Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

The Glenderry Club

When you are talented, good-looking, and rich besides, you have no
shortage of friends. eighteen-year-old Jonathan Taylor Weis’s favourites
were not others in the show business as many might have suspected, but the
studs he grew up with and hung with every day, teens his age in his
neighbourhood. The teenagers he acted with he normally only saw at the
studio, or during some charity promotion, and then they talked about
acting, about upcoming contracts and promotional junkets, and about fans.
Actors talked business, not about their interests or hobbies or personal

Taran Noah Smith, one of his co-stars …

Hot gay Android Space Sex! Yes!

The space freighter Serene Dawn had taken off for the
planet Zeron 5, a journey that would take nearly one
earth year to complete. Steve the skipper and Tony the
navigator put the craft into warp drive, set the
automatic control system and had started to relax. They
took off their spacesuits and were just wearing tee
shirts and little shorts.

There was, however, an essential difference between the
two crew members, Steve was human and Tony was an
android. Androids looked exactly like humans, had human
emotions and needs, the only difference was that they
couldn’t reproduce. For this …

An Intimate Recollection

The story I am about to relate had long been buried deep
within the memory banks of my mind. It was only the
actions of some young lads outside my window late one
Friday night, which brought it all flooding back to me
in graphic detail. It seems only yesterday, and not the
twenty or so years which have elapsed, that the events
which I am going to share with you took place.

When I was 18, dad got a new job and we had to move from
the centre of a big city to a fairly quiet suburb of …