with just
the three of them again. “You want me to do it again do

John laughed. “You got the idea Jas. Come on, behind the
bogs.” John led the way and we all squeezed behind the
toilets. It was dark behind there but there was just
enough light seeping through the hedge from the street
lamp for us to see what was happening. “Come on Jas,
how’s about taking your trousers right off for us then?”

“Piss off, it’s fuckin’ freezin’.” I quite liked wanking
off for them before, but it was very cold and in any
case, once they had my trousers off I couldn’t run off
if I wanted to so I wasn’t about to agree to that.

“But we want you to take them off, don’t we lads,”
insisted John. The air suddenly took on a more menacing
feeling and I felt very intimidated, they were, after
all, very much bigger than me. His two mates grabbed my
arms and I again found myself pinned up against the
toilet wall.

“What you gonna do Johnny?” questioned one of his mates.
“You just watch.

Young Jason here is gonna do us all a favour, aren’t you

“Am I?”

“You sure are kid, you sure are.”

I didn’t have a clue what John had in mind, but my
imagination was working overtime. It took only a matter
of moments before I found my Sta-prest trousers around
my ankles. “Step out of them Jas,” ordered Johnny.

I lifted my right foot and felt him pull my trousers
over my plimsoll. The operation was repeated and my
trousers pulled from me leaving me wearing my small,
light blue underpants. Johnny handed my trousers to one
of his mates.

“Fuckin’ hell, behind the bogs with no trousers on, what
a wanker,” he said as he hung them on the hedge behind
him. “Now for your pants Jas.”

My pants were removed with ease and soon found
themselves hanging beside my trousers on the hedge. My
cock and bollocks were now exposed for all to see, my
little tee shirt and short jacket offering no cover. I
felt even more randy at the thought of it, especially
with the icy cold air touching me around my bum.

“There now Jas, that’s not too bad is it? Just look at
that lovely dick of yours, it’s already on the stiff.”

He was right, I was stiff, stiff as a pole.

“Okay, let him go,” ordered Johnny, “he won’t be going
anywhere now.”

My arms were released and I was just left standing there
with my back to the wall. “Turn around Jas, we want to
see that cute little bum of yours.”

I just did as he said, I couldn’t get away, I mean I
could hardly go running down the high street without my
trousers now could I? “Put your hands up on the wall and
bend forward a bit, come on, give us a show.”

As I put my hands up on the wall I pushed my arse
backwards, spreading my legs at the same time. “Wow,”
said one, “what a cute little arse you’ve got then Jas.”

“Yeah, likes wiggling it about too,” said the other.

I felt John’s hands rubbing over my hairless bum cheeks
and between my legs, grabbing my balls as they dangled
beneath. “Quite the little wanker aren’t we Jas?
Couldn’t get hard for Brenda eh? Don’t seem to have much
trouble now though do we?” He continued to stroke the
base of my rock hard cock, following it backwards until
he was touching me around my arsehole. Gently poking his
fingertip into my hot entrance, he whispered into my
ear. “How does that feel then Jas? like it then do we?”

Another lad was now down beside me, he was stroking my
cock, pulling the foreskin backwards and forwards over
my knob.

“Course he likes it Johnny, his dripping prick gives him

“Oh, so he’s dripping again then is he? That’s a sure
sign that you like it then. You do like me touching your
arse don’t you Jas? come on let’s hear you say it.”

I don’t mind admitting it, I did like what was happening
but at the time I was too embarrassed to tell them; I
didn’t want John to think I was soft or anything. I
needn’t have worried though because, with what he had in
mind, it wouldn’t have made any difference.

John didn’t wait for an answer anyway, I don’t really
think he expected one, he just kept on whispering in my
ear. “I knew you would like this Jas, as soon as Brenda
told us you didn’t get hard for her, I knew you were a
bum boy. You probably don’t even know it yourself yet do
you? Oh you might fantasise about boys’ pricks when you
have a wank, but you don’t realise what it all means do
you? Well tonight I am gonna make you realise what it is
to be a bum boy.”

He carried on touching my hole while the other lad kept
wanking me. I was enjoying the feeling so much. John was
right, he seemed to know all about me, even what I
fantasised about. But how could he know, unless, unless
he also fantasised about the same thing. My heart was
pounding. Visions of all sorts of things were flashing
through my mind and memories of many a wank came
flooding back to me.

“Turn around Jas, let’s have a good look at that stiff
prick of yours.” I turned and John took hold of my tool
and squeezed the length of my shaft forcing even more
pre-cum from my end. By this time I was dripping clear
fluid so much that it was hanging in a long thread from
my knob.

“My we are juicy tonight Jas. Here’s something to make
you even more juicy.” He stood back and started to unzip
his jeans; my heart leapt at the thought of what was
going to be revealed. At last the object of my dreams
was within sight.

Within a second I was feasting my eyes on the most
amazing sight, the sight of Johnny’s stiff cock jutting
from his jeans. “Like the look of it then Jas? Want to
touch it? Go on you know you do.”

I did, did I want to touch it. I put my hand forward,
John knocked it away.

“No Jas, not with your hand, not with your hand. Come
on, get on your knees.”

I felt his mates pushing me downwards and I found myself
kneeling on the ground in front of him, my face now
level with his stiff member. I could see his shiny
purple knob, his piss slit was gaping wide. I caught a
whiff of that certain smell, the smell so characteristic
of a teenager’s prick, even now, all these years later,
I can still remember it.

