Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

After years in slavery to Mistress Jennifer, I am sold again

I have been the slave of mistress Jennifer for a little
over three years. I was purchased for one hundred
thousand dollars from mistress Morgan. I am now twenty
four years old and have been in slavery for almost five

I am in my kennel. my mistress and her mother have gone
out for the afternoon and I am safely behind bars. My
wrists are chained to my collar and I am in my chastity
belt and anklets. For the first time in weeks, I am
shaved and my nails have been polished in a pinkish
red. My nipple …

I’m going to fuck you in the ass!

I know what started it all. We’d been talking about Jeff Peters who had just discovered his wife was cheating on him. “Well, that’s one thing *I’ll* never have to worry about,” I commented.

I *didn’t* worry: Judy just isn’t like that. But I don’t think I saw her face when I made that comment because I know the image would have come back to me if I had. You see, two days later, Judy and I were lying in bed, and she said my name:


“Yes?” No she didn’t usually start conversations while we were trying to sleep, …

Good thing comes in small bundle

Ruby is a 24 year old midget and very pretty. Just under 3 foot tall, and a perfect figure: 28in Bust, 18in Waist, 22in Hips. Her breasts are like marble and mostly puffy nipples. She wears loose tops to conceal them, as people would know that she is a little more than an eight year old.

She has long raven hair, reaching past her waist. That is the only hair she has ever had. Her cunt mound is as smooth as the day she was born.

Her lover is Pearl. She is a pert 5ft 4in tall and quite a …

The Ladies Club

Vicky Holmes cast a final glance in the dresser mirror before she left
the room. She saw a tall attractive woman of 5ft 8in with strikingly
attractive features. Blonde shoulder length hair framed an intelligent
mature face, one that seemed to suggest a vast store of worldly experience,
while her deep blue eyes hinted at great sensuality. The lilac blouse and
black skirt hugged her sleek body and emphasised her shapely breasts,
narrow waist and flaring hips.

No one just looked at her once; men and women were captivated by her
sexuality, an impression she made without effort. Despite her …

Ooh you like my fat belly, you a fat lover?

When the truck pulled up I was relieved, it was pissing
rain and I had been hitchhiking for two hours with not
one bastard stopping. The truck was huge and when the
door opened I saw behind the wheel, not a guy but a
woman. She was an ugly bitch huge with shirt hair and
three chins joining what looked like the biggest pair
of tits I’d ever seen, obese was the word I was looking

“Get in,” she barked at me and I jumped up into the
warm cab dripping water, she looked me up and down then…

Nice to find someone who shares my simple pleasures

It’s early Spring and the weather is acting like it. The sun is unexpectedly strong and warm, the sky is blue, and the nearby trees are sprouting buds. They are not the only thing that has sap rising. I’m sitting here outside “Capaldi’s Coffee Shop” with damp panties. My reason for this is “Saint Bernadette’s School for Girls” is letting its pupils out to go home!

So many young lovelies come past the coffee house on their way home and now it’s warm and dry enough again to sit out here, at a table, under a sunshade, and admire my …

Queen Victoria wanted me to keep you cumming

“Queen Victoria wanted me to keep you cumming,” Lisa said, “And I thought we should do something that will keep your mind totally on pleasuring you, no one else.”

“But I like pleasing you and the other girls.”

“Lots of time for that. This is a sit back and enjoy type of thing. You didn’t see the first Super Snatches movie, in fact when we went with Kate and her mom, you didn’t see the second one either.” Lisa laughed. “Well you’ll enjoy this, I just want you to sit back relax and enjoy.”

Cindy nodded. “Okay, for you anything.”…

Am I Gay? Or What? husband seeks Gay Experience

The day started off innocently enough. I had stayed at home
to do some work on my computer away from the hustle and
bustle of the office. I slept in a little later than normal
since I would not have to put up with the commute.

My wife had already taken the kids up to school and had gone
to work herself. So, the house was all mine. I got dressed
in my usual work at home outfit of jeans and casual shirt,
quite a contrast for the usual 3 piece suits. I was
thinking to myself with all this …

Isolation and My Curious Nephew

My 18-year-old nephew Sean has been staying with me during the whole
COVID-19 isolation thing. Both of his parents work in health care, and
they asked me if he could stay with me to help minimize any possible
exposure for him. We’ve always been close, and he’s a cool kid so it
wasn’t a problem. Actually figured it would be nice to have some company
around the house, especially since I live in a rural area without many
neighbors. One day we were sitting on the couch together watching a movie,
and I guess I nodded off. I woke up, …

Caught By My Wife while i Having Gay Oral Sex

I visualized him in my masturbatory fantasies… and
even thought about him occasionally, when I was buried
deep in my wife. These were harmless musings that made
my orgasm stronger. He was ten years younger than me,
attractively fair, quite effeminate and charmingly gay.
We took kayaking classes together the month before I
ran into him at the neighborhood community center.

Inside the cafeteria, we gabbed about kayaking. I felt
awkward because I was certain he could feel my curious
homosexual fascination.

After coffee, he invited me into an empty, cozy room
where old folks play bridge Wednesday evenings. We …

A group of guys go diving, and they all fuck me and I suck all of them

I went scuba diving with a good bud from Georgia and
three of his friends last week. He and I had slept
together before on a trip to Cuba. Nothing much
happened there. We were in a small house with a
husband, wife and two children. He just felt me up
some, kissed, licked, sucked my titties, and I sucked
his big cock and jacked him off, swallowed several
bolts of his cum and licked the rest off my hand before
we went to sleep in bed together.

He arranged the dive trip. I drove from FL to his house…

Feminine crossdresser finally lives out his fantasy

Cody open’s his eyes as he awakes, looking around at his familiar surroundings in his bedroom. Band posters, comic books and video games all over the floor.

His parents always gave him crap about the things he liked and tell him the typical “you’re too old to be into thoses kinda things!” He didn’t care though. He stepped out of his bed in his black t-shirt and grey track pant’s that he wear’s to bed and walks over to the window to look out as he yawned and stretch out his arms.

Look’s like the first day of spring break …

The story of a teen boy giving into his desires

John had always been a little bit different. At a young age he had discovered porn. It started with pictures and magazines. Then the internet brought him movies. He became addicted. First it was straight porn, then interacial. Then he discovered strapon femdom witch quickly led to transexual porn. Soon he began sneaking around wearing his mothers panties and playing with his ass.

At 17 he was still a virgin until he joined an adult dating site and met an older man. He lied about his age and met up with him. The older man had been his first. John …

A summer with his aunt, who happens to be incredibly hung

Max leaned against the windowsill of the sparsely decorated guest bedroom, staring out over his Aunty as she sunbathed by her glistening pool, laying on her back she reclined luxuriously on the sunbed, sunglasses resting across the bridge of her nose, soaking in the rays on her already sun-kissed skin. She had expressed to him earlier, with one of her seemingly trademarked smirks, her concerns of adopting tan lines and so, shamelessly, she sunbathed nude.

Max watched as she stretched out her arms, yawning before settling back, her skin warm with the sun, body slender and lithe, mature but not …

Caught in Her Web

I was working as a night counselor in a alternative housing program when
I met her. She was innocent and streetwise all at the same time. She was
beautiful and powerfully built with breasts that would make any woman envy
and any man yearn to caress. Her waist was small enough to encircle with
my hands and a rear that was round, firm, muscular and…well, perfect to
say it simply. She kept herself impeccably clean and always smelled like
the sensuous woman she was. Amy was a woman who exuded sexuality. She
could turn on the charm and make you …