Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Nifty Adventure in the City

This is a fictional story. It includes acts of homosexuality and
racial slurs. If you are offended by this kind of fantasy, please
search for something else to read. This story is not about or
intended for minors.

Stranded in the city late at night after I had been separated
from a car full of my buddies whom I rode in with, I ducked into
a magazine shop to keep from getting wet in the sudden downpour.
Turned out this was a sex shop and to avoid loitering I had to
buy five dollars worth of tokens and go to …

Kinky lesbian trio

I’d always been glad I didn’t have Lisa’s problem. She’s quite flat
you see: a body like a stick. She’s really quite attractive, with a
pretty face framed by short brown hair. Being a little below average
height, she reminds you of a sprite or something.

In fact, I think men like Lisa like that (well, some of them
anyway), but that didn’t stop her from worrying. She’d tell me how
lucky I am. I guess I’d have to say I am lucky–my breasts are
adequate. In fact, they are more than adequate: they’re a little
larger than normal and …

Anne was twice my age, and bisexual

Anne was twice my age, and bisexual.

I was only 18 when she picked me up in a record store. Our eyes
met from across the room, and she smiled at me; I couldn’t help
but smile back. Anne was not a great beauty, or wouldn’t be
considered so by most. But she had an honest open face, and a
bright smile. She had a strong jaw, bright eyes, and a lovely
complexion. She came and stood next to me, and asked me something
about the CD I was holding in my hand. She was about an inch
taller than …

MILF seduced a teen lesbian girl

She tells me her name is Gail. It’s a leather bash at
Chicky’s and I’m standing at the bar with my second beer and a
taco chip. She tells me her name is Gail, and then she says: “You
have such lovely hair.”
She’s very thin, tall, wasted looking, too much dark hair.
She says she runs a clothes boutique on Oak Street, but I don’t
know if I should believe her. Oak Street is swank, chi-chi, one
long block of phoniness, and maybe I should not believe her. But
why would anyone come to Chicky’s and tell a lie …

Teen girls sleepover party

I was on my way home from work when I got the call from my wife, she would
be away on business for the weekend and wanted to let me know that our 18
year old daughter Sam, was having her friend Kelly sleep over.

As I arrived home I could hear the girlish laughter coming from the kitchen
and putting away my briefcase walked in and greeted the girls. Sam
introduced me to the stunning Kelly; I could hardly believe she was the same
age as my daughter. I wondered at how quickly they seemed to grow up as …

Santa Claus Is Cumming

Believe it or not, I had a hard time sleeping. Every time I closed my
eyes the memory of what I’d seen played like an endless loop. Finally,
I grabbed my cock and started abusing it like I’d caught it breaking
into my house. After blowing a wad into a hand towel, I slept like a

I got to the mall and went into the Santa Shack. Now might be a good
time to describe Santa’s Magic Kingdom. Since it’s a regional mall
and draws shoppers from about a hundred-mile radius, they put a lot of
time and space …

Initial Explorations – I had become a sexual being

I’m not sure if this is typical, but as long as I can remember I’ve
known that my cock had two distinct states. I thought of the larger,
stiffer, and more infrequent one as “big,” and the process of erection
as “getting big.”

And as long as I can remember, I’d had a habit of playing with my erect
cock. Just innocent fumbling, touching, and squeezing; no rhythmic
stroking, rubbing, or thrusting. Sometimes when it was soft I would
touch and squeeze until it got hard, sometimes for hours until I became
distracted. It was a perfectly innocent thing, though …

All Tied Up

My husband called me from work and told me that
tonight he expected to find me blindfolded and tied to the
bed waiting for him when he got home and that I wasn’t to
say anything unless I was asked a question. We have been
experimenting with bondage and had each tied the other up
several times over the last few months. This was new and
different so about 3 o’clock, I went upstairs and got
undressed and proceeded to tie myself down. I used some
padded cuffs on my ankles and tied each one to a bottom
corner of …

The Gay Carnival – he pain in pleasure often becomes the pleasure of pain.

Everyone’s eyes were on the tall blonde as her Master led her to
the dangling chains. By now most of the audience had settled into
the numerous chairs that had been placed around the room.

It was quiet as she was tightly gagged, then wide leather straps
wrapped around her thighs so her wrists could be fastened to them
and provide safe restraint.

Then she was helped to a sitting position on the floor and
lowered backwards so her head rested on a small pillow. The
chains were lowered and more leather cuffs were fastened around
her ankles so her …


Yes, your favorite auteur of transsexual lesbian erotica is back.
Yeah, RIGHT!

“Thirteen…fourteen…fifteen, whew!”

The sound of the bench press bar slammed down on the frame as the
amazon finished her work out. Blindly, she reached down and
grabbed her towel, wiping the sweat off of her face before she
sat up. Weary from exhaustion of a good morning workout, her
eyes darted around the cavernous workout room. The morning sun
flooded the room through the 2 story floor to ceiling windows as
the city rose to life under her penthouse. She wiped down her
bare chest with her towel, …

A nest of lesbians 2.

Talk about luxury! Breakfast in bed. Just juice and coffee and toast, of course, but Elspeth was sure she could have had more simply for the asking. With the tray over her lap, she leaned back languidly and sipped and munched as Joan scurried around getting dressed to go off to work. Even with all that scurrying, though, there appeared to be plenty of time for conversation, just idle small-talk at first until Elspeth zeroed in on the all-important topic.
“Joan, tell me something. About last night…”
“Please. Must we talk about that?”
“Yes. I want to. Oh, don’t worry, …

A nest of lesbians

Moving was always a drag, but Elspeth Wright didn’t mind it so much this time. After some four months in a shabby furnished room, the new apartment seemed like sheer luxury. It was pretty luxurious by any standard, in fact, and she couldn’t help but count her blessings. What luck! A chance meeting, an invitation, an offer to share – and now all of a sudden she had a half-interest in this high-rise heaven…
“Guess that about does it,” Joan said.
“All unpacked and shipshape. Thanks for your help.” With a mock sigh of relief, Elspeth kicked her shoes off …