A nest of lesbians 2.

Talk about luxury! Breakfast in bed. Just juice and coffee and toast, of course, but Elspeth was sure she could have had more simply for the asking. With the tray over her lap, she leaned back languidly and sipped and munched as Joan scurried around getting dressed to go off to work. Even with all that scurrying, though, there appeared to be plenty of time for conversation, just idle small-talk at first until Elspeth zeroed in on the all-important topic.
“Joan, tell me something. About last night…”
“Please. Must we talk about that?”
“Yes. I want to. Oh, don’t worry, I won’t make a federal case out of it, I’m just trying to understand. Last night you told me I was beautiful, remember? And that led to… well, you know what. So how come you didn’t mention it sooner?”
“I – uh…”
“You said something about feeling guilty. Come on now, what does that mean? Guilty about what? Or maybe you didn’t really want me that first night, huh?”
“Oh. I did want you, darling, I couldn’t keep my hands off you. When you complained of being stiff I almost offered to give you a massage.” Joan bit her lip; then, in a torrent of confession, “Okay, I’d better get it off my chest. Elspeth, I felt guilty about the apartment. This building, I mean – the woman who owns it is gay and so are most of the tenants. Gay girls. I should have told you that before you decided to move in with me.”
“I’ll be damned! Yeah, you should have.” The idea of living in a nest of lesbians was somewhat disconcerting. “But it’s done now, so stop feeling guilty and just fill me in on the details, will you? Is the place dangerous? You figure I might get raped in the hallway by some big bull-dyke?”
“Good grief, no, nothing like that. Quite the contrary, in fact, it’s all very discreet and ladylike. Margalo Fitch wouldn’t have it otherwise.”
“Margalo Fitch. She’s the owner?”
“Sole owner. Lives in the penthouse. And she rents only to women who are, uh, sympathetic, you might say.”
“I get it. Like this whole building is her harem, huh? One great big lesbian harem for Margalo Fitch…”
“Oh, no. Anyway, I doubt it. She plays around, of course, but it’s all done with the utmost discretion. Behind locked doors, you know what I mean?”
“Sounds kind of interesting, I must admit. What does she look like?”
“A real brunette type, dark hair and green eyes. Pretty gorgeous. A little on the heavy side, mature – late thirties, I guess – but she makes the most of her assets. Always dressed just right, always groomed to perfection. Elspeth, she’s got a personal maid who does nothing but take care of her.”
“A personal maid. Hah! Gay?”
“Naturally. I’m sure they must make it together. Only it isn’t an ordinary thing – I’m sure of that, too. It’s like nothing I ever came across in all my life.”
“Oh? What’s so different?”
“The way Margalo treats her maid. You’d never believe it. Kate is a servant and that’s what she gets paid for. But honestly, she’s really more like a slave.”
“A slave? In what way?”
“In every way. Oh, I don’t mean that Margalo is cruel to her or anything like that – although she might be when they’re alone together – who knows? Anyway, the one time I was up there Margalo acted like a princess and that maid just about worshipped the ground she walked on. Margalo had a chipped toenail, for instance, and right away Kate had to get the pedicure stuff out and fix it; I mean she got right down on her knees and went to work. And meanwhile Margalo was just chatting with me and letting herself be fussed over like some kind of queen. Like a queen reigning over her subject – a willing subject, too – Kate seemed to be getting a big charge out of it.”
“So did you, I’ll bet.”
“Joan, you’re getting all steamed up just describing it. I don’t see why, really. Doing toenails is part of a personal maid’s job, isn’t it?”
“Well, it was the way she did it, I guess. And the way Margalo just laid back and let her. Like mistress and slave.” Then, with a weak grin, “But if I’m steamed up, darling, blame it on yourself. You look so sexy this morning, you don’t know what you’re doing to me. Even now…”
“Right now. But it’ll keep. Except that I would like a nice good-bye kiss just to remember you by.” Fully dressed, Joan leaned down over the bed. “One small kiss?”
“Sure. If you don’t mind the taste of butter.”
“Mmm…” Joan mumbled into the kiss. “Delicious. Absolutely delicious…” Her lips clung, but she went on speaking in a muffled tone, uttering words between wriggles of the tip of her probing tongue. “Mmm… darling… how I wish I could crawl right back into bed with you.”