“Now touch it Jas. Touch it with your tongue, come on,
you know you want to.” I poked my tongue out and touched
it with the tip. His knob felt smooth as I ran my tongue
over it. He shuddered and his legs tensed.

This was blowing my mind, I had hoped that I might see
John’s stiff dick but here I was with him wanting me to
lick it! I got more adventurous, I seemed to know what
to do. I slowly eased his throbbing knob end into my
mouth, caressing it with my lips. I ran my tongue all
over his blood gorged knob, exploring his rim and in his
slit, coaxing out his pre-cum.

“Wow! Fuck! Fucking hell,” he moaned. “What a
cocksucker. Just look at him lads, a born cocksucker and
he fuckin’ well loves it.”

“Yeah we can see that,” they replied.

I could see from the corner of my eye that they too had
unzipped their flies and had produced their 16 year old
dicks; they too were stiff. I started to suck John
harder, taking more and more of his shaft within my
mouth. I just couldn’t get enough of it. I would have
happily choked myself on it, I felt so excited.

I knew now what John had meant when he called me a bum
boy. I knew I wanted the thing which I was sucking
shoved right up my arse. I suddenly felt relieved that
the lads knew I would let them do this to me, at last I
felt my true self, I no longer had to pretend to like
Brenda or the rest of the girls. I carried on sucking.

“You really are a cocksucker then Jas? Will you suck me
right off then, take my load down your throat?” I pulled
his shaft from my mouth, it was wet with my saliva, I
wiped it around my face. “Johnny,” I replied, looking up
into his eyes, “if you want me to suck you off, if you
really want me to swallow your spunk, then you only have
to say and I’ll do it.”

I was in ecstasy, there behind the bog wall. I could
hear the cars passing and the voices of people as they
walked by, little did they know that four teenage lads
were having it away only inches from them. The thought
turned me on even more and I shoved my mouth back onto
John’s rock hard weapon. “Suck me off then Jas. Drink my
cum, oh please drink my cum.”

I grabbed hold of my own erection and started to wank my
aching dick, I was keeping myself on the verge of
dropping my lot. What a feeling, I wanted it to last

“Here, it comes Jas. Here it fuckin’ well comes.”

I ran my hands over the back of John’s jeans, up his
legs to his bum. I could feel him tensing his cheeks as
his prick in my mouth swelled even more. “Give it to him
Johnny, give the little cocksucker what he really
wants,” urged his mates as they wanked their own tools.

John grabbed the back of my head and held it firmly. As
I ran my fingers up his crack I felt his prick explode
in my mouth. The warm liquid jetted over my tongue and
hit my tonsils; I gulped, boy did I gulp! I had to gulp
a lot more in order to swallow every drop of Johnny’s
juice, but I managed it, not a drop escaped. I felt

“Wow, what a fuck, what a suck1” exclaimed Johnny as he
pulled his prick from my gob. His two mates were wanking
like fuck. “Come on then Jas,” said John as he pushed
his still wet dick back into his jeans, “you’ve got two
more cocks here to service.”

I looked up at John’s face again. “You really want me to
suck them off too Johnny?”

“Yeah, course I do, they’re my mates.”

“Okay, if that’s what you want, then I’ll do it.” I
suddenly felt I could do anything that John wanted and
so, set to work gobbling his two mates, just as I had
done to him. It didn’t take too long before each of them
were cumming in my mouth. I enjoyed sucking them but not
as much as I did John. He had the stiffest, sweetest
tasting cock of them all.

As soon as the others had come their loads, they stood
back and tidied themselves up. “Come on then Jas,
remember the tradition, you have to wank off for us

I didn’t need any encouragement. I stood up and started
to wank my prick. “Face the wall Jas, let’s see you
leave your wads running all over the brickwork. I faced
the wall and, with only two strokes, began to shoot up
it. My thick and heavy load spurted from my knob and
clung to the wall. By the time I had finished it was
covered in my young spunk. “You’ve done fuckin’ great
tonight Jas. Melanie did us a favour going off with her
dad like that.”

John looked at his watch. “Fuck, better be gettin’ home
it’s nearly quarter to eleven.”

I got dressed and we all went home. That night in bed I
had a constant hard on. I couldn’t stop thinking about
John’s big prick. I dozed off and woke up to find a big
sticky pool of spunk in my pyjamas, I had to sneak to
the bathroom to wipe myself up a bit. While I was in
there I started to rub myself again and soon found my
prick on the stiff. I sat on the loo, pointed my prick
downwards into the bowl, and rubbed for all I was worth.
It took a while but I managed to get a big juicy wad to
hit the front of the bowl. Still I was coming up to 15.


The next couple of times we were hanging around the
shops nothing was said. The lads just kept on talking
about girls and John about Melanie. There was one
difference though. I now knew just what a beautiful cock
John had in his pants. I now knew what was causing the
bulge in his jeans and I even knew what his spunk tasted
like. I wondered whether he would want me to ‘service’
him again. I don’t think that John, or his two mates,
ever told any of the other lads about what happened
because they never hinted at anything. It was obviously
a well kept secret between me and the bigger lads of the

I could tell you what happened one night when Jon told
Melanie what we’d done, and she wanted to watch while we
did it again, but that’s a while other story…