Gay Sexual Stories

Gay male, lesbian and bisexual sex stories collection

An art student with a troubled past finds love entering her life in a unique way

I was almost resigned to a life of quiet desperation
accompanied by my inner demons when a small miracle
occurred. It happened when I was 19 and living in
Sanger, Missouri, home of the famous Art School.
Situated on the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi, the
2500 or so hardy residents made their living from the
faculty and students, overcharging them for almost

Typically mid-western, flat with streets laid out in
neat squares, the town consisted of 2 banks, a bowling
alley, the VFW post and assorted restaurants, bars and
gas stations. There was a library, 2 motels out by …

Diane finds her Xena

I guess I should tell you a little about myself. I am a
southern girl my family lives an hour or so south of
Atlanta, Georgia. I am a natural honey blonde. My skin
is so pink that it looks almost translucent; it has been
described as alabaster. I would be covered with freckles
if I didn’t avoid the sun, because of the possibility of
my contracting skin cancer. I am not a good student and
that makes me feel inferior to my classmates.

My only friend is a neighbor girl named Linda. We have
gone to school together all …

A straight guy finds the other side in an XXX theater

I have been frequenting adult bookstores for many years
for a quick blowjob through glory holes in the video
arcade. Most bookstores no longer have glory holes and
the booths don’t have doors. Usually you just go around
a corner to face the video screen and sometimes there’s
a mirror in the corner so the management can walk past
and see if more than one person is in the booth.

I really don’t like this configuration because having
the wall there and not being able to see who was
actually sucking my cock allowed me to imagine it was
the …

Doing My First Deep Throat

Tinman just had one of his very best days! Let me

Once I had a girl who loved to suck me, and she was
especially good at deep throat. I guess I didn’t really
know what she was doing then, but I knew that it felt
absolutely fantastic when her mouth went all the way to
my pubes. Later, I realized she was deep-throating me.
Recently, reading stories from Kristen’s and other
boards, I had read more and more about deep-throating.
As I began to focus more on my inclinations to cocks
(I’ve always been “bi” but until lately …

George’s Nifty Day

George woke up. Never needed the alarm since he had
taken early retirement – 8.00am every morning he woke,
went downstairs, ate some breakfast, waved his wife off
to work, did the crossword in the paper, then planned
his day.

Not that it needed a lot of planning. Go to the shops.
Visit elderly mother. Go to the shops for her. Answer
post. Cook tea. Greet wife…

George didn’t regret taking early retirement, but
somehow early retirement should be something different
from this. Surely there was more to it?

Seven across – “between the mango chutney?” Chutney,
mixture of something? …

Our date with bi-sexual Simone

I am of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. I have a very strong sex drive – and I love having sex with an audience.

One of our strict rules is outer sex only, no intercourse with our third or fourth person, though that leaves a lot of options for mutual sexual pleasure.

At the appointed time on Sunday Roger is wearing just a pair of jeans …

Joe, My Faggot Slut-Slave

I woke up Sunday morning with a hand full of hard wet
cock. It was frustrating because it was only my cock. I
was tired of the women who thought their shit didn’t

I had been out the night before with my construction
worker friends pissing and moaning about needing more
excitement at our drinking parties. On of the guys said
he was horny enough to fuck a boy. That sounded
exciting to our horny drunken minds. A date was set for
the next get together.

I didn’t bother to dress as I staggered out to the
living room …

Opie and the CumPie

Opie Taylor was a good boy. On t’other hand, he was an 18-
year-old boy, which means he wasn’t all THAT good. He played
hooky onc’t in a while, and he threw rocks at squirrels, and he
knew some cuss words. But he didn’t use them in front of
grown-ups. Of course, bein’ the son of Mayberry’s sheriff may
have had something to do with that; when you’re the sheriff’s
boy, seems everybody’s always watchin’ what you do.

But at heart Opie was a nice boy, so when his Aunt Bee
asked him to take a peach pie over to …

Eli the Bearded bastard

If you remember from the first episode of Mood Changes, I was
recovering from a fantastic night with an awesome babe. Great
looking, really built, and extremely forward. This lady had taken and
drained me, giving me my first ever ass fuck then packed me off to
sleep by myself.

A curious thing was that my room was located directly accross from
hers. This is what happened next.

As I was unlocking the door I heard activity from across the hall.
Thinking I might get some delicious breakfast company, I snatched open
the door and was saying “Sherry?” while doing …

Fun With My Dad

My name is Blake. I”m 18, 5″6″, and 130 pounds of muscle. My cock is 6 1/2 inches hard (yes, I”m small). I”ve never seen my dad naked before, until now. My dad is 49, a little skinny & kinda tall. My dad and I never really talked much, and we didn”t have a close bond. Now, the story starts:

It was mid-July, and it was a hot day. My dad was home today, and my mom left for work. So, it was just me and my dad. I woke up with a hard-on, so I decided to jack off. …

Sweetie, it’s nasty to listen to the neighbors fuck

I’ll never forget the first time I heard the upstairs neighbors
fucking. I was sitting on the bed folding laundry when I noticed the
rhythmic rocking of their bed. I looked up and started laughing when
I immediately suspected their activity.

I continued folding the clothes. The sounds increased, bringing an
occasional chuckle from me. When the rhythm suddenly changed, I found
myself looking at the ceiling again and realized that I had stopped
folding. I kept very still, even holding by breath as I listened
carefully to the sounds from their bed.

My God! How could anyone move their …

My stepdad took my virgin asshole

I turned 18 last week, and for my birthday with the family, they all gathered in my honor and took me to a bar afterwards. It was kind of fun, and nice to be legal, but come on, it was my family. Mom , Dad, my sister Debbie and her girlfriend (yep, that’s right) and my 2 brothers Bill and Colin, and their girlfriends, Rose and Jean.

At one point I stumbled half drunk towards the men’s room. Coming out of the ladies room was Jean. As she passed, she reached out and cupped my balls then squeezed none to …

Cocks and Cunts

“Honey?” she said. It was June, my wife.

“What, love?” I answered. I was in a good mood. I’d just read the latest
reviews; I’d gotten good numbers and found three stories that looked
interesting. I was chuckling at the controversy about Celeste’s role when
June spoke up.

“It’s been almost four days since we’ve fooled around. At all. I’m horny
as a toad. Do you feel like, uh, doing anything?” I heard her say.

Well. I don’t usually get an invitation like that this early in a story,
so what am I going to say?

“Sure, hon, if that’s …