Fingers drifted over Elspeth’s flesh in a pattern of worshipful yearning; the fervor communicated itself and her body came alive to the gentle but unmistakably desirous touch. As much as the sex urge, though, now she felt the need to be kind. It seemed only fair that she should bestow a little benevolence upon this nice roommate who was being so attentive to her. A token gesture, perhaps, in gratitude for breakfast in bed.
“Okay if you’re a few minutes late for work?”
“Late for work?” Then, trembling and succumbing to the push of Elspeth’s hand on her head, “Oh, you darling!”
“Wait. Move the tray first.”
“Darling… darling…”
“Now you can kiss my cunt. Want to?”
“Mmm, yesss!”
Benevolent indeed, that was how Elspeth felt. Only she didn’t have to do a damn thing but lie there and let the sudden sensation sweep over her. The seeking lips and devouring mouth had energy to spare, energy enough for both. So her token gesture was one of great generosity, apparently, and it was Joan who insisted on showing gratitude. Showing it delightfully, too, with a tongue that combined warm eagerness and amazing expertise. Each time the agile tongue-tip slithered across her clitoris, Elspeth’s buttocks jerked upward into the sucking mouth. Oh, that hot sucking mouth! It was really getting to her. Until at last the smooth abrasion of tongue-flesh upon cunt-flesh set her entire body vibrating; she uttered a sharp squeal of pleasure and began squirming in the throes of ecstatic orgasm. Only then, as the peak passed and faded to a languorous aftermath, did she become aware of the orgasm that was still wracking Joan’s body, aware of what it signified and yet not quite able to understand how such a thing had come about. It hardly seemed possible. How could a girl reach a climax like that? Without even being touched?
Joan sure must have, though. There was a peaceful expression on her shiny-damp face when she stood up. A heavy lassitude was already dragging Elspeth back into dreamland, but she fought it off when the noise of the bureau drawer opening and closing struck her ears.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Hush. Go back to sleep.”
“No. Tell me.”
“I’m changing my panties, if you must know.”
“Changing your…”
“And don’t you dare ask me why. Now just close your big beautiful blue eyes and be quiet.”
Elspeth did just that. With a smile of satisfaction on her lips. But she was still wondering about the strange phenomenon that could bring a lesbian to asexual climax without any outside help. Oh shit, there was no end to the wonders of this new situation. New roomie, new apartment. And even the building, too, especially those weird characters up in the penthouse, that Margalo Fitch woman and her personal maid. Mistress and slave? That was weird to say the least, and the thought gave Elspeth a queasy shudder; how could a paid servant stoop to slavery and actually enjoy it? But the shudder passed and pretty soon sleep drifted in on a pink fog the sleep of sweet contentment…
Hours later she awoke refreshed and ready to reenlist in the dally battle of life. Not that it was such a big battle these days, of course, not as long as the money held out. Taking full advantage of her “unemployed idler” status, Elspeth spent the afternoon at a movie – an X-rated flick, naturally, now that sex was on her mind so much. Out of curiosity she tried to view the screen action as her roommate might have, the lesbian viewpoint, and it shocked her to realize how exciting that could be. Bare female skin, beautiful bare tits, bare thighs, bare asses, a flash of bare cunt – so exciting! – yes indeed, now she could see why men drooled over women’s bodies.
The sexy feeling lingered afterward and she was in a rare mood when Joan got home. In a matter of moments, quite casually and yet by design, the all important topic was brought up and delved into again. Almost as though it had remained dormant all day just waiting for the opportunity.
“Hey, that was nice this morning,” Elspeth said.
“Want to do it again tomorrow?”
Joan blushed, nodding her head. “You liked it?”
“I sure did. But we won’t have to wait till tomorrow, we’ve got all night in front of us yet. How about that – morning and night, huh?” Elspeth patted the blushing cheek. “And maybe a little matinee when the weekend rolls around.”
Her stroking hand was seized and kissed; the softness of the kissing lips stirred her and she touched them with exploring fingertips. Dewy lips, warm and tender, dewy lips parting invitingly, and she couldn’t resist the urge to investigate further. Such an odd sensation! The open mouth was hers to play with; the moist tongue became a toy that she caressed and squeezed and pinched with her fingers. The same tongue that had given her so much pleasure in bed. Feeling it, she could understand why now. There was a dainty delicacy about a woman’s tongue that simply couldn’t be duplicated by any man. Just playing with it was getting her all aroused. Too much so, considering the prospect of the long and leisurely night to come, and she had to pull her hand away to call a halt to the proceedings.
