Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

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As I stood up, I looked into Mistress Sylvia’s eyes, I was no longer
nervous, just terribly excited by the events.
“Come!” she instructed me, “Kneel before me!”
I did, her cunt was level with my gaze, her legs were open slightly and I
could see her lips glistening from her recent orgasm.
She put her hand on the back of my head and pulled me onto her, “Lick!”
I did, my tongue delved her folds, tasting her juices, finding her clitoris,
exploring this wonderful creatures innermost parts. My tongue found her piss
hole and gently probed it, flicking at …

A bit deeper, now

Morganstern, now lying on his back, looked up at Jon, the
lithe young stud who was just starting his first impaling thrust.
But with no more than an inch of himself inside Morganstern, who
was the bigger, more muscular of the two naked young writers,
Jon stopped and held himself perfectly still. Morganstern asked,
“What’s the matter?” “Short fuze, real short.” “You afraid
you’ll go off too soon?” “Sure am,” said Jon.

“May I make a few suggestions?” asked Morganstern as he felt
Jon cautiously ease himself deeper.

“Go ahead,” said Jon with a jerk of his head that swung …

Cowgirl and Belle in Vegas

I saw her in the valet parking area of one of the big new Vegas hotels. It
was like a scene out of a movie–this whole crowd of Southern gals, dressed
to the nines with billowy dresses and high heels and big floppy hats, saying
goodbye to a toothy blonde bride in white lace. I wasn’t looking at the
bride, though, but at one of the bridesmaids. She was a giant, six feet
tall and what was politely called big-boned. Well, being the rangy cowgirl
type myself, I always liked a good-sized woman.

Anyway, it was a fair description, she …


Kashya had screamed until her throat became cracked parchment. She had
put every ounce of defiance she possessed into that scream, trying
desperately to ignore the sight of Flavie sharing the sticky juices on her
thighs with her new mates. Now she was left with nothing to fight the
urgent tightness between her legs as her penis cried out to be touched,
loved, and brought to a spurting orgasm. It shamed her dearly that there
was no way to hide her obvious desire; her rock-hard organ, dripping
copiously with pre-cum, had become the object of ridicule of her bitter

Gym Submission

It was a normal trip to the gym, though I was a bit later than normal. I
usually managed to get there by 6pm, but tonight I had been finishing up a
problem at the office and couldn t break away until late. I almost skipped
it, but I d been so inconsistent with my workouts lately that I felt I had
to go. So here I was going for my workout at 8pm.

I had already called my wife to let her know I d be late. I checked in
and headed for the locker room. I walked towards …

Adam’s Double Initiation

Adam was a new citizen of Assville having moved here less than
three months ago with his guardian. Slowly the almost seventeen
year old youth was beginning to make friends at school but he
really did not have any yet. He had also learnt about the extra
fixation (in his humble opinion) that the village had for
spanking butt — particularly bare butt. So far he had been
lucky and had only experienced such tail warming privately at
home and not at school or, even worse, in the public square.
Just as he had passed the age of consent for …

The Climbing Hut

I had just come over the shoulder of the lower part of the north ridge
of the Eiger and I was relieved to see the mountain hut in a small valley
about a hundred feet below me. It was beginning to get dark and the snow
was starting to fall again so it was really time to find shelter for the
night. As I made my way across the snow to the hut I could see a faint
yellow light in the window so I should have company. I shook the snow from
my boots, pushed open the door and …

Pimped out toyboy

I visited Ivan at his apartment on a regular basis. It would always start with an invitation phone call from him, when he was horny. Sometimes I was busy and said ‘no.’ I had that much control, but when I was in his company he was definitely the one in charge.

It had been half a year since that first night when Ivan had taken advantage of my drunken state.

By now, I had no problem with the arrangement. I’d been guilty after the first night. And sore. I wanted to forget it. I was embarrassed that I’d done sex …