Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

Curtis wants money for college

So I stopped in a local gay bar for a drink the other
night. I don’t go out to the bars much any more, but
the bar owner is an old pal of mine, so I wanted to say

Up to me comes this young pup, nineteen, just into
college, and he says he has seen many of my shows and
read lots of my stories and would I give him an
autograph. He is a cute little fucker. His name is
Curtis. Great name. Shakespearean name.

Curtis tells me he only came out six months ago. He
says …

My GF caught me looking at gay porn

I recently wrote about my first cocksucking experience but the act of writing it down triggered a memory I had suppressed for a long time, I did have one previous encounter…..
This was actually my first time sucking a cock……
I was a young student just 18. I was living in shared rooms. There were 4 of us. 2 guys I got on with pretty well, the other Andy, was a bit weird. He was a pain to be around, always making inappropriate comments talking about sex, often strutting around naked and making everyone uncomfortable, and I did as much …