“Honey, let’s eat and bathe and get ourselves organized, then we can really relax, hmm?”
Joan groaned in mournful frustration but was obviously aware of the sense of the suggestion. Pleasure deferred would lead to pleasure increased. Together they foraged in the kitchen and whipped up something to satisfy their more mundane appetites.
Afterward, with another blush, Joan dropped a hopeful hint about bathing together. Elspeth vetoed the notion, though, and they took separate showers; she wasn’t quite ready for that sort of intimacy. No, the idea of slopping around in the tub with another female just didn’t appeal to her. Although that might have been only because Joan’s body wasn’t particularly attractive, she realized. Could a more beautiful and alluring woman tempt her to indulge in such an escapade? She wondered about that, knowing for a certainty only that Joan’s charm lay in her lips and not her body.
Nor did the charm seem to be diminishing. Naked on the bed, Elspeth waited impatiently for her lover girl to come out of the bathroom. As usual, Joan was doing a double batch of lingerie, although they no longer went through the ritualistic farce of removing the things now. But the free maid-service wasn’t so important at this point, somehow. Not that Elspeth cared to do without it, of course, but she was keenly conscious of her burgeoning excitement and kept wishing Joan would hurry up. Let the fun begin! It puzzled her somewhat, this unaccountable tension in her flesh; she had figured the thrill of the lesbian kiss would lose its tang once the novelty wore off. But the novelty was already gone and she still felt herself shaking in desire for Joan’s lips. Ah yes, those remarkable lips!
Elspeth’s urgency made her head swim. She heard the pad of bare feet approaching and closed her eyes in breathless anticipation. Her legs glided apart in welcome. And then at last she sighed responsively as the lips made contact.
But the contact was only fleeting. And when it came again the moist-lipped mouth insisted on ignoring the invitation of her wide-spread limbs. Suddenly her need for fulfillment became almost agonizing.
“Joan, what are you…”
“Shh. Don’t rush me. We’ve got all night, remember?”
The heat in Elspeth’s untouched loins was fierce. She wanted that mouth there. But she couldn’t be a spoilsport about it, not when Joan seemed so resolute about paying attention to the rest of her body. Especially since the attention was becoming so delightfully focused.
“You go for my tits, huh?”
“Mmm… so beautiful…”
Clever lips formed vacuums over each nipple in turn, tiny wet circles to suck the nipples to swollen peaks, powerful little suction cups to surround and enclose the intimate meeting of hot tongue and hot nipple, hot, hot, oh so terribly hot! Elspeth struggled to suppress a sob. And then the kisses began traveling elsewhere, darting here, lingering there, scorching her throat, setting fire to her navel, tracing a ring of flame around her waist.
“Huh? Joanie? What are you doing?”
Joan’s hands were nudging eagerly, forcefully. Elspeth followed their direction and let herself be rolled over, burying her face in the pillow as the ring of fiery kisses continued to completion. The trail took a new tack, running the length of her spine now, and she was gripped by a sudden surge of emotion, part shock, part curiosity, all in a wave of dizziness. There too? Somehow her mind couldn’t cope with the bizarre caress.
The pillow muffled her gasp. The pillows of her flesh all but muffled the avid moan back there, a moan that she felt as a searing breath and heard only as a soft hum. Her body started a slow movement of its own, jutting and adjusting to the smooth cheeked face that was broadening the crack between her buttocks like a gentle but inexorable wedge. The tongue-tip touched her intimately, searching, prying, probing – and when the final thrust came she had to grit her teeth to keep from shrieking. The final thrust of that hot tongue…
“Oooh, I love that.”
“Kiss me there, kiss it, kiss my ass!” The expression was downright vulgar; it sounded mean and nasty and yet terribly thrilling somehow, and that made her wonder if being mean and nasty wasn’t all part of the thrill. The wild thrill, the excitement, the overwhelming sensuality! Oh shit, who would have dreamed there were so many intriguing twists and turns to this business of lesbian